Read A THRENODY of The Garden of Dreams , free online book, by Madison J. Cawein, on


The rainy smell of a ferny dell,
Whose shadow no sunray flaws,
When Autumn sits in the wayside weeds
Telling her beads
Of haws.


The phantom mist, that is moonbeam-kissed,
On hills where the trees are thinned,
When Autumn leans at the oak-root’s scarp,
Playing a harp
Of wind.


The crickets’ chirr ’neath brier and burr,
By leaf-strewn pools and streams,
When Autumn stands ’mid the dropping nuts,
With the book, she shuts,
Of dreams.


The gray “alas” of the days that pass,
And the hope that says “adieu,”
A parting sorrow, a shriveled flower,
And one ghost’s hour
With you.