Much laughter has been indulged in
at my expense for having told the Congress audience
at Calcutta that if there was sufficient response to
my programme of non-co-operation Swaraj would be attained
in one year. Some have ignored my condition and
laughed because of the impossibility of getting Swaraj
anyhow within one year. Others have spelt the
‘if’ in capitals and suggested that if
‘ifs’ were permissible in argument,
any absurdity could be proved to be a possibility.
My proposition however is based on a mathematical
calculation. And I venture to say that true Swaraj
is a practical impossibility without due fulfilment
of my conditions. Swaraj means a state such that
we can maintain our separate existence without the
presence of the English. If it is to be a partnership,
it must be partnership at will. There can be no
Swaraj without our feeling and being the equals of
Englishmen. To-day we feel that we are dependent
upon them for our internal and external security,
for an armed peace between the Hindus and the Mussulmans,
for our education and for the supply of daily wants,
nay, even for the settlement of our religious squabbles.
The Rajahs are dependent upon the British for their
powers and the millionaires for their millions.
The British know our helplessness and Sir Thomas Holland
cracks jokes quite legitimately at the expense of
non-co-operationists. To get Swaraj then is to
get rid of our helplessness. The problem is no
doubt stupendous even as it is for the fabled lion
who having been brought up in the company of goats
found it impossible to feel that he was a lion.
As Tolstoy used to put it, mankind often laboured
under hypnotism. Under its spell continuously
we feel the feeling of helplessness. The British
themselves cannot be expected to help us out of it.
On the contrary, they din into our ears that we shall
be fit to govern ourselves only by slow educative
processes. The “Times” suggested that
if we boycott the councils we shall lose the opportunity
of a training in Swaraj. I have no doubt that
there are many who believe what the “Times”
says. It even resorts to a falsehood. It
audaciously says that Lord Milner’s Mission
listened to the Egyptians only when they were ready
to lift the boycott of the Egyptian Council.
For me the only training in Swaraj we need is the
ability to defend ourselves against the whole world
and to live our natural life in perfect freedom even
though it may be full of defects. Good Government
is no substitute for self-Government. The Afghans
have a bad Government but it is self-Government.
I envy them. The Japanese learnt the art through
a sea of blood. And if we to-day had the power
to drive out the English by superior brute force,
we would be counted their superiors, and in spite
of our inexperience in debating at the Council table
or in holding executive offices, we would be held fit
to govern ourselves. For brute force is the only
test the west has hitherto recognised. The Germans
were defeated not because they were necessarily in
the wrong, but because the allied Powers were found
to possess greater brute strength. In the end
therefore India must either learn the art of war which
the British will not teach her or, she must follow
her own way of discipline and self-sacrifice through
non-co-operation. It is as amazing as it is humiliating
that less than one hundred-thousand white men should
be able to rule three hundred and fifteen million
Indians. They do so somewhat undoubtedly by force,
but more by securing our co-operation in a thousand
ways and making us more and more helpless and dependent
on them as time goes forward. Let us not mistake
reformed councils, more lawcourts and even governorships
for real freedom or power. They are but subtler
methods of emasculation. The British cannot rule
us by mere force. And so they resort to all means,
honourable and dishonourable, in order to retain their
hold on India. They want India’s billions
and they want India’s man power for their imperialistic
greed. If we refuse to supply them with men and
money, we achieve our goal, namely, Swaraj, equality,
The cup of our humiliation was filled
during the closing scenes in the Viceregal Council.
Mr. Shustri could not move his resolution on the Punjab.
The Indian victims of Jullianwala received R,250,
the English victims of mob-frenzy received lakhs.
The officials who were guilty of crimes against those
whose servants they were, were reprimanded. And
the councillors were satisfied. If India were
powerful, India would not have stood this addition
of insult, to her injury.
I do not blame the British. If
we were weak in numbers as they are, we too would
perhaps have resorted to the same methods as they are
now employing. Terrorism and deception are weapons
not of the strong but of the weak. The British
are weak in numbers we are weak in spite of our numbers.
The result is that each is dragging the other down.
It is common experience that Englishmen lose in character
after residence in India and that Indians lose in
courage and manliness by contact with Englishmen.
This process of weakening is good neither for us, two
nations, nor for the world.
But if we Indians take care of ourselves
the English and the rest of the world would take care
of themselves. Our contributions to the world’s
progress must therefore consist in setting our own
house in order.
Training in arms for the present is
out of the question. I go a step further and
believe that India has a better mission for the world.
It is within her to show that she can achieve her
destiny by pure self-sacrifice, i.e., self-purification.
This can be done only by non-co-operation. And
non-co-operation is possible only when those who commenced
to co-operate being the process of withdrawal.
If we can but free ourselves from the threefold maya
of Government-controlled schools, Government law-courts
and legislative councils, and truly control our own
education regulate our disputes and be indifferent
to their legislation, we are ready to govern ourselves
and we are only then ready to ask the government servants,
whether civil or military, to resign, and the tax-payers
to suspend payment of taxes.
