Youth of Constantine
Constantine the Great was the eldest
son of the Roman Emperor Constantius and the
British Princess Helena, or Elena, and was brought
up as a devout worshipper of the many gods of Rome.
The lad grew up strong and handsome, of a tall and
majestic figure, skilled in all warlike exercises,
and, as he fought in the civil wars between the various
Roman emperors, he showed himself a bold and prudent
general in battle, a friendly and popular leader in
time of peace. The popularity of the youthful
Constantine was dangerous to him, and he needed, and
showed, great skill in evading the deadly jealousy
of the old Emperor Diocletian, and the hatred of his
father’s rival, Galerius. At last, however,
his position became so dangerous that Constantius
felt his son’s life was no longer safe, and earnestly
begged him to visit his native land of Britain, where
Constantius had just been proclaimed emperor
and had defeated the wild Caledonians. The excuse
given was that Constantius was in bad health and
needed his son; but not until the young man was actually
in Britain would his anxious father avow that he feared
for his son’s life.
Acclaimed Emperor
When the half-British Constantius
died, Constantine, who was the favourite of the Roman
soldiery of the west, was at once acclaimed as emperor
by his devoted troops. He professed unwillingness
to accept the honour, and it is said that he even
tried in vain to escape on horseback from the affectionate
solicitations of his soldiers. Seeing the uselessness
of further protest, Constantine accepted the imperial
title, and wrote to Galerius claiming the throne and
justifying his acceptance of the unsought dignity
thrust upon him. Galerius acquiesced in the inevitable,
and granted Constantine the inferior title of “Caesar,”
with rule over Western Europe, and the wise prince
was content to wait until favouring circumstances should
destroy his rivals and give him that sole sway over
the Roman Empire for which he was so well fitted.
He had now reached the age of thirty, had fought valiantly
in the wars in Egypt and Persia, and had risen by merit
to the rank of tribune. His marriage with Fausta,
the daughter of the Emperor Maximian, and his elevation
to the rank of Augustus brought him nearer to the
attainment of his ambition; and at length the defeat
and death of his rivals placed him at the head of the
world-wide empire of Rome. It is to some period
previous to Constantine’s elevation to the supreme
authority that we must refer the following story,
told by Gower in his “Confessio Amantis”
as an example of that true charity which is the mother
of pity, and makes a man’s heart so tender that,
“Though he might himself
Yet he would not another grieve,”
but in order to give pleasure to others
would bear his own trouble alone.
Becomes a Leper
The noble Constantine, Emperor of
Rome, was in the full flower of his age, goodly to
look upon, strong and happy, when a great and sudden
affliction came upon him: leprosy attacked him.
The horrible disease showed itself first in his face,
so that no concealment was possible, and if he had
not been the emperor he would have been driven out
to live in the forests and wilds. The leprosy
spread from his face till it entirely covered his
body, and became so bad that he could no longer ride
out or show himself to his people. When all cures
had been tried and had failed, Constantine withdrew
himself from his lords, gave up all use of arms, abandoned
his imperial duties, and shut himself in his palace,
where he lived such a secluded life in his own apartments
that Rome had, as it were, no lord, and all men throughout
the empire talked of his illness and prayed their gods
to heal him. When everything seemed to be in
vain, Constantine yielded to the prayer of his council,
that he would summon all the doctors, learned men,
and physicians from every realm to Rome, that they
might consider his illness and try if any cure could
be found for his malady.
Rewards Offered for his Cure
A proclamation went forth throughout
the world and great rewards were offered to any man
who should heal the emperor. Tempted by the rewards
and the great fame to be won, there came leeches and
physicians from Persia and Arabia, and from every
land that owned the sway of Rome, philosophers from
Greece and Egypt, and magicians and sorcerers from
the unexplored desert of the east. But, though
Constantine tried all the remedies suggested or recommended
by the wise men, his leprosy grew no better, but rather
worse, and even magic could give him no help.
