Tobacco was probably first brought
to the shores of England from Florida by Sir John
Hawkins in 1565. Englishmen were growing it by
the 1570’s, and after the return of the daring
Sir Francis Drake to England with a large quantity
of tobacco captured in the West Indies in 1586, the
use of tobacco in England was increased substantially.
By 1604 its consumption had become so extensive as
to lead to the publication of King James’ Counter
Blast, condemning the use of tobacco; nevertheless,
six years later the amount brought into Great Britain
was valued at L60,000.
Some of the colonists were probably
acquainted with tobacco before they landed at Jamestown
and found the Indians cultivating and using it under
the name of uppowoc or apooke. However, it was
not until 1612 that its cultivation began among the
English settlers, even in small patches. Previously
their attention had been centered entirely on products
that could be used for food. Captain John Smith
wrote that none of the native crops were planted at
first, not even tobacco.
The story of tobacco in Virginia begins
with the ingenious John Rolfe. He was one of
the many Englishmen who had come to enjoy the fragrant
aroma and taste of the imported Spanish tobacco; and
upon his arrival at Jamestown in May, 1610, Rolfe
found that tobacco could be obtained only by buying
it from the Indians, or by cultivating it. There
seems to have been no spontaneous growth then as now.
Owing to the frequent unfriendly atmosphere between
the colonists and the Indians, Rolfe probably decided
to grow a small patch for his own use. He also
had a desire to find some profitable commodity that
could be sold in England and thus promote the success
and prosperity of the settlers and the London Company.
Driven by these two motives John Rolfe became the first
colonist to successfully grow tobacco, the plant that
was to wield such a tremendous influence on the history
of Virginia.
Nicotiana rustica, the native
tobacco of North America, was found to be inferior
to that grown in the Spanish Colonies. Botanists
state that Nicotiana rustica had a much greater
nicotine content and sprouted or branched more than
that cultivated today. William Strachey, one of
the first colonists, gave the following description
of the native plant grown in 1616:
It is not of the best kynd, it is but
poore and weake, and of a byting tast, it growes
not fully a yard above the ground, bearing a little
yellowe flower, like to hennebane, the leaves are short
and thick, somewhat round at the upper end....
In 1611 Rolfe decided to experiment
with seed of the mild Spanish variety. He persuaded
a shipmaster to bring him some tobacco seed from the
Island of Trinidad and Caracas, Venezuela; and by June,
1612, tobacco from the imported seeds was being cultivated
at Jamestown. On July 20, 1613, a Captain Robert
Adams landed the Elizabeth in England with
a sample of Rolfe’s first experimental crop.
In England, this first shipment was described as excellent
in quality, but it was still inferior to Spanish tobacco.
In 1616 Rolfe modestly asserted, “no doubt but
after a little more triall and expense in the curing
thereof, it will compare with the best in the West
Indies.” The success of Rolfe’s experiment
was soon apparent. In 1617, 20,000 pounds of tobacco
were exported from Virginia, and in the following
year the amount doubled.
Tobacco did not become the chief staple
owing merely to the successful attempts by Rolfe to
produce a satisfactory smoking leaf. As has been
noted, there was a ready market for tobacco in England
before the settlers landed at Jamestown. A second
important cause was the fact that tobacco was indigenous
to the soil and climate of Virginia. Tobacco
also had a greater advantage Over All Other Staples
in That It Could Be Produced in Larger Quantities
Per Acre. This Was Important Considering the
Labor Required To Clear the Trees and Prepare One Acre
for Cultivation. It Was Soon Discovered That the
Amount of Tobacco Produced by One Man’s Labor
Was Worth About Six Times the Amount of Wheat That
One Man Could Grow and Harvest. Moreover, Tobacco
Could Be Shipped More Economically Than Any Other
Crop; Thus the Monetary Return Upon a Cargo Was Greater
Than for Any Other Crop That Could Be Produced in
the Colony.
One Other Factor Must Not Be Overlooked. One
of the Basic Aims of the
English Colonial Policy Was the Development Of Colonial
Which Would at the Same Time Create a Colonial Market
for English
Manufactures in the Colonies. Tobacco Proved
To Be Virginia’s Most
Valuable Staple, and With Everyone Feverishly Growing
the Plant, the
Colony Became an Important Colonial Market. Virginia
Purchased English
Goods Delivered in English Ships With Her Tobacco,
England Marketed
Much of the Tobacco In Europe and Received Specie
Or Goods That Could
Be Sold Elsewhere. This Created a Market for
English Manufactures, the
English Merchant Fleet Profited From the Carrying
Trade and There Was
No Drain of Specie From England.
The cultivation of tobacco soon spread
from John Rolfe’s garden to every available
plot of ground within the fortified districts in Jamestown.
By 1617 the value of tobacco was well known in every
settlement or plantation in Virginia Bermuda,
Dale’s Gift, Henrico, Jamestown, Kecoughtan,
and West and Shirley Hundreds each under
a commander. Governor Dale allowed its culture
to be gradually extended until it absorbed the whole
attention at West and Shirley Hundreds and Jamestown.
The first general planting in the
colony began at West and Shirley Hundreds where twenty-five
men, commanded by a Captain Madison, were employed
solely in planting and curing tobacco. In 1616
the tobacco fever struck furiously in Jamestown.
The following description indicates the impact of
the “fever”: there were “but
five or six houses, the church downe, the palizado’s
broken, the bridge in pieces, the well of fresh water
spoiled; the storehouse used for the church..., [and]
the colony dispersed all about, planting tobacco.”
The “Noxious weed” was even growing in
the streets and in the market place.
By 1622 plantations extended at intervals
from Point Comfort as far as 140 miles up the James
River, and the planters were so absorbed in the cultivation
of tobacco that they gave the Indians firearms and
employed them to do their hunting. This boldness
was shortlived, for the Indian Massacre of 1622 tended
to narrow the area under cultivation for that year.
Even so, the planters were able to produce 60,000 pounds
of tobacco.
Within a year after the massacre the
settlers once again became very bold and extended
cultivated areas even farther than before. Prior
to the massacre, the planters had difficulty in clearing
the ground of timber; afterwards, they took over the
fields cleared by the Indians which were said to be
among the best in the colony. Expansion was further
facilitated by the “head-right” system,
introduced in 1618, which gave fifty acres of land
to any person who transported a settler to the colony.
For the first twenty years after the
landing at Jamestown, the settlers restricted themselves
to the valley of the James and to the Accomac Peninsula.