And is it such an impracticable proposition
to expect parents to withdraw their children from
schools and colleges and establish their own institutions
or to ask lawyers to suspend their practice and devote
their whole time attention to national service against
payment where necessary, of their maintenance, or
to ask candidates for councils not to enter councils
and lend their passive or active assistance to the
legislative machinery through which all control is
exercised. The movement of non-co-operation is
nothing but an attempt to isolate the brute force
of the British from all the trappings under which it
is hidden and to show that brute force by itself cannot
for one single moment hold India.
But I frankly confess that, until
the three conditions mentioned by me are fulfilled,
there is no Swaraj. We may not go on taking our
college degrees, taking thousands of rupees monthly
from clients for cases which can be finished in five
minutes and taking the keenest delight in wasting
national time on the council floor and still expect
to gain national self-respect.
The last though not the least important
part of the Maya still remains to be considered.
That is Swadeshi. Had we not abandoned Swadeshi,
we need not have been in the present fallen state.
If we would get rid of the economic slavery, we must
manufacture our own cloth and at the present moment
only by hand-spinning and hand weaving.
All this means discipline, self-denial,
self-sacrifice, organising ability, confidence and
courage. If we show this in one year among the
classes that to-day count, and make public opinion,
we certainly gain Swaraj within one year. If
I am told that even we who lead have not these qualities
in us, there certainly will never be Swaraj for India,
but then we shall have no right to blame the English
for what they are doing. Our salvation and its
time are solely dependent upon us.
The Interpreter is however
more to the point in asking, “Does Mr. Gandhi
hold without hesitation or reserve that British rule
in India is altogether an evil and that the people
of India are to be taught so to regard it? He
must hold it to be so evil that the wrongs it does
outweigh the benefit it confers, for only so is non-co-operation
to be justified at the bar of conscience or of Christ.”
My answer is emphatically in the affirmative.
So long as I believed that the sum total of the energy
of the British Empire was good, I clung to it despite
what I used to regard as temporary aberrations.
I am not sorry for having done so. But having
my eyes opened, it would be sin for me to associate
myself with the Empire unless it purges itself of its
evil character. I write this with sorrow and
I should be pleased if I discovered that I was in
error and that my present attitude was a reaction.
The continuous financial drain, the emasculation of
the Punjab and the betrayal of the Muslim sentiment
constitute, in my humble opinion, a threefold robbery
of India. ’The blessings of pax Britanica’
I reckon, therefore, to be a curse. We would have
at least remained like the other nations brave men
and women, instead of feeling as we do so utterly
helpless, if we had no British Rule imposing on us
an armed peace. ‘The blessing’ of
roads and railways is a return no self-respecting
nation would accept for its degradation. ‘The
blessing’ of education is proving one of the
greatest obstacles in our progress towards freedom.
The fact is that non-co-operation
by reason of its non-violence has become a religious
and purifying movement. It is daily bringing strength
to the nation, showing it its weak spots and the remedy
for removing them. It is a movement of self-reliance.
It is the mightiest force for revolutionising opinion
and stimulating thought. It is a movement of
self-imposed suffering and therefore possesses automatic
checks against extravagance or impatience. The
capacity of the nation for suffering regulates its
advance towards freedom. It isolates the force
of evil by refraining from participation in it, in
any shape or form.
[A dialog between the Reader and Editor, Indian
Home Rule].
Reader: You have said much about
civilisation enough to make me ponder over
it. I do not know what I should adopt and what
I should avoid from the nations of Europe. but one
question comes to my lips immediately. If civilisation
is a disease, and if it has attacked England why has
she been able to take India, and why is she able to
retain it?
Editor: Your question is not
very difficult to answer, and we shall presently be
able to examine the true nature of Swaraj; for I am
aware that I have still to answer that question.
I will, however, take up your previous question.
The English have not taken India; we have given it
to them. They are not in India because of their
strength, but because we keep them. Let us now
see whether these positions can be sustained.
They came to our country originally for the purpose
of trade. Recall the Company Bahadur. Who
made it Bahadur? They had not the slightest intention
at the time of establishing a kingdom. Who assisted
the Company’s officers? Who was tempted
at the sight of their silver? Who bought their
goods? History testifies that we did all this.
In order to become rich all at once, we welcomed the
Company’s officers with open arms. We assisted
them. If I am in the habit of drinking Bhang,
and a seller thereof sells it to me, am I to blame
him or myself? By blaming the seller shall I
be able to avoid the habit? And, if a particular
retailer is driven away will not another take his place?
A true servant of India will have to go to the root
of the matter. If an excess of food has caused
me indigestion I will certainly not avoid it by blaming
water. He is a true physician who probes the cause
of disease and, if you pose as a physician for the
disease of India, you will have to find out its true
Reader: You are right. Now,
I think you will not have to argue much with me to
drive your conclusions home. I am impatient to
know your further views. We are now on a most
interesting topic. I shall, therefore, endeavour
to follow your thought, and stop you when I am in doubt.
Editor: I am afraid that, in
spite of your enthusiasm, as we proceed further we
shall have differences of opinion. Nevertheless,
I shall argue only when you will stop me. We
have already seen that the English merchants were
able to get a footing in India because we encouraged
them. When our princes fought among themselves,
they sought the assistance of Company Bahadar.
That corporation was versed alike in commerce and
war. It was unhampered by questions of morality.