Again the learned men assembled and
consulted what they should advise, for all were loath
to abandon the emperor in his great distress, but
they were all at a loss. They sat in silence,
till at last one very old and very wise man, a great
physician from Arabia, arose and said:
A Desperate Remedy
“Now that all else has failed,
and naught is of any avail, I will tell of a remedy
of which I have heard. It will, I believe, certainly
cure our beloved emperor, but it is very terrible,
and therefore I was loath to name it till every other
means had been tried and failed, for it is a cruel
thing for any man to do. Let the Emperor dip himself
in a full bath of the blood of infants and children,
seven years old or under, and he shall be healed,
and his leprosy shall fall from him; for this malady
is not natural to his body, and it demands an unnatural
Constantine Assents Regretfully
The proposal was a terrible one to
the assembly, and many would not agree to it at first,
but when they considered that nothing else would heal
the emperor they at length gave way, and sent two from
among themselves to bring the news to Constantine,
who was waiting for them in his darkened room.
He was horrified when he heard the counsel they brought,
and at first utterly refused to carry out so evil a
plan; but because his life was very dear to his people,
and because he felt that he had a great work to do
in the world, he ultimately agreed, with many tears,
to try the terrible remedy.
A Cruel Proclamation
Thereupon the council drew up letters,
under the emperor’s hand and seal, and sent
them out to all the world, bidding all mothers with
children of seven years of age or under to bring them
with speed to Rome, that there the blood of the innocents
might prove healing to the emperor’s malady.
Alas! what weeping and wailing there was among the
mothers when they heard this cruel decree! How
they cried, and clasped their babes to their breasts,
and how they called Constantine more cruel than Herod,
who killed the Holy Innocents! The eastern ruler,
they said, slew only the infants of one poor village,
but their emperor, more ruthless, claimed the lives
of all the young children of his whole empire.
Constantine is Conscience-stricken
But though the mothers lamented bitterly,
they must needs bow to the emperor’s decree,
whether they were lief or loath, and thus a great
multitude gathered in the great courtyard of the imperial
palace at Rome: women nursing sucking-babes at
the breast, or holding toddling infants by the hand,
or with little children running by their sides, and
all so heart-broken and woebegone that many swooned
for very grief. The mothers wailed aloud, the
children cried, and the tumult grew until Constantine
heard it, where he sat lonely and wretched in his
darkened room. He looked out of his window on
the mournful sight in the courtyard, and was roused
as from a trance, saying to himself: “O
Divine Providence, who hast formed all men alike, lo!
the poor man is born, lives, suffers, and dies, just
as does the rich; to wise man and fool alike come
sickness and health; and no man may avoid that fortune
which Nature’s law hath ordained for him.
Likewise to all men are Nature’s gifts of strength
and beauty, of soul and reason, freely and fully given,
so that the poor child is born as capable of virtue
as the king’s son; and to each man is given free
will to choose virtue or vice. Yet thou givest
to men diversity of rank, wealth or poverty, lordship
or servitude, not always according to their deserts;
so much the more virtuous should that man be to whom
thou hast put other men in subjection, men who are
nevertheless his fellows and wear his likeness.
Thou, O God, who hast put Nature and the whole universe
under law, wouldst have all men rule themselves by
law, and thou hast said that a man must do to others
such things as he would have done to himself.”
His Noble Resolve
Thus Constantine spoke within himself
as he stood by the window and looked upon the weeping
mothers and children, the very sentinels of his palace
pitying them, and trying in vain to comfort them; and
a strife grew strong within him between his natural
longing for healing and deliverance from this loathsome
disease which had darkened his life, and the pity
he felt for these poor creatures, and his horror at
the thought of so much human blood to be shed for himself
alone. The great moaning of the woeful mothers
came to him and the pitiful crying of the children,
and he thought: “What am I that my health
is to outweigh the lives and happiness of so many
of my people? Is my life of more value to the
world than those of all the children who must shed
their blood for my healing? Surely each babe is
as precious as Constantine the Emperor!” Thus
his heart grew so tender and so full of compassion
that he chose rather to die by this terrible sickness
than to commit so great a slaughter of innocent children,
and he renounced all other physicians, and trusted
himself wholly to God’s care.
He Announces his Determination
He at once summoned his council, and
announced to them his resolution, giving as his reason,
“He that will be truly master must be ever servant
to pity!” and without delay the anxious mothers
were told that their children were free and safe,
for the emperor had renounced the cure, and needed
their blood no longer. What raptures of rejoicing
there were, what outpouring of blessing on the emperor,
what songs of praise and thanks from the women wild
with joy, cannot be fully told; and yet greater grew
their joy and thankfulness when Constantine, calling
his high officials, bade them take all his gathered
treasures and distribute them among the poor women,
that they might feed and clothe their children, and
so return home untouched by any loss, and recompensed
in some degree for their sufferings. Thus did
Constantine obey the behests of pity, and try to atone
for the wrong to which he had consented in his heart,
and which he had so nearly done to his people.