For the next thirty years there was a gradual expansion
to the north and west along the banks of the James,
York, and the Rappahannock rivers and their tributaries.
By 1650 the frontiersmen had reached the Potomac.
From Jamestown, settlements gradually spread up and
down both banks of the James and its tributaries, the
Elizabeth, Nansemond, Appomattox, and the Chickahominy.
Then came the settlements along the York and its tributaries,
the Mattapony and the Pamunkey; and finally, along
the banks of the Rappahannock and the Potomac.
The expansion into the interior did not take place
until the Tidewater area had become fairly well settled.
The tidal creeks and rivers afforded a safe and convenient
means of communication while the country was thickly
forested and infested with unfriendly Indians.
By settling on the peninsulas, formed by the tidal
creeks and rivers, it was easier to protect the early
settlements once the Indians had been driven out.
In 1629 there were from 4,000 to 5,000
English settlers, confined almost exclusively to the
James River valley and to the Accomac Peninsula, where
they cultivated about 2,000 acres of tobacco.
By 1635 tobacco had almost disappeared in the immediate
vicinity of Jamestown, as many of the planters moved
to new land along the south bank of the York River.
At this time there were settlements in the following
eight counties: Henrico, located on both sides
of the James River, between Arrahattock and Shirley
Hundred; Charles City, also located on both sides
of the James from Shirley Hundred Island to Weyanoke;
James City, on both sides of the James from Chippoakes
to Lawnes Creek, and from the Chickahominy River on
the north side to a point nearly opposite the mouth
of Lawnes Creek; Warrasquoke (Isle of Wight), contained
the area from the southern limit of James City to
the Warrasquoke River; Warwick and Elizabeth City,
the rest of the remaining settlements on the James
River; Charles River (York), all of the plantations
on the south bank of the York River; and finally Accomac.
The plantations were still more thickly grouped in
James City than in any other county.
By the late 1630’s, attempts
to reduce the amount of tobacco grown in the colony,
by limiting the number of plants each person could
plant, had caused many planters to leave their plantations
in search of virgin soil in which more tobacco per
plant could be grown. They frequently built temporary
dwellings, as they expected to move on as soon as the
land under cultivation showed signs of exhaustion.
In 1648 planters in large numbers sought permission
from Governor Berkeley and the Council to move across
the York River, to take up the virgin and unclaimed
Spreading north the frontiersmen had
reached the Rappahannock and the Potomac by 1650,
and settlers began moving into Lancaster County.
In 1653 the first settlers established themselves
in what is now King William County. Just before
the end of the seventeenth century the tobacco industry
had expanded into the lowlands all along the Rappahannock
and Potomac rivers below the Fall Line. In 1689
the York River area produced the largest quantity
of tobacco, the Rappahannock River area was second,
the Upper James third, and the Accomac Peninsula last.
While the production of tobacco continued to expand
north and west, it made little headway in the sandy
counties of Princess Anne and Norfolk.
All during the seventeenth century
expansion tended to extend in a northerly direction
within the Tidewater region, but in the eighteenth
century the movement was to the west in search of virgin
soil. Planters began moving beyond the Fall Line
soon after the turn of the century. Robert Carter
of Nomini Hall patented over 900 acres of land above
the Falls in 1707. It is generally agreed that
the commercial production of tobacco began to expand
beyond the Fall Line about 1720. In 1723 a traveler,
who had just visited above the Falls, mentioned seeing
many fields of tobacco. In the following year
Robert Carter had hundreds of additional acres surveyed,
in what is now Prince William County, as he extended
his holdings above the Fall Line. The tobacco
industry seems to have been fairly well established
as far west as Spotsylvania, Hanover, and Goochland
counties as early as 1730.
In the year 1740 Elias and William
Edmunds were among the first settlers in Fauquier
County. They settled near what is now Warrenton
and began producing tobacco of excellent quality, which
soon came to be known as “Edmonium Tobacco.”
Ten years later large quantities were being produced
in Albemarle (including present Nelson and Amherst
counties), Cumberland, Augusta, and Culpeper counties.
During the six-year period 1750-1755, tobacco production
appears to have been centered equally in three areas:
the Upper James River district, the York River district,
and the Rappahannock River district. Each of the
three districts exported about 83,000 hogsheads of
tobacco, while the Lower James River district exported
only about 10,000.
Just prior to the American Revolution
the tobacco industry began to expand rapidly south
of the James River, especially to the south and west
of Petersburg. One observer declared in 1769 that
the Petersburg warehouses contained more tobacco than
all the rest of the warehouses on the James or the
York River. It was estimated that 20,000 hogsheads
were being produced annually in that region alone.
A considerable amount of tobacco was also being grown
in the lower region of the Valley of Virginia.
As the tobacco industry continued
to expand into Piedmont Virginia, there was a gradual
decline in the Tidewater area. The increase in
population naturally caused a continual expansion of
the tobacco industry from its meager beginnings at
Jamestown, but this was not the major cause.
The primary cause was the wasteful cultivation methods
practiced by the planters. To obtain the greatest
yield from his land the planter raised three or four
consecutive crops of tobacco in one field, then moved
on to virgin fields. This practice was begun on
a relatively large scale as early as 1632 when a planting
restriction of 1,500 plants per person was enacted,
causing many planters to leave their estates in search
of better land in an effort to increase the quality
of their tobacco. As cheap virgin soil became
scarce, planters left their lands in Tidewater to
take up fresh acreage in the Piedmont, or they stayed
at home and grew grain, some corn but mostly wheat.
We can only generalize as to when
and how extensive this substitution of wheat for tobacco
may have been. There are those who believe that
a permanent shift away from tobacco began as early
as 1720 on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, while others
state that it did not start until about ten years
later. As early as 1759 all of the best lands
in Virginia were reported to have been taken, and
by the time of the Revolution the supply was said
to have been completely exhausted. In 1771 there
were rumors that at least one hundred of the principal
Virginia planters had given up the tobacco culture
entirely and converted their plantations to something
more profitable. However, it is generally agreed
that tobacco was not abandoned extensively in Tidewater
before the Revolution.
The first appreciable decline came
during the Revolution and this trend continued until
the tobacco was almost completely abandoned in Tidewater
in the nineteenth century. The rise in demand
for foodstuffs during the war caused planters to shift
from tobacco in increasing numbers. Many of them
only reduced their tobacco crop at first, but later
abandoned it completely. After the Revolution
wheat was substituted for tobacco quite extensively,
but owing to the expansion into the Piedmont, Virginia’s
post-war tobacco production soon equalled that of
the prewar years. Tobacco was still grown in Tidewater
Virginia and some beyond the western boundary of the
Piedmont, but by this time Tidewater had ceased to
be the “tobacco country” of previous years.