Its object was to increase its commerce and to make
money. It accepted our assistance, and increased
the number of its warehouses. To protect the
latter it employed an army which was utilised by us
also. Is it not then useless to blame the English
for what we did at that time? The Hindus and
the Mahomedans were at daggers drawn. This, too,
gave the Company its opportunity, and thus we created
the circumstances that gave the Company its control
over India. Hence it is truer to say that we gave
India to the English than that India was lost.
Reader: Will you now tell me
how they are able to retain India?
Editor: The causes that gave
them India enable them to retain it. Some Englishmen
state that they took, and they hold, India by the sword.
Both these statements are wrong. The sword is
entirely useless for holding India. We alone
keep them. Napoleon is said to have described
the English as a nation of shop keepers. It is
a fitting description. They hold whatever dominions
they have for the sake of their commerce. Their
army and their navy are intended to protect it.
When the Transvaal offered no such attractions, the
late Mr. Gladstone discovered that it was no right
for the English to hold it. When it became a paying
proposition, resistance led to war. Mr. Chamberlain
soon discovered that England enjoyed a suzerainty
over the Transvaal. It is related that some one
asked the late President Kruger whether there was gold
in the moon? He replied that it was highly unlikely,
because, if there were, the English would have annexed
it. Many problems can be solved by remembering
that money is their God. Then it follows that
we keep the English in India for our base self-interest.
We like their commerce, they please us by their subtle
methods, and get what they want from us. To blame
them for this is to perpetuate their power. We
further strengthen their hold by quarrelling amongst
ourselves. If you accept the above statements,
it is proved that the English entered India for the
purposes of trade. They remain in it for the same
purpose, and we help them to do so. Their arms
and ammunition are perfectly useless. In this
connection, I remind you that it is the British flag
which is waving in Japan, and not the Japanese.
The English have a treaty with Japan for the sake
of their commerce and you will see that, if they can
manage it, their commerce will greatly expand in that
country. They wish to convert the whole word
into a vast market for their goods. That they
cannot do so is true, but the blame will not be theirs.
They will leave no stone unturned to reach the goal.
The following is a fairly full report
of Mr. Gandhi’s important speech at Calcutta
on the 13th December 1920:
The very fact, that so many of you
cannot understand Hindi which is bound to be the National
medium of expression throughout Hindustan in gatherings
of Indians belonging to different parts of the land,
shows the depth of the degradation to which we have
sunk, and points to the supreme necessity of the non-co-operation
movement which is intended to lift us out of that
condition. This Government has been instrumental
in degrading this great nation in various ways, and
it is impossible to be free from it without co-operation
amongst ourselves which is in turn impossible without
a national medium of expression.
But I am not here to day to plead
for the medium. I am to plead for the acceptance
by the country of the programme of non-violent, progressive
non-co-operation. Now all the words that I have
used here are absolutely necessary and the two adjectives
‘progressive’ and ‘non-violent’
are integral part of a whole. With me non-violence
is part of my religion, a matter of creed. But
with the great number of Mussalmans non-violence is
a policy, with thousand, if not millions of Hindus,
it is equally a matter of policy. But whether
it is a creed or a policy, it is utterly impossible
for you to finish the programme for the enfranchisement
of the millions of India, without recognising the
necessity and the value of non-violence. Violence
may for a moment avail to secure a certain measure
of success but it could not in the long run achieve
any appreciable result. On the other hand all
violence would prove destructive to the honour and
self-respect of the nation. The blue books issued
by the Government of India show that inasmuch as we
have used violence, military expenditure has gone
up, not proportionately but in geometrical progression.
The bonds of our slavery have been forged all the
stronger for our having offered violence. And
the whole history of British rule in India is a demonstration
of the fact that we have never been able to offer
successful violence. Whilst therefore I say that
rather than have the yoke of a Government that has
so emasculated us, I would welcome violence.
I would urge with all the emphasis that I can command
that India will never be able to regain her own by
methods of violence.
Lord Ronaldshay who has done me the
honour of reading my booklet on Home Rule has warned
my countrymen against engaging themselves in a struggle
for a Swaraj such as is described in that booklet.
Now though I do not want to withdraw a single word
of it, I would say to you on this occasion that I
do not ask India to follow out to-day the methods
prescribed in my booklet. If they could do that
they would have Home Rule not in a year but in a day,
and India by realising that ideal wants to acquire
an ascendancy over the rest of the world. But
it must remain a day dream more or less for the time
being. What I am doing to-day is that I am giving
the country a pardonable programme not the abolition
of law courts, posts, telegraphs and of railways but
for the attainment of Parliamentary Swarja. I
am telling you to do that so long as we do not isolate
ourselves from this Government, we are co-operating
with it through schools, law courts and councils,
through service civil and military and payment of
taxes and foreign trade.
The moment this fact is realised and
non-co-operation is effected, this Government must
totter to pieces. If I know that the masses were
prepared for the whole programme at once, I would not
delay in putting it at once to work. It is not
possible at the present moment, to prevent the masses
from bursting out into wrath against those who come
to execute the law, it is not possible, that the military
would lay down their arms without the slightest violence.
If that were possible to-day, I would propose all
the stages of non-co-operation to be worked simultaneously.