The Victims Sent Home Happy
Home to all parts of the Roman Empire
went the women, bearing with them their happy children,
and the rich gifts they had received. Each one
thanked and blessed the emperor, and sang his praises,
where before she had passed with tears and bitter
curses on his head; each woman shared her joy with
her neighbours; and the very children learnt from
their mothers and fathers to pray for the healing of
their great lord, who had given up his own will and
sacrificed his own cure for gentle pity’s sake.
Thus the whole world prayed for Constantine’s
A Vision
Lo! it never yet was known that charity
went unrequited and this Constantine now learnt in
his own glad experience; for that same night, as he
lay asleep, God sent to him a vision of two strangers,
men of noble face and form, whom he reverenced greatly,
and who said to him: “O Constantine, because
thou hast obeyed the voice of pity, thou hast deserved
pity; therefore shalt thou find such mercy, that God,
in His great pity, will save thee. Double healing
shalt thou receive, first for thy body, and next for
thy woeful soul; both alike shall be made whole.
And that thou mayst not despair, God will grant thee
a sign thy leprosy shall not increase till
thou hast sent to Mount Celion, to Sylvester and all
his clergy. There they dwell in secret for dread
of thee, who hast been a foe to the law of Christ,
and hast destroyed those who preach in His Holy Name.
Now thou hast appeased God somewhat by thy good deed,
since thou hast had pity on the innocent blood, and
hast spared it; for this thou shalt find teaching,
from Sylvester, to the salvation of both body and soul.
Thou wilt need no other leech.” The emperor,
who had listened with eagerness and awe, now spoke:
“Great thanks I owe to you, my lords, and I
will indeed do as ye have said; but one thing I would
pray you what shall I tell Sylvester of
the name or estate of those who send me to him?”
The two strangers said: “We are the Apostles
Peter and Paul, who endured death here in thy city
of Rome for the Holy Name of Christ, and we bid Sylvester
teach and baptize thee into the true faith. So
shall the Roman Empire become the kingdom of the Lord
and of His Christ.” So saying, they blessed
him, and passed into the heavens out of his sight,
and Constantine awoke from his slumber and knew that
he had seen a vision. He called aloud eagerly,
and his servants waiting in an outer room ran in to
him quickly, for there was urgency in his voice.
To them Constantine told his vision and the command
which was laid upon him.
Sylvester Summoned
Messengers rode in hot haste to Mount
Celion, and inquired long and anxiously for Sylvester.
At last they found him, a holy and venerable man,
and summoned him, saying: “The Emperor calls
for thee: come, therefore, at once.”
Sylvester’s clergy were greatly affrighted, not
knowing what this summons might mean, and dreading
the death of their dear bishop and master; but he
went forth gladly, not knowing to what fate he was
going. When he was brought to the palace the emperor
greeted him kindly, and told him all his dream, and
the command of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and ended
with these words: “Now I have done as the
vision bade, and have fetched thee here: tell
me, I pray, the glad tidings which shall bring healing
to my body and soul.” When Sylvester heard
this speech he was filled with joy and wonder, and
thanked God for the vision He had sent to the emperor,
and then he began to preach to him the Christian faith:
he told of the Fall of Man, and the redemption of
the world by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ,
of the Ascension of Jesus and His return at the Day
of Judgment, of the justice of God, who will judge
all men impartially according to their works, good
or bad, and of the life of joy or misery to come.
As Sylvester taught, the monarch listened and believed,
and, when the tale was ended, announced his conversion
to the true faith, and said he was ready, with his
whole heart and soul, to be baptized.
Constantine Baptized
At the emperor’s command, they
took the great vessel of silver which had been made
for the children’s blood, and Sylvester bade
them fill it with pure water from the well. When
that was done with all haste, he bade Constantine
stand therein, so that the water reached his chin.
As the holy rite began a great light like the sun’s
rays shone from heaven into the place, and upon Constantine;
and as the sacred words were being read there fell
now and again from his body scales like those of a
fish, till there was nothing left of his horrible disease;
and thus in baptism Constantine was purified in body
and soul.