The production of tobacco continued
to increase in the Piedmont and decrease in Tidewater,
and Piedmont Virginia became more firmly established
as Virginia’s tobacco belt. This change
was due partly to the fact that the virgin and fertile
soils of the West kept tobacco prices so low that
it could not be profitably produced on the manured
worn out soils in the East. Tidewater was becoming
full of old tobacco fields covered with young pine
trees and the industry became concentrated largely
in middle and southern Virginia. By 1800 Piedmont
Virginia had definitely become the major tobacco producing
Expansion and new developments over
a period of years brought about a fantastic increase
in tobacco production. When its production was
confined to the Tidewater area, Virginia produced about
40,000,000 pounds annually; by 1800 this amount had
doubled. Virginia remained the leading producer
of tobacco in the United States until the War Between
the States, when she was replaced by Kentucky, owing
to the devastating effects of the war in the Old Dominion.
In the South the nature of the crop
usually determines the number of acres that one person
can cultivate successfully. Only a small number
of acres of tobacco can be cultivated properly owing
to its high value of yield per acre and the careful
supervision required. The production of tobacco
per acre does not appear to have changed very much
in the long period from about 1650 to 1800, when 1,000
pounds per acre was considered a good yield.
However, the amount that one man could produce increased
during this period as the planters became more experienced
and the plow and other implements came to be used more
extensively. It has been estimated that in 1624
one man could properly cultivate and harvest only
about one-half of an acre of tobacco, or about 400
pounds. At the beginning of the eighteenth century
the average product of one man was from 1,500 to 2,000
pounds or in terms of acreage, from one and a half
to two acres, plus six or seven barrels of corn.
Around 1775 one man produced from 2,000 to 2,500 pounds
of tobacco besides provisions. Thus it appears
that during most of the Colonial period one man could
cultivate one and a half to two acres of tobacco, plus
provisions; but by the end of this period he had increased
the productiveness of his own labor.
Cultivation practices during the early
years at Jamestown appear to have been a combination
of those used by the Indians and those of the farmers
in England; modifications and new techniques were developed
as the settlers became experienced planters.
The early Jamestown settlers followed the Indian custom
of planting the tobacco seed in hills as they did
corn, although some probably followed the practice
as described by Stevens and Liebault’s Maison
Rustique or The Country Farm, published
in London in 1606:
For to sow it, you must make a hole
in the earth with your finger and that as deep
as your finger is long, then you must cast into the
same hole ten or twelve seeds of the said Nicotiana
together, and fill up the hole again: for
it is so small, as that if you should put in but
four or five seeds the earth would choake it:
and if the time be dry, you must water the place
easily some five days after: And when the
herb is grown out of the earth, inasmuch as every
seed will have put up his sprout and stalk, and that
the small thready roots are entangled the one
within the other, you must with a great knife
make a composs within the earth in the places
about this plot where they grow and take up the earth
and all together, and cast them into a bucket
full of water, to the end that the earth may be
separated, and the small and tender impes swim
about the water; and so you shall sunder them one after
another without breaking them.
This was perhaps the forerunner of
the tobacco plantbed, as it appears from the above
description that a half dozen or so plants were taken
from each hill sown and transplanted nearby.
Just when the planters stopped planting
tobacco like corn is not known. Thomas Glover’s
Account of Virginia, written in 1671, is perhaps
the first written account which mentions sowing the
seeds in beds. He wrote, “In the Twelve-daies
[before Christmas?] they begin to sow their seed in
the beds of fine Mould...” A somewhat more
detailed account was written in 1688 by John Clayton,
an English clergyman visiting in Virginia. He
relates that before the seeds were sown the planters
tested the seed by throwing a few into the fire; if
they sparkled like gunpowder, they were declared to
be good. The ground was chopped fine and the
seeds, mixed with ashes, were sown around the middle
of January. To protect the young plants, the
seedbed was usually covered with oak leaves, though
straw was used occasionally. Straw was thought
to harbor and breed a fly that destroyed the young
plants, and if straw was used, it was first smoked
with brimstone to kill this fly. Oak boughs were
then placed on top of the leaves or straw and left
there until the frosts were gone, at which time they
were removed so that the young tender plants were
exposed to allow them to grow strong and large enough
to be transplanted.
Post-Revolutionary plantbed practices
were essentially those of the early colonial planters,
with slight modifications as they became more experienced.
In choosing plantbed sites, a sunny southern or southeastern
exposure on a virgin slope near a stream was preferred.
This enabled the planter to water his plantbed in case
of a drought. The practice of burning the plantbeds
over with piles of brush and logs prior to seeding
was no doubt a seventeenth century custom, but the
first available record was found in an account written
during the Revolution.
To clear land for cultivation, the
settlers felled the trees about a yard from the ground
to prevent the stump from sprouting and to cause the
stump to decay sooner. Some of the wood was burnt
or carried off and the rest was left on the field
to rot. The area between the stumps and logs
was then broken up with the hoe. In their ardent
quest for more cleared land, the planters frequently
cultivated old Indian fields, which the Indian had
abandoned for one reason or another. Such land
was always found to be of the best soil. Clayton
stated that after the land was chopped fine, hills
to set every plant in were raised to “about
the bigness of a common Mole-hill....” A
later account by William Tatham, relates that the
hills were made by drawing a round heap of earth about
knee high around the leg of the worker, the foot was
then withdrawn and the top of the hill was flattened
with the back of the hoe.
In 1628 the hills were made at a distance
of four and one-half feet, the distance was reduced
to four feet by 1671, and by 1700, three feet became
and remained the usual distance. The plants were
considered large enough to be transplanted when they
had grown to be about the “Breadth of a Shilling,”
usually around the first or second week in May.
The earlier in May the better, so that the crop would
mature in time to harvest before the frosts came.
Planters usually waited for a rain or “season”
to begin transplanting. One person with a container
(usually a basket) of plants dropped a plant near each
hill; another followed, made a hole in the center
of each hill with his fingers, inserted the roots
and pressed the earth around the roots with his hands.
Several “seasons” and several drawings
from the plantbeds were usually required before the
entire crop was planted, which was frequently not
until sometime in July.
The tobacco was hoed for the first
time about eight to ten days after planting, or to
use a common expression, when the plants had “taken
root.” The tobacco was usually hoed once
each week or as often as was deemed necessary to keep
the soil “loose” and the weeds down.