But we have not secured that control over the masses,
we have uselessly frittered away precious years of
the nation’s life in mastering a language which
we need least for winning our liberty; we have frittered
away all those years in learning liberty from Milton
and Shakespeare, in deriving inspiration from the
pages of Mill, whilst liberty could be learnt at our
doors. We have thus succeeded in isolating ourselves
from the masses: we have been westernised.
We have failed these 35 years to utilise our education
in order to permeate the masses. We have sat
upon the pedestal and from there delivered harangues
to them in a language they do not understand and we
see to-day that we are unable to conduct large gatherings
in a disciplined manner. And discipline is the
essence of success. Here is therefore one reason
why I have introduced the word ‘progressive’
in the non-co-operation Resolution. Without any
impertinence I may say that I understand the mass
mind better than any one amongst the educated Indians.
I contend that the masses are not ready for suspension
of payment of taxes. They have not yet learnt
sufficient self-control. If I was sure of non-violence
on their part I would ask them to suspend payment to-day
and not waste a single moment of the nations time.
With me the liberty of India has become a passion.
Liberty of Islam is as dear to me. I would not
therefore delay a moment if I found that the whole
of the programme could be enforced at once.
It grieves me to miss the faces of
dear and revered leaders in this assembly. We
miss here the trumpet voice of Surendranath Banorji,
who has rendered inestimable service to the country.
And though we stand as poles asunder to-day, though
we may have sharp differences with him, we must express
them with becoming restraint. I do not ask you
to give up a single iota of principle. I urge
non-violence in language and in deed. If non-violence
is essential in our dealings with Government, it is
more essential in our dealings with our leaders.
And it grieves me deeply to hear of recent instances
of violence reported to have been used in East Bongal
against our own people. I was pained to hear that
the ears of a man who had voted at the recent elections
had been cut, and night soil had been thrown into
the bed of a man who had stood as a candidate.
Non-co-operation is never going to succeed in this
way. It will not succeed unless we create an
atmosphere of perfect freedom, unless we prize our
opponents liberty as much as our own. The liberty
of faith, conscience, thought and action which we
claim for ourselves must be conceded equally to others.
Non co-operation is a process of purification and
we must continually try to touch the hearts of those
who differ from us, their minds, and their emotions,
but never their bodies. Discipline and restraint
are the cardinal principles of our conduct and I warn
you against any sort of tyrannical social ostracism.
I was deeply grieved therefore to hear of the insult
offered to a dead body in Delhi and feel that if it
was the action of non-co-operators they have disgraced
themselves and their creed. I repeat we cannot
deliver our land through violence.
It was not a joke when I said on the
congress platform that Swaraj could be established
in one year if there was sufficient response from the
nation. Three months of this year are gone.
If we are true to our salt, true to our nation, true
to the songs we sing, if we are true to the Bhagwad
Gita and the Koran, we would finish the programme in
the remaining nine months and deliver Islam the Punjab
and India.
I have proposed a limited programme
workable within one year, having a special regard
to the educated classes. We seem to be labouring
under the illusion that we cannot possibly live without
Councils, law courts and schools provided by the Government.
The moment we are disillusioned we have Swaraj.
It is demoralising both for Government and the governed
that a hundred thousand pilgrims should dictate terms
to a nation composed of three hundred millions.
And how is it they can thus dictate terms. It
is because we have been divided and they have ruled.
I have never forgotten Humes’ frank confession
that the British Government was sustained by the policy
of “Divide and Rule.” Therefore it
is that I have laid stress upon Hindu Muslim Unity
as one of the important essentials for the success
of Non-co-operation. But, it should be no lip
unity, nor bunia unity it should be a unity broad based
on a recognition of the heart. If we want to
save Hinduism, I say for Gods sake, do not seek to
bargain with the Mussalmans. I have been going
about with Maulana Shaukat Ali all these months, but
I have not so much as whispered anything about the
protection of the cow. My alliance with the Ali
Brothers is one of honour. I feel that I am on
my honour, the whole of Hinduism is on its honour,
and if it will not be found wanting, it will do its
duty towards the Mussalmans of India. Any bargaining
would be degrading to us. Light brings light
not darkness, and nobility done with a noble purpose
will be twice rewarded. It will be God alone who
can protect the cow. Ask me not to-day ’what
about the cow,’ ask me after Islam is vindicated
through India. Ask the Rajas what they do to
entertain their English guests. Do they not provide
beef and champagne for their guests. Persuade
them first to stop cow killing and then think of bargaining
with Mussalmans. And how are we Hindus behaving
ourselves towards the cow and her progeny! Do
we treat her as our religion requires us? Not
till we have set our own house in order and saved the
cow from the Englishmen have we the right to plead
on her behalf with the Mussalmans. And the best
way of saving the cow from them is to give them unconditional
help in their hour of trouble.
Similarly what do we owe the Punjab?
The whole of India was made to crawl on her belly
in as much as a single Punjabi was made to crawl in
that dirty lane in Amritsar, the whole womanhood of
India was unveiled in as much as the innocent woman
of Manianwalla were unveiled by an insolent office;
and Indian childhood was dishonoured in that, that
school children of tender age were made to walk four
times a day to stated places within the martial area
in the Punjab and to salute the Union Jack, through
the effect of which order two children, seven years
old died of sunstroke having been made to wait in the
noonday sun. In my opinion it is a sin to attend
the schools and colleges conducted under the aegis
of this Government so long as it has not purged itself
of these crimes by proper repentance. We may
not with any sense of self-respect plead before the
courts of the Government when we remember that it
was through the Punjab Courts that innocent men were
sentenced to be imprisoned and hanged. We become
participators in the crime of the Government by voluntarily
helping it or being helped by it.
