Less than sixty years ago, the vast
tracts of land which are now large cities and cultivated
farms were prairie and forest. Numerous tribes
of Indians camped on these prairies in summer-time,
and when the cold winter came, they sought the shelter
of the forest. Most of these tribes were very
warlike and fought with one another, but sometimes
the white people were attacked by the savages.
The most warlike tribe was the Sioux, and the white
settlers, who were very few in number, were always
on the alert against their attacks.
In June, 1851, a party of three hundred
hunters set out on their annual buffalo hunt.
With them went the grave, kindly-faced missionary,
who had given up his life to work in the western wilds.
They travelled to the westward, keeping a sharp lookout
for Indian tribes, as their route now lay through
the Sioux territory. After about three weeks’
journey over the prairies, they decided to separate
into two bands, as this is the usual way in buffalo
hunting. But the older men thought this was
not safe, because they would need all their numbers
if attacked by the Indians. They talked it over
for some time, and finally sixty-five hunters with
their wives and children separated from the larger
party and decided to go in a different direction.
Each party was to take the direction of the Big Hill.
After some time, two scouts came riding
back from the larger party to tell the others that
a tribe of Sioux had been seen by them, and to be
very watchful. The hunters kept a watch, but
saw nothing of the Indians, and at last, after about
six days’ journey, reached the Big Hill.
Their chief sent five of the officers to have a look
around and find out the best place to pitch their
camp, and also to see if there were Indians in the
neighborhood. The five men rode to the top of
the small ridge, and from there could see a camp in
the distance. They could not tell whether it
was their friends or the Indians, so they rode on,
and on reaching the top of the higher ridge saw it
was a camp of Sioux Indians. Instead of going
back to warn the hunters, they rode on, and the Indians,
who had sighted them at once, came forward to meet
them. The Indians appeared very friendly, but
while talking to the officers they closed in, and
the men saw that they were prisoners. Two of
them at once put spurs to their horses and made a dash
for liberty. Before the Indians could stop them,
they had escaped, and had ridden back to the party.
When the missionary and the hunters
heard what had happened, they at once pitched camp
and began to fortify it. They knew they could
not save the prisoners, and decided that it was better
to defend themselves than for all to lose their lives.
They had scarcely begun these preparations
when two Sioux Indians rode up. They said they
had been sent to tell the hunters not to worry about
their companions. The Indians would not harm
them and would bring them back in safety the next
day. After delivering this message, the Sioux
rode away. The hunters were not at all reassured,
for they knew the Indians did not speak the truth,
and had merely come as spies to find out how large
their camp was.
During the night the hunters continued
their preparations. They arranged their carts
in a circle, putting the shafts of one into the wheels
of the next, so fastening them together. Then
they dug a hole in the centre of this fortification
and in it put the women and children. They
threw the earth in little mounds, behind which they
could crouch and shoot. By morning the fortification
was complete. The sentries, who had been watching
all night, now gave warning that a band of Indians
was approaching. Thirty of the hunters mounted
and rode forward to meet them. Some of the Indians
were in advance and halted when the hunters reached
them. Suddenly a man on horseback came dashing
past. It was one of the officers who had been
made prisoner.
“There is nothing but death
for us all,” he shouted. “They are
two thousand strong and intend to massacre every one
of us.” But the hunters did not let this
daunt them; they rode up to the chief and pretended
they thought the Indians were friendly. They
gave them a few presents and asked them to journey
back. But the Indians, who now saw what an easy
victory they could have, would not listen to this.
The hunters, seeing they meant to fight, turned their
horses and galloped back to the camp. Scarcely
were they within the fortification when the Indians
dashed up. They had not waited for the main band
to overtake them, but with one fierce yell came on,
expecting to overturn the carts. But the hunters,
crouching behind the little mounds of earth, aimed
and fired. Every shot was true, and the foremost
warriors fell from their ponies. The men reloaded
and fired, and again the Indians bit the dust.
Those in the rear now withdrew to the top of the ridge
to wait for the remainder of the band. Another
horseman came dashing up then, his horse all covered
with foam. It was the fourth prisoner.
His guard had been among the whites, and had allowed
him to escape, firing in the air as the prisoner escaped
from the rear of the war party. The savages
now came in sight, an immense number, confident of
victory because they were so strong. The missionary
said, “My children, the Indians are very strong
and great in number. But fight bravely.
You have a Father above who sees this battle.
Trust in Him. Die if you must, but die bravely.”
With fierce yells the savages surrounded
the little camp. They did not dream that a handful
of men behind a barricade of wooden carts could cause
them to retreat after killing the bravest of their
warriors. For five hours bullets whistled back
and forth over the heads of the men kneeling in the
shelter of the carts. The Indians had begun the
battle confident of victory, but as the time went
on and warrior after warrior was killed, their courage
grew faint. Late in the afternoon they said,
“Let us go back; it is of no use to fight them.
They have a Manitou with them.”
They began to retreat, and by evening
all was peaceful where the battle had been.
But the hunters knew that on the morrow the attack
would be renewed, and so did not let this deceive
them. All through the night they could hear
the hideous yells of the savages. They decided
to start back in the morning, hoping to meet their
friends, for they had sent two scouts, when the firing
began, to tell them of the attack.
They arranged the carts in four rows
and divided the hunters into four parties. One
party was to ride in front of the carts, another at
the back, and the other two on the sides. Then,
if they sighted the Indians, they were to give the
warning by two horsemen riding past each other on
the top of the ridge.
They set out by daylight, and had
not gone many miles when they saw two horsemen ride
past each other in their rear. This was the signal
of a fresh attack. At once the party was halted;
two rows of carts went to one side, two to the other.
Then the ends were filled in, and the circle was
complete. They began to dig a hole in the centre
and throw up the mounds of dirt. The women and
children were hidden, and the hunters with loaded
guns went behind their ramparts. The large band
of Indians advanced. They were not so numerous
as the day previous, but were quite fierce for the
For five hours the two fought.
At the end of that time the Indian chief advanced
and signalled that the battle was over. The hunters
did not believe him at first, but suddenly the tribe
of Indians with their horses at full gallop came dashing
close to the camp. They were yelling fiercely,
and discharged their guns into the air as they rode
by. The noise was most hideous since the battle
had begun, and for a second the hunters were fear-bound.
Then, as they realized that this was really the end
of the fight, their shouts of joy rang out in answer
to the Indians’ yells. The Indians now
retreated, and hardly had they disappeared when the
big party of hunters galloped up. They were
accompanied by two hundred Saultaux who had joined
them to help to drive back the Sioux. At first
they were all going to follow, but finally they decided
they had had enough of fighting and would go on in
search of the buffalo.