When the plants were about knee high they were “hilled
up,” as the Indian had done his corn, or the
Englishman his cabbage, and considered “laid
by.” Frequently some of the plants died
or were cut off by an earthworm; these vacant hills
were usually replanted during the month of June, except
when prohibited by law. This restriction was an
attempt to reduce the amount of inferior tobacco at
harvest time.
Around 1800, plows were still rarely
used in new grounds, but they appear to have been
rather common in the old fields. George Washington
used the plow to lay off his tobacco rows into three-foot
squares, the hills were then made directly on the
cross so that in the early stages of its growth the
tobacco could be cultivated with the plow each way.
The plow lightened the burden of cultivation by requiring
less hoe work.
When the plant began to bloom, usually
six or seven weeks after planting, the plant was topped;
that is, the top of the plant was pinched out with
the thumb and finger nails. The number of leaves
left on the plant depended largely upon the fertility
of the soil. In the early days of the colony,
planters left twenty-five or thirty leaves on a plant,
by 1671 the number had been reduced to twelve or sixteen
in very rich soil. Throughout the seventeenth
century the General Assembly, in an attempt to reduce
production, occasionally limited the number of leaves
that could be left on a plant after topping. After
around 1700, from five to nine leaves were left on
the plant, depending on the strength of the soil.
After topping, the plant grew no higher,
but the leaves grew larger and heavier and sprouts
or suckers appeared at the junction of the stalk and
the leaf stem. If allowed to grow they injured
the marketable quality of tobacco by taking up plant
food that would have gone into the leaves. These
suckers were removed by pinching them off with the
thumb and finger nails. Owing to his laziness
or ignorance, the Indian did not top his tobacco,
though he did keep the suckers out. Tobacco that
has been topped will produce a second set of suckers
once the first growth has been removed. If the
tobacco is not topped, only three or four suckers
will appear, and these grow in the very top of the
plant. During the course of the growing season
the colonial planter had two sets of suckers to remove,
from the junction of each leaf and from the bottom
to the top of the plant, whereas the Indian had only
a total of three or four per plant. Thus it appears
that the planter learned from his own experience to
top tobacco, and that it was a laborious though profitable
task. It has been said that topping was first
used as a means of limiting the production of tobacco
to the very best grades by the planters as early as
the 1620’s.
Only a planter with considerable experience
could tell when the plant was ripe for harvest.
This no doubt accounts for much of the inferior tobacco
produced in the early days of the colony. Planters
usually had their own individual methods of determining
when a plant was ripe for cutting. Some thought
the plants were ripe and ready to cut when a vigorous
growth of suckers appeared around the root; others
believed the plant was ripe when the top leaves of
the plant became covered with yellow spots and “rolled
over,” touching the ground. Occasionally
it had to be cut regardless of its maturity to save
it from the frost.
During the early days at Jamestown
the tobacco was harvested by pulling the ripe leaves
from the plants growing in the fields. The leaves
were then piled in heaps and covered with hay to be
cured by sweating. In 1617, a Mr. Lambert discovered
that the leaves cured better when strung on lines
than when sweated under the hay. This innovation
was further facilitated in 1618 when Governor Argall
prohibited the use of hay to sweat tobacco, owing
to the scarcity of fodder for the cattle. It was
probably this new method of curing that led to the
building of tobacco barns, which were known to be
in use at the time of the Indian Massacre in 1622.
By 1671 the planters had stopped stringing
the leaves on lines; the tobacco plant was cut off
just above the top of the ground and left lying in
the field for three or four hours, or until the leaves
“fell” or became somewhat withered so
that the plant could be handled without breaking the
stems and fibers in the leaves. The plants were
then carried into the tobacco barns, and hung on tobacco
sticks by a small peg that had been driven into each
During the early years of the eighteenth
century the pegs were superseded by partially spliting
the stalk and hanging it on the sticks. The use
of fire in curing tobacco was also introduced during
this century, but was rarely used before the Revolution.
The earlier accounts refer to curing as the action
of the air and sun. If the plant was large, the
stalk was split down the middle six or seven inches
below the extremity of the split, then turned directly
bottom upwards to enable the sun to cause it to “fall”,
or wither faster. The plants were then brought
to the scaffolds, which were generally erected all
around the tobacco barns, and placed with the splits
across a small oak stick about an inch in diameter
and four and a half feet long. The sticks of
tobacco were then placed on the scaffold. The
tobacco remained there to cure for a brief period
and then the sticks were removed from the outdoor
scaffolds, carried into the tobacco barn and placed
on the tier poles erected in successive regular graduation
from near the bottom to the top of the barn.
Once the barn was filled, the curing was sometimes
hastened by making fires on the floor of the barn.
Around 1800 the most common method
was still air-curing, fire was used primarily to keep
the tobacco from molding in damp weather. During
the War of 1812 there was a considerable shift to
fire-curing owing to the demand in Europe for a smoky
flavored leaf. Fire-curing not only gave tobacco
a different taste, but it also improved the keeping
qualities of the leaf. The fire dried the stem
of the leaf more thoroughly, thus eliminating the
major cause of spoilage when packed in the hogshead
for shipment.
August and September were the favorite
months for cutting and curing because the tobacco
would cure a brighter color if cured in hot weather.
Even today farmers like to finish curing their tobacco
as early in September as possible. However, it
was usually cold weather before all of the crop could
be cut and cured. Occasionally frost would kill
part of the crop before it was ripe enough to cut.
In the early years of the tobacco
industry there was little to the stripping process
as the leaves were hung on strings to cure. The
string was removed and the leaves were twisted and
wound into rolls. The leaves were twisted by
hand or spun on a small spinning machine into a thick
rope, from which a ball containing from one to thirty
pounds was made, though some were known to weigh as
much as 105 pounds. The rolls were either wrapped
in heavy canvass or packed in small barrels for shipping.
In 1614 four barrels containing 170 pounds each were
sent to England on the Sir Thomas. Tobacco
was also shipped loose or in small bundles known as
hands, and by 1629 a considerable number of hogsheads
were being used.
There seems to have been little grading
in the early days. London Company officials frequently
complained of the bad tobacco being mixed with the
good, and early inspection laws required that the tobacco
be brought to central locations and the mean tobacco
separated from the bulk. After cutting became
the common practice the leaves were stripped from
the stalk and assorted according to variety and grade.