The women of India have intuitively
understood the spiritual nature of the struggle.
Thousands have attended to listen to the message of
non-violent non-co-operation and have given me their
precious ornaments for the purpose of advancing the
cause of Swaraj. Is it any wonder if I believe
the possibility of gaining Swaraj within a year after
all these wonderful demonstrations? I would be
guilty of want of faith in God if I under-rated the
significance of the response from the women of India.
I hope that the students will do their duty.
The country certainly expects the lawyers who have
hitherto led public agitation to recognise the new
I have used strong language but I
have done so with the greatest deliberation, I am
not actuated by any feeling of revenge. I do not
consider Englishmen as my enemy. I recognise the
worth of many. I enjoy the privilege of having
many English friends, but I am a determined enemy
of the English rule as is conducted at present and
if the power tapasya of one
man could destroy it, I would certainly destroy it,
if it could not be mended. An Empire that stands
for injustice and breach of faith does not deserve
to stand if its custodians will not repent and non-co-operation
has been devised in order to enable the nation to
compel justice.
I hope that Bengal will take her proper
place in this movement of self-purification.
Bengal began Swadeshi and national education when the
rest of India was sleeping. I hope that Bengal
will come to the front in this movement for gaining
Swaraj and gaining justice for the Khilafat and the
Punjab through purification and self-sacrifice.
Lord Ronaldshay has been doing me
the favour of reading my booklet on Indian Home Rule
which is a translation of Hind Swaraj. His Lordship
told his audience that if Swaraj meant what I had described
it to be in the booklet, the Bengalis would have
none of it. I am sorry that Swaraj of the Congress
resolution does not mean the Swaraj depicted in the
booklet; Swaraj according to the Congress means Swaraj
that the people of India want, not what the British
Government may condescend to give. In so far
as I can see, Swaraj will be a Parliament chosen by
the people with the fullest power over the finance,
the police, the military, the navy, the courts, and
the educational institutions.
I am free to confess that the Swaraj
I expect to gain within one year, if India responds
will be such Swaraj as will make practically impossible
the repetition of the Khilafat and the Punjab wrongs,
and will enable the nation to do good or evil as it
chooses, and not he ‘good’ at the dictation
of an irresponsible, insolent, and godless bureaucracy.
Under that Swaraj the nation will have the power to
impose a heavy protective tariff on such foreign goods
as are capable of being manufactured in India, as
also the power to refuse to send a single soldier
outside India for the purpose of enslaving the surrounding
or remote nationalities. The Swaraj that I dream
of will be a possibility only, when the nation is
free to make its choice both of good and evil.
I adhere to all I have said in that
booklet and I would certainly recommend it to the
reader. Government over self is the truest Swaraj,
it is synonymous with moksha or salvation, and
I have seen nothing to alter the view that doctors,
lawyers, and railways are no help, and are often a
hindrance, to the one thing worth striving after.
But I know that association, a satanic activity, such
as the Government is engaged in, makes even an effort
for such freedom a practical impossibility. I
cannot tender allegiance to God and Satan at the same
The surest sign of the satanic nature
of the present system is that even a nobleman of the
type of Lord Ronaldshay is obliged to put us off the
track. He will not deal with the one thing needful.
Why is he silent about the Punjab? Why does he
evade the Khilafat? Can ointments soothe a patient
who is suffering from corroding consumption? Does
his lordship not see that it is not the inadequacy
of the reforms that has set India aflame but that
it is the infliction of the two wrongs and the wicked
attempt to make us forget them? Does he not see
that a complete change of heart is required before
But it has become the fashion nowadays
to ascribe hatred to non-co-operationism. And
I regret to find that even Col. Wedgewood has
fallen into the trap. I make bold to say that
the only way to remove hatred is to give it disciplined
vent. No man can I cannot perform
the impossible task of removing hatred so long as
contempt and despise for the feelings of India are
sedulously nursed. It is a mockery to ask India
not to hate when in the same breath India’s most
sacred feelings are contemptuously brushed aside.
India feels weak and helpless and so expresses her
helplessness by hating the tyrant who despises her
and makes her crawl on the belly, lifts the veils
of her innocent women and compels her tender children
to acknowledge his power by saluting his flag four
times a day. The gospel of Non-co-operation addresses
itself to the task of making the people strong and
self-reliant. It is an attempt to transform hatred
into pity. A strong and self-reliant India will
cease to hate Bosworth Smiths and Frank Johnsons, for
she will have the power to punish them and therefore
the power also to pity and forgive them. To-day
she can neither punish nor forgive, and therefore
helplessly nurses hatred. If the Mussalmans were
strong, they would not hate the English but would
fight and wrest from them the dearest possessions
of Islam. I know that the Ali Brothers who live
only for the honour and the prestige of Islam, and
are prepared any moment to die for it, will to-day
make friends with the latter Englishmen, if they were
to do justice to the Khilafat which it is in their
power to do.
I am positively certain that there
is no personal element in this fight. Both the
Hindus and the Mahomedans would to-day invoke blessings
on the English if they would but give proof positive
of their goodness, faithfulness, and loyalty to India.
Non-co-operation then is a godsend; it will purify
and strengthen India; and a strong India will be a
strength to the world as an Indian weak and helpless
is a curse to mankind. Indian soldiers have involuntarily
helped to destroy Turkey and are now destroying the
flower of the Arabian nation. I cannot recall
a single campaign in which the Indian soldier has
been employed by the British Government for the good
of mankind. And yet, (Oh! the shame of it!) Indian
Maharajas are never tired of priding themselves on
the loyal help they have rendered the English!
Could degradation sink any lower?
The belated report of the Congress
Constitution Committee has now been published for
general information and opinion has been invited from
all public bodies in order to assist the deliberations
of the All India Congress Committee. It is a
pity that, small though the Constitution Committee
was, all the members never met at any one time in spite
of efforts, to have a meeting of them all. It
is perhaps no body’s fault that all the members
could not meet. At the same time the draft report
has passed through the searching examination of all
but one member and the report represents the mature
deliberations of four out of the five members.
It must be stated at the same time that it does not
pretend to be the unanimous opinion of the members.
Rather than present a dissenting minute, a workable
scheme has been brought out leaving each member free
to press his own views on the several matters in which
they are not quite unanimous. The most important
part of the constitution, however, is the alteration
of the creed. So far as I am aware there is no
fundamental difference of opinion between the members.
In my opinion the altered creed represents the exact
feeling of the country at the present moment.
I know that the proposed alteration
has been subjected to hostile criticism in several
newspapers of note. But the extraordinary situation
that faces the country is that popular opinion is far
in advance of several newspapers which have hitherto
commanded influence and have undoubtedly moulded public
opinion. The fact is that the formation of opinion
to-day is by no means confined to the educated classes,
but the masses have taken it upon themselves not only
to formulate opinion but to enforce it. It would
be a mistake to belittle or ignore this opinion, or
to ascribe it to a temporary upheaval. It would
be equally a mistake to suppose that this awakening
amongst the masses is due either to the activity of
the Ali Brothers or myself. For the time being
we have the ear of the masses because we voice their
sentiments. The masses are by no means so foolish
or unintelligent as we sometimes imagine. They
often perceive things with their intuition, which
we ourselves fail to see with our intellect.
But whilst the masses know what they want, they often
do not know how to express their wants and, less often,
how to get what they want. Herein comes the use
of leadership, and disastrous results can easily follow
a bad, hasty, or what is worse, selfish lead.
The first part of the proposed creed
expresses the present desire of the nation, and the
second shows the way that desire can be fulfilled.
In my humble opinion the Congress creed with the proposed
alteration is but an extension of the original.
And so long as no break with the British connection
is attempted, it is strictly within even the existing
article that defines the Congress creed. The extension
lies in the contemplated possibility of a break with
the British connection. In my humble opinion,
if India is to make unhampered progress, we must make
it clear to the British people that whilst we desire
to retain the British connection, if we can rise to
our full height with it we are determined to dispense
with, and even to get rid of that connection, if that
is necessary for full national development. I
hold that it is not only derogatory to national dignity
but it actually impedes national progress superstitiously
to believe that our progress towards our goal is impossible
without British connection. It is this superstition
which makes some of the best of us tolerate the Punjab
wrong and the Khilafat insult. This blind adherence
to that connection makes us feel helpless. The
proposed alteration in the creed enables us to rid
ourselves of our helpless condition. I personally
hold that it is perfectly constitutional openly to
strive after independence, but lest there may be dispute
as to the constitutional character of any movement
for complete independence, the doubtful and highly
technical adjective “constitutional” has
been removed from the altered creed in the draft.
Surely it should be enough to ensure that the methods
for achieving our end are legitimate, honourable,
and peaceful, I believe that this was the reasoning
that guided my colleagues in accepting the proposed
creed. In any case, such was certainly my view
of the whole alteration. There is no desire on
my part to adopt any means that are subversive of law
and order. I know, however, that I am treading
on delicate ground when I write about law and order
for, to some of our distinguished leaders even my
present methods appear to be lawless and conducive
to disorder. But even they will perhaps grant
that the retention of the word ‘constitutional’
cannot protect the country against methods such as
I am employing. It gives rise, no doubt, to a
luminous legal discussion, but any such discussion
is fruitless when the nation means business. The
other important alteration refers to the limitation
of the number of delegates. I believe that the
advantages of such a limitation are obvious.
We are fast reaching a time when without any such limitation
the Congress will become an unwieldy body. It
is difficult even to have an unlimited number of visitors;
it is impossible to transact national business if
we have an unlimited number of delegates.
The next important alteration is about
the election of the members of the All-India Congress
Committee, making that committee practically the Subjects
Committee, and the redistribution of India for the
purposes of the Congress on a linguistic basis.
It is not necessary to comment on these alterations,
but I wish to add that if the Congress accepts the
principle of limiting the number of delegates it would
be advisable to introduce the principle of proportional
representation. That would enable all parties
who wish to be represented at the Congress.