By the 1680’s the lowest grade was known as
lugs. Sweet-scented and Oronoco were usually
exported separately, and usually only the sweet-scented
was stemmed. If the two varieties were mixed in
a hogshead, it was purchased at the prevailing Oronoco
prices, which were less than those paid for sweet-scented.
The English merchant claimed that he had to sell all
of it as Oronoco unless it were separated and that
the cost of the labor required to separate it was
equal to the higher price the sweet-scented would
bring. These two varieties were probably seldom
mixed except perhaps to fill the last hogshead of the
season. The planters eventually came to realize
the value of handling tobacco with care, for when
good tobacco land became less plentiful, other means
of improving the quality of tobacco became necessary.
By 1665 most of the tobacco was shipped
in hogsheads, but it was not until 1730 that the shipment
of bulk tobacco was prohibited. Nor were the
hogsheads made to any standard size until 1657, at
which time they were required to be 43” x 26”.
In 1695 the standard size was raised to 48”
x 30”, and this remained the standard size until
the 1790’s. In 1796 the legal size was
increased to 54” x 34”; this remained the
legal size until the 1820’s. The weight
of the hogshead increased from time to time.
In 1657 a hogshead of tobacco weighed about 300 pounds,
600 in the 1660’s, 800 by 1730, 950 by 1765,
and around 1,000 in the 1790’s. These were
supposed to have been the standard or legal weights,
but regulations were not strictly enforced. As
early as 1757 some of the hogsheads weighed as much
as 1,274 pounds. By 1800 hogsheads averaged about
1,100 pounds.
A complete story on the origin of
the early varieties of tobacco would be a very significant
contribution, since very little is known about them.
Most writers agree that the tobacco cultivated by the
English settlers was not the same Nicotiana rustica
grown by the Indians, but Nicotiana tabacum,
the type found growing in South America and the West
Indies. The difference between these two types
was profound, both in taste and size. The plant
native to Virginia was small, growing to a height
of only two or three feet, whereas Nicotiana tabacum
grew from six to nine feet tall. As to taste,
George Arents remarked, “the same difference
in taste exists between these two species, as between
a crab apple and an Albemarle pippin.”
All during the colonial period tobacco
was classified into two main varieties, Oronoco and
sweet-scented. Oronoco had a large porous pointed
leaf and was strong in taste. Sweet-scented was
milder, the leaf was rounder and the fibers were finer.
We are also told that sweet-scented grew mostly in
the lower parts of Virginia, along the York and James
rivers, and later on the Rappahannock and on the southside
of the Potomac. Oronoco was generally planted
up the Chesapeake Bay area and in the back settlements
on the strong land along all the rivers.
Oronoco is thought to have originated
in the vicinity of the Orinoco River valley in Venezuela.
After being brought to a different environment and
climate in Virginia, various varieties or strains of
Oronoco were developed or came about naturally.
In the late 1600’s a very fair and bright large
Oronoco, Prior, and Kite’s Foot were mentioned.
As the years passed planters came to distinguish other
varieties such as Hudson, Frederick, Thick-Joint, Shoe-string,
Thickset, Blue Pryor, Medley Pryor, White Stem, Townsend,
Long Green, Little Frederic, and Browne Oronoco.
A type of tobacco referred to locally
as “yellow”, had been growing on the poor,
thin, and sandy soils in and around Pittsylvania County,
Virginia, and Caswell County, North Carolina since
the early 1820’s. It was just another one
of the many local varieties and attracted little attention
until a very lucky accident occurred in 1839.
A Negro slave on the Slade farm in Caswell County,
North Carolina, fell asleep while fire-curing tobacco.
Upon awakening, he quickly piled some dry wood on
the dying embers; the sudden drying heat from the revived
fires produced a profound effect this particular
barn of tobacco cured a bright yellow. This accident
produced a curing technique that soon became known
throughout the surrounding area in Virginia and North
Carolina. This tobacco became known as “Bright-Tobacco”,
and this area the “Bright-Tobacco Belt”.
The many variations were due to the
different environments, cultural practices, methods
of curing and breeding; and each of these variations
was given a name because of some particular quality
it possessed, or was given the name of a person or
place. The difference in the composition of the
“Bright-Tobacco” grown in the poor sandy
soil, such as that found in Pittsylvania County, caused
the tobacco to cure bright. This so-called new
type of tobacco was of the old Virginia Oronoco and
if grown on heavier soils, it produced a much heavier
bodied tobacco and would not make the same response
when flue-cured. Only the tobacco grown in the
soils such as that in the “Bright-Tobacco Belt”
cured bright, which indicates that it was the soil
and not the variety that caused the tobacco to be
bright when cured.
The origin and development of sweet-scented
tobacco remains somewhat of a mystery, and we can
only make conjectures as to what happened. Some
authorities hold that the present day Maryland tobacco
is descended from the sweet-scented of the Colonial
days, while others believe it to be a descendant of
Oronoco. It seems quite possible that there was
only one variety of Nicotiana tabacum when
John Rolfe first began his experiments, and there
is reason to believe that this first tobacco was sweet-scented.
The name Oronoco probably came after the name sweet-scented
had already been established. It also appears
that sweet-scented disappeared as soon as the soils
along the James, York, Rappahannock, and Potomac rivers
were exhausted.
George Arents, probably the foremost
authority on the history of tobacco, in referring
to Rolfe’s first shipment to England wrote, “So
fragrant was the leaf that it almost at once began
to be known as ‘sweet-scented.’”
Ralph Hamor, in 1614, declared that the colony grew
tobacco equal to that of Trinidad, “sweet and
pleasant.” Jerome E. Brooks wrote that
Rolfe’s importation of tobacco seed resulted
in the famous Virginia sweet-scented leaf.
Once the cultivation began to spread
into the areas away from the sandy loam along the
James and York rivers, the type of soil necessary for
the production of the sweet-scented, other varieties
began to develop. In 1688 John Clayton wrote,
“I have observed, that that which is called
Pine-wood Land tho’ it be a sandy soil, even
the sweet-scented Tobacco that grows thereon, is large
and porous, agreeable to Aranoko Tobacco; it smokes
as coursely as Aranoko.” While on his visit
to Virginia, Clayton visited a poor, worn-out plantation
along the James River. The owner, a widow, complained
to him that her land would produce only four or five
leaves of tobacco per plant. Clayton suggested
that one of the bogs on the plantation be drained
and planted in tobacco. A few years later Clayton
happened to meet this same lady in London, selling
the first crop of tobacco grown on the drained bog.