I observe that the Servant of India
sees an inconsistency between my implied acceptance
of the British Committee, so far as the published
draft constitution is concerned, and my recent article
in Young India on that Committee and the newspaper
India. But it is well known that for several
years I have held my present views about the existence
of that body. It would have been irrelevant for
me, perhaps, to suggest to my colleagues the extinction
of that committee. It was not our function to
report on the usefulness or otherwise of the Committee.
We were commissioned only for preparing a new constitution.
Moreover I knew that my colleagues were not averse
to the existence of the British Committee. And
the drawing up of a new constitution enabled me to
show that where there was no question of principle
I was desirous of agreeing quickly with my opponents
in opinions. But I propose certainly to press
for abolition of the committee as it is at present
continued, and the stopping of its organ India.
Asked by the Times representative
as to his impressions formed as a result of his activities
during the last three months, Mr. Gandhi said: “My
own impression of these three months’ extensive
experience is that this movement of non-co-operation
has come to stay, and it is most decidedly a purifying
movement, in spite of isolated instances of rowdyism,
as for instance at Mrs. Besant’s meeting in Bombay,
at some places in Delhi, Bengal, and even in Gujarat.
The people are assimilating day after day the spirit
of non-violence, not necessarily as a creed, but as
an inevitable policy. I expect most startling
results, more startling than, say, the discoveries
of Sir J.C. Bose, or the acceptance by the people
of non-violence. If the Government could be assured
beyond any possibility of doubt that no violence would
ever be offered by us the Government would from that
moment alter its character, unconsciously and involuntarily,
but nonetheless surely on that account.”
“Alter its character, in
what, direction?” asked the Times representative.
“Certainly in the direction
which we ask it should move that being in
the direction of Government becoming responsive to
every call of the nation.”
“Will you kindly explain further?”
asked the representative.
“By that I mean,” said
Mr. Gandhi, “people will be able by asserting
themselves through fixed determination and self-sacrifice
to gain the redress of the Khilafat wrong, the Punjab
wrong, and attain the Swaraj of their choice.”
“But what is your Swaraj, and
where does the Government come in there the
Government which, you say will alter its character
“My Swaraj,” said Mr.
Gandhi, “is the Parliamentary Government of India
in the modern sense of the term for the time being,
and that Government would be secured to us either
through the friendly offices of the British people
or without them.”
“What do you mean by the phrase,
‘without them!’” questioned the
“This movement,” continued
Mr. Gandhi, “is an endeavour to purge the present
Government of selfishness and greed which determine
almost every one of their activities. Suppose
that we have made it impossible by disassociation
from them to feed their greed. They might not
wish to remain in India, as happened in the case of
Somaliland, where the moment its administration ceased
to be a paying proposition they evacuated it.”
“How do you think,” queried
the representative, “in practice this will work
“What I have sketched before
you,” said Mr. Gandhi, “is the final possibility.
What I expect is that nothing of that kind will happen.
In so far as I understand the British people I will
recognise the force of public opinion when it has
become real and patent. Then, and only then,
will they realise the hideous injustice which in their
name the Imperial ministers and their representatives
in India have perpetrated. They will therefore
remedy the two wrongs in accordance with the wishes
of the people, and they will also offer a constitution
exactly in accordance with the wishes of the people
of India, as represented by their chosen leaders.
“Supposing that the British
Government wish to retire because India is not a paying
concern, what do you think will then be the position
of India?”
Mr. Gandhi answered: “At
that stage surely it is easy to understand that India
will then have evolved either outstanding spiritual
height or the ability to offer violence, against violence.
She will have evolved an organising ability of a high
order, and will therefore be in every way able to
cope with any emergency that might arise.”
“In other words,” observed the Times
representative, “you expect the moment of the
British evacuation, if such a contingency arises, will
coincide with the moment of India’s preparedness
and ability and conditions favourable for India to
take over the Indian administration as a going concern
and work it for the benefit and advancement of the
Mr. Gandhi answered the question with
an emphatic affirmative. “My experience
during the last months fills me with the hope,”
continued Mr. Gandhi, “that within the nine
months that remain of the year in which I have expected
Swaraj for India we shall redress the two wrongs and
we shall see Swaraj established in accordance with
the wishes of the people of India.”
“Where will the present Government
be at the end of the nine months?” Asked the
Times representative.
Mr. Gandhi, with a significant smile,
said: “The lion will then lie with the
Young India, December, 1920.
Mr. Gandhi in moving his resolution
on the creed before the Congress, said, “The
resolution which I have the honour to move is as follows:
The object of the Indian National Congress is the
attainment of Swarajya by the people of India by all
legitimate and peaceful means.”
There are only two kinds of objections,
so far as I understand, that will be advanced from
this platform. One is that we may not to-day think
of dissolving the British connection. What I say
is that it is derogatory to national dignity to think
of permanence of British connection at any cost.
We are labouring under a grievous wrong, which it
is the personal duty of every Indian to get redressed.
This British Government not only refused to redress
the wrong, but it refuses to acknowledge its
mistake and so long as it retains its attitude, it
is not possible for us to say all that we want to
be or all that we want to get, retaining British connection.