She related to Clayton that the product was “so
very large, that it was suspected to be of the Aranoko
In 1724 Hugh Jones observed that the
farther a person went northward from the York or southward
from the James, the poorer the quality of the sweet-scented
tobacco, “but this maybe (I believe) attributed
in some Measure to the Seed and Management, as well
as to the Land and Latitude.” John Custis
in a letter to Philip Perry in 1737 wrote that he
grew Oronoco on the Eastern Shore of Virginia using
the same seed as he did for his sweet-scented York
crop. It appears that as the sandy loam necessary
for the growing of sweet-scented tobacco became exhausted
and the planters expanded into the heavy fertile soils,
the tobacco became the strong, coarse Oronoco.
As virgin soil became scarce, Oronoco was no longer
confined to the richest soils, nor was it thought
to be less sweet-scented than its rivals. Toward
the end of the eighteenth century tobacco inspectors
found it so difficult to distinguish the various types,
that they classed all tobacco as Oronoco. Thus
it seems quite possible that both Oronoco and sweet-scented
were originally one variety which became two, primarily
because of the different soil composition.
In the early days of the colony the
small ocean-going merchant vessel was the only method
of transportation essential to marketing the tobacco
crop. Such a small ship was able to anchor at
many of the plantation wharves and load its cargo
of tobacco. Next to fertility, the proximity
to navigable water was the most important factor in
influencing the planter in the selection of a tract
of land. However, later expansion of the tobacco
industry into the interior and the increase in the
size of all ocean-going ships made some mode of transportation
within the colony a necessity. When the ships
could not get directly up to the wharf or enter shallow
creeks on which many of the plantations were located,
small boats called flats or shallops were used to
transport the hogsheads to the anchored vessels.
In 1633 the General Assembly provided that all tobacco
had to be brought to one of the five warehouses to
be erected in specified localities to be
stored until sold. The planters objected immediately
and petitioned the House of Burgesses to allow ships
to come into every county, “where they will
find at every man’s house a store convenient
enough for theire ladinge, we beinge all seated by
the Riverside.” The planters also complained
that they had “... noe other means to export
but by Boatinge.”
Carrying the tobacco for long distances
in the shallop involved a risk, as well as an additional
expense. By rolling the hogsheads directly on
board a ship anchored at his own wharf or only a few
miles away the planter eliminated the danger involved
in transporting his tobacco in an untrustworthy, heavily
laden shallop, and he also saved the increase in freight
charges for delivery to the ships by the seamen.
Freight rates were the same from his wharf to England
as they were from any other point in the colony.
In 1697 Henry Hartwell remarked, “they
[the merchants] are at the charge of carting this
tobacco ... [collected from the planter,] to convenient
Landinge; or if it lyes not far from these landings,
they must trust to the Seamen for their careful rolling
it on board of their sloops and shallops....”
A second common mode of transportation, according
to Philip A. Bruce, was “not to draw the cask
over the ground by means of horses or oxen, like an
enormous clod crusher, the custom of a later period,
but to propel it by the application of a steady force
from behind.” In 1724 Hugh Jones wrote,
“The tobacco is rolled, drawn by horses, or
carted to convenient Rolling Houses, whence it is
conveyed on board the ships in flats or sloops.”
Thus it appears that by 1700 the Tidewater planters
had adopted three methods of transporting their tobacco
to market or to points of exportation: by rolling
the hogshead, by cart, and by boat.
By the middle of the eighteenth century
planters in the Piedmont were rolling their tobacco
to the distant Tidewater markets, whereas the Tidewater
planter usually hauled his tobacco by wagon. Rolling
tobacco more than 100 miles was not out of the ordinary.
The ingenious upland planters placed some extra hickory
hoops around the hogshead, attached two hickory limbs
for shafts, by driving pegs into the headings, and
hitched a horse or oxen to it. This method worked
quite well except that the tobacco was frequently
damaged by the mud, water, or sand. To prevent
this, the hogshead was raised off the ground by a device
called a felly. This device consisted of segments
of wood fitted together to form a circle resembling
the rim of a cartwheel; these segments were fitted
around the circumference of the hogshead. The
hogsheads used for rolling in this manner were constructed
much more substantially than those wagoned or transported
by boat.
For the river trade the Piedmont planter
once again relied upon his ingenuity. Around
1740 a rather unique water carrier was perfected by
the Reverend Robert Rose, then living in Albemarle
County. Two canoes fifty or sixty feet long were
lashed together with cords and eight or nine hogsheads
of tobacco were rolled on their gunwales crossways
for the trip to Richmond. This came to be known
as the “Rose method.” For the return
trip the canoes were separated and two men with poles
could travel twice the distance in a day as four good
oarsmen could propel a boat capable of carrying the
same burden. Before 1795 boats coming down the
James River from the back country landed at Westham,
located just above the falls, and the tobacco was
then carried into Richmond by wagon. There is
the story of one planter who forgot to land his canoes
at Westham. It seems that he left his plantation
on the upper James with a load of tobacco and a jug
full of whiskey. By the time he reached Westham
the planter had consumed too much of the whiskey, and
forgot to land at Westham. He rode his canoes,
tobacco and all, over the Falls. Shortly thereafter
he was fished from the waters downstream, wet and
frightened, but sober.
By 1800, owing to the fact that both
the planters and buyers had become more concerned
about the quality of tobacco, rolling tobacco in hogsheads
began to decline sharply, although fifty years later
a rare roller might still be seen on his way to market.
The rivers and canals provided the most typical means
of transportation. Wagons were used primarily
as feeders to and from inland waters. The Potomac,
Rappahannock, and York rivers were valuable colonial
arteries, but played a less significant rôle after
the Piedmont became the major producing area.
The James and the Roanoke superseded them as the major
arteries of transportation in the nineteenth century.
The “Rose method” of water
transportation, the lashing of two canoes together,
had practically disappeared on the upland waters by
1800, being replaced by a small open flat-bottomed
boat called the bateau, which carried a load of from
five to eight hogsheads. Two planters, N. C.
Dawson and A. Rucker, both of Amherst County, patented
a bateau, in the early 1800’s, which was a great
improvement over the earlier ones. This bateau
was from forty-eight to fifty-four feet long, but very
narrow in proportion to its length. It was claimed
that with a crew of three men these new “James
River Bateaux” could make the round trip
from Lynchburg to Richmond in ten days. They floated
down the stream with ease, but worked their way back
upstream with poles. Shortly before the turn
of the eighteenth century canals had been constructed
around the falls from Westham to Richmond, and the
upland boats were able to load and unload their cargoes
at the wharves in Richmond. In 1810 it was estimated
that about one-fourth of the entire Virginia tobacco
crop came down the James River and through the Westham
Canal into Richmond.
There were land and water routes in
the Roanoke Valley that led to Petersburg. Tobacco
was taken all the way to Petersburg by wagon, or carried
by boat from the upper Roanoke and its tributaries
to the falls at Weldon, North Carolina, and from there
to Petersburg by wagon. Owing to the tobacco
trade coming down the Roanoke, Clarksville became a
small market town. In the Farmville area many
of the planters sent their tobacco down the Appomattox
River to Petersburg, rather than overland by wagon.
Soon after 1800 the Upper Canal Company built a canal
that connected Petersburg with the navigable waters
of the Appomattox River. Virginia’s waterways
served her transportation problem well until they
were superseded by the railroads in the ante-bellum
Within a few years after Rolfe’s
successful experiment in the cultivation of tobacco,
it became necessary to inaugurate some means of improving
the quality of the Virginia tobacco. Once it was
discovered that tobacco could be successfully and
profitably grown in Virginia, everyone wanted to grow
it. Blacksmiths, carpenters, shipwrights, and
even the minister frequently grew a patch of tobacco.
Owing to inexperience in farming of any kind, plus
the fact that the commercial production of tobacco
was new even to most of the experienced farmers, much
of the tobacco produced was of a very low quality.
For centuries many planters seem to have placed quantity
above quality in growing tobacco. Anyone could
grow tobacco in certain quantities, but only a few
could produce tobacco of superior quality.
The first general inspection law in
Virginia was passed in 1619 and provided that all
tobacco offered for exchange at the magazine, the
general storehouse in Jamestown, found to be very “mean”
in quality by the magazine custodian was to be burnt.
The magazine was abolished in 1620 and in 1623 this
law was amended to provide for the appointment of
sworn men in each settlement to condemn all bad tobacco.
In 1630 an act was passed prohibiting
the sale or acceptance of inferior tobacco in payment
of debts. The commander of each plantation or
settlement was authorized to appoint two or three experienced
and competent men to help him inspect all tobacco,
offered in payment of debts, which had been found
“mean” by the creditor. If the inspectors
declared the tobacco mean, the inferior tobacco was
burned and the delinquent planter was disbarred from
planting tobacco. Only the General Assembly could
remove this disability. Owing to complaints that
the commanders were showing partiality to planters
on their own plantations, the act was amended in 1632;
the commander’s power of inspection was removed
and his duty was limited to appointing two inspectors
and making the final report. The appointment of
inspectors was made compulsory in case of a complaint.
The following year (1633) a more comprehensive
measure was enacted. It provided that all inspections
were to be made at five different points in the colony:
James City, Shirley Hundred Island, Denbigh, Southampton
River in Elizabeth City, and Cheskiack. Storehouses
were to be built at these places and all tobacco was
to be brought to these storehouses before the last
day of December of each year. At these storehouses
the tobacco was to be carefully inspected and all
of the bad tobacco separated from the good and burned.
This duty was to be performed once each week by inspectors
under oath, one of whom was to be a member of the
Council. All tobacco found in the barns of the
planters after December 31 was to be confiscated,
unless reserved for family use. All of those
planning to keep tobacco for that purpose were required
to swear to this fact before the proper officials
before December 31. All debts were to be paid
at one of these five storehouses, with the storekeeper
as a witness. Before the end of the year (1633)
two other such storehouses were authorized to be built, one
at Warrasquoke and the other at a point lying between
Weyanoke and the Falls. In addition to the Councillors,
members of the local courts were added as inspectors.
The provision requiring the burning of unmerchantable
tobacco may have been enforced, but the storehouses
were never built.
In 1639 all of the mean tobacco and
half of the good was ordered destroyed. The legislature
passed an act providing for the appointment of 213
inspectors, three were assigned to each district.
These inspectors were authorized to break down the
doors of any building if they had reason to believe
that tobacco was being concealed within. This
act was designed primarily to restrict the quantity
of tobacco to be marketed owing to the flooded markets
abroad and the resulting low prices.
All of the inspection laws passed
after 1632 were formally repealed in 1641. The
only important inspection law left on the statute books
was the one passed in 1630 requiring the plantation
commander, who was later replaced by the county lieutenant,
to appoint two or three inspectors to inspect tobacco
sold or received in payment of a debt, upon complaint
of the buyer or creditor that he had been passed some
bad tobacco. The law remained on the books until
1730. After these early attempts to establish
an effective inspection system, little further progress
was made during the seventeenth century. Occasional
acts aimed at controlling the quantity and quality
of tobacco continued to be passed from time to time;
such as laws prohibiting the tending of seconds, false
packing, and planting or replanting tobacco after a
certain date.
As the tobacco industry continued
to expand into the interior, the need and the difficulty
of regulating the quality of the leaf increased.
Owing to ignorance or indifference, the frontier planters
seldom resorted to methods of improving the quality
of the crop. They traded their tobacco in small
lots with the outport merchants, those from ports
other than London, mostly Scottish, who sold the inferior
tobacco to the countries in northern Europe.
In 1705 the Council proposed that an experienced and
competent person be appointed in each county to inspect
and receive all tobacco for discharge of debts in that
county at specifically named storehouses and “at
no other place.” These county agents were
to meet and select proper locations for building the
storehouses. Owners of the land sites selected
were to be given the privilege of building and renting
these storehouses. If the owner did not choose
to build, he could rent the land site to the county
agent that he might build on it. If both refused
to build, it was proposed that the county court should
buy the land and erect the storehouse.
Storehouses were already established
on many of the land sites proposed. In 1680,
to accelerate the growth of towns, the General Assembly
had passed an act providing that fifty acres of land
be laid out for towns at convenient landings and that
storehouses be built in each, at which all goods imported
had to be landed and all exports stored while awaiting
transportation. The towns and storehouses were
located in the following places in twenty counties:
Accomac, Calvert’s Neck; Charles City, Flower
de Hundred; Elizabeth City, Hampton; Gloucester, Tindall’s
Point; Henrico, Varina; Isle of Wight, Pates Field
on Pagan Creek; James City, James City; Lancaster,
Corotomond River; Middlesex, Urbanna Creek; Nansemond,
Dues Point; New Kent, Brick House; Norfolk, on the
Elizabeth River at the mouth of the Eastern River;
Northampton, Kings Creek; Northumberland, Chickacony;
Essex, Hobb’s Hole; Stafford, Pease Point, at
the mouth of Deep Creek; Westmoreland, Nominie; and
York, Ship Honors Store. Though none of the proposals
were passed by the General Assembly in 1705, they were
incorporated into later legislation and provided the
basis for an effective inspection system.