No matter what difficulties be in our path, we must
make the clearest possible declaration to the world
and to the whole of India, that we may not possibly
have British connection, if the British people will
not do this elementary justice. I do not, for
one moment, suggest that we want to end at the British
connection at all costs, unconditionally. If
the British connection is for the advancement of India,
we do not want to destroy it. But if it is inconsistent
with our national self respect, then it is our bounden
duty to destroy it. There is room in this resolution
for both those who believe that, by retaining
British connection, we can purify ourselves and purify
British people, and those who have no belief.
As for instance, take the extreme case of Mr. Andrews.
He says all hope for India is gone for keeping the
British connection. He says there must be complete
severance complete independence. There
is room enough in this creed for a man like Mr. Andrews
also. Take another illustration, a man like myself
or my brother Shaukat Ali. There is certainly
no room for us, if we have eternally to subscribe
to the doctrine, whether these wrongs are redressed
or not, we shall have to evolve ourselves within the
British Empire; there is no room for me in that creed.
Therefore this creed is elastic enough to take in
both shades of opinions and the British people will
have to beware that, if they do not want to do justice,
it will be the bounden duty of every Indian to destroy
the Empire.
I want just now to wind up my remarks
with a personal appeal, drawing your attention to
an object lesson that was presented in the Bengal
camp yesterday. If you want Swaraj, you have got
a demonstration of how to get Swaraj. There was
a little bit of skirmish, a little bit of squabble,
and a little bit of difference in the Bengal camp,
as there will always be differences so long as the
world lasts. I have known differences between
husband and wife, because I am still a husband; I
have noticed differences between parents and children,
because I am still a father of four boys, and they
are all strong enough to destroy their father so far
as bodily struggle is concerned; I possess that varied
experience of husband and parent; I know that we shall
always have squabbles, we shall always have differences
but the lesson that I want to draw your attention
to is that I had the honour and privilege of addressing
both the parties. They gave me their undivided
attention and what is more they showed their attachment,
their affection and their fellowship for me by accepting
the humble advice that I had the honour of tendering
to them, and I told them I am not here to distribute
justice that can be awarded only through our worthy
president. But I ask you not to go to the president,
you need not worry him. If you are strong, if
you are brave, if you are intent upon getting Swaraj,
and if you really want to revise the creed, then you
will bottle up your rage, you will bottle up all the
feelings of injustice that may rankle in your hearts
and forget these things here under this very roof and
I told them to forget their differences, to forgot
the wrongs. I don’t want to tell you or
go into the history of that incident. Probably
most of you know. I simply want to invite your
attention to the fact. I don’t say they
have settled up their differences. I hope they
have but I do know that they undertook to forget the
differences. They undertook not to worry the
President, they undertook not to make any demonstration
here or in the Subjects Committee. All honour
to those who listened to that advice.
I only wanted my Bengali friends and
all the other friends who have come to this great
assembly with a fixed determination to seek nothing
but the settlement of their country, to seek nothing
but the advancement of their respective rights, to
seek nothing but the conservation of the national
honour. I appeal to every one of you to copy the
example set by those who felt aggrieved and who felt
that their heads were broken. I know, before
we have done with this great battle on which we have
embarked at the special sessions of the Congress, we
have to go probably, possibly through a sea of blood,
but let it not be said of us or any one of us that
we are guilty of shedding blood, but let it be said
by generations yet to be born that we suffered, that
we shed not somebody’s blood but our own, and
so I have no hesitation in saying that I do not want
to show much sympathy for those who had their heads
broken or who were said to be even in danger of losing
their lives. What does it matter? It is
much better to die at the hands, at least, of our
own countrymen. What is there to revenge ourselves
about or upon. So I ask everyone of you that
if at any time there is blood-boiling within you against
some fellow countrymen of yours, even though he may
be in the employ of Government, though he may be in
the Secret Service, you will take care not to be offended
and not to return blow for blow. Understand that
the very moment you return the blow from the detective,
your cause is lost. This is your non-violent campaign.
And so I ask everyone of you not to retaliate but
to bottle up all your rage, to dismiss your rage from
you and you will rise graver men. I am here to
congratulate those who have restrained themselves from
going to the President and bringing the dispute before
Therefore I appeal to those who feel
aggrieved to feel that they have done the right thing
in forgetting it and if they have not forgotten I
ask them to try to forget the thing; and that is the
object lesson to which I wanted to draw your attention
if you want to carry this resolution. Do not
carry this resolution only by an acclamation for this
resolution, but I want you to accompany the carrying
out of this resolution with a faith and resolve which
nothing on earth can move. That you are intent
upon getting Swaraj at the earliest possible moment
and that you are intent upon getting Swaraj by means
that are legitimate, that are honourable and by means
that are non-violent, that are peaceful, you have
resolved upon, so far you can say to-day. We
cannot give battle to this Government by means of steel,
but we can give battle by exercising, what I have
so often called, “soul force” and soul
force is not the prerogative of one man of a Sanyasi
or even a so-called saint. Soul force is the
prerogative of every human being, female or male and
therefore I ask my countrymen, if they want to accept
this resolution, to accept it with that firm determination
and to understand that it is inaugurated under such
good and favourable auspices as I have described to
In my humble opinion, the Congress
will have done the rightest thing, if it unanimously
adopts this resolution. May God grant that you
will pass this resolution unanimously, may God grant
that you will also have the courage and the ability
to carry out the resolution and that within one year.