In 1712 the General Assembly once
again decided it would be advantageous to have designated
places in each county where tobacco and other products
could be kept safe while waiting for transportation
to England, and an act was passed providing that all
houses already built and being used as public “rolling-houses”,
that is warehouses, within one mile of a public landing,
be maintained by their respective owners. If
there were no such warehouses at designated locations,
the county courts were given the authority to order
new ones built. If the owner of the site refused
to build, the county could, after a fair appraisal,
buy the land and build a warehouse at public expense.
When and if the warehouse was discontinued, the land
reverted to the original owner or his heirs.
It is interesting to know that the warehouse built
at Urbanna, in Middlesex County, in 1680, is still
standing, and it is “America’s only colonial
built warehouse for tobacco still in existence”.
The owners were compelled to receive
all goods offered, and were to receive storage rates
for these services. For goods stored in casks
of sixty gallons in size, or bales or parcels of greater
bulk, the owners of the storehouses received twelve
pence for the first day or the first three months
and six pence for every three months thereafter.
The owner of the warehouse was made liable for merchandise
lost or damaged while under his custody.
One of the most significant features
of the 1730 inspection system was first introduced
in 1713. Primarily through the efforts of Governor
Spotswood, an act was passed providing for licensed
inspectors at the various warehouses already established.
To provide a convenient circulating medium, and one
that would not meet with opposition from the English
government, these inspectors were authorized to issue
negotiable receipts for tobacco inspected and stored
at these warehouses. Like many new and untried
ideas, this law seemed somewhat radical and met a
great deal of opposition. With Colonel William
Byrd as their leader, the opposition was able to convince
certain British officials that the added expense required
by the act imposed an undue hardship on the tobacco
trade. This local opposition combined with the
pressure of the conservative London merchants caused
the act to be vetoed by the Privy Council in 1716.
The act of 1712, providing for the
regulation of public warehouses, remained in force
and became a part of the rather effective inspection
system established in 1730. The act was amended
in 1720 giving the county courts the authority to
order warehouses inconvenient to the landings discontinued.
These two pieces of legislation brought all of the
public warehouses near convenient landings and made
the warehouse movement flexible. From this point
on, as the tobacco industry shifted from one area
to another, the warehouse movement kept pace.
From time to time established warehouses were ordered
discontinued, or new ones erected; and occasionally
warehouses ordered discontinued were revived.
However, it appears that inspection warehouses were
not permitted above the Fall Line until after the
In 1730 the most comprehensive inspection
bill ever introduced, passed the General Assembly.
The common knowledge that the past and present inspection
laws had failed to prevent the importation of unmarketable
tobacco, plus a long depression, had changed the attitude
of many of the influential planters and merchants.
Nevertheless, the act did meet with opposition from
some of the English customs officials and a few of
the large planters. Soon after the passage of
this new inspection law a prominent planter wrote
complainingly to a London merchant, “This Tobo
hath passed the Inspection of our new law, every hogshead
was cased and viewed by which means the tobacco was
very much tumbled and made something less sightly
than it was before and it causes a great deal of extraordinary
trouble”. There were complaints that the
new law destroyed tobacco that used to bring good
money. Still another planter complained that
the planter’s name and evidence on the hogshead
had much more effect on the price of the tobacco than
the inspector’s brand. While some of the
planters expressed their disapproval of the new inspection
law verbally, others resorted to violence. During
the first year some villains burned two inspection
houses, one in Lancaster County and another in Northumberland.
The inspection law passed in 1730
was frequently amended during the colonial period,
but there were no changes in its essential features.
The act provided that no tobacco was to be shipped
except in hogsheads, cases, or casks, without having
first passed an inspection at one of the legally established
inspection warehouses; thus the shipment of bulk tobacco
was prohibited. Two inspectors were employed at
each warehouse, and a third was summoned in case of
a dispute between the two regular inspectors.
These officials were bonded and were forbidden under
heavy penalties to pass bad tobacco, engage in the
tobacco trade, or to take rewards. Tobacco offered
in payment of debts, public or private, had to be
inspected under the same conditions as that to be
exported. The inspectors were required to open
the hogshead, extract and carefully examine two samplings;
all trash and unsound tobacco was to be burned in
the warehouse kiln in the presence and with the consent
of the owner. If the owner refused consent the
entire hogshead was to be destroyed. After the
tobacco was sorted, the good tobacco was repacked
in the hogshead and the planter’s distinguishing
mark, net weight, tare (weight of the hogshead), and
name of inspection warehouse were stamped on the hogshead.
A tobacco note was issued to the owner
of each hogshead that passed the inspection.
These notes were legal tender within the county issued,
and adjacent counties, except when the counties were
separated by a large river. They circulated freely
and eventually came into the possession of a buyer
who, by presenting them at the warehouse named on the
notes, exchanged them for the specified amount of
tobacco. And these particular notes were thus
retired from circulation. The person finally
demanding possession of the tobacco was allowed to
have the hogsheads reinspected if he so desired.
If he was dissatisfied with the quality, he could
appeal to three justices of the peace. If they
found the tobacco to be unsound or trashy, the inspectors
paid a fee of five shillings to each of the justices,
and they were also held liable for stamping the tobacco
as being good; should the tobacco be declared sound,
the buyer paid the fee.
Parcels of tobacco weighing less than
200 pounds in 1730, later increased to 350, and finally
950 pounds, were not to be exported, in such cases
the inspectors issued transfer notes. When the
purchaser of such tobacco had enough to fill a hogshead,
the tobacco was prized and the transfer notes were
exchanged for a tobacco note. The tobacco could
then be exported. Such small parcels were often
necessary to pay a levy, or a creditor, or it might
have been tobacco left over from the crop after the
last hogshead had been filled and prized. These
tobacco notes provided the only currency in Virginia
until she resorted to the printing press during the
French and Indian War. By the end of the eighteenth
century the reputation of the inspectors and the value
of the tobacco notes began to decline, due primarily
to lax inspecting. Exporters and manufacturers
frequently demanded that their tobacco be reinspected
by competent agents.
The inspection law was allowed to
expire in October, 1775, but it was revived the following
October. During this period the payment of debts
in tobacco was made on the plantation of the debtor,
and if the creditor refused to accept the tobacco
as sound and marketable, the dispute was referred
to two competent neighbors, one chosen by each of
the disputants.
Prior to 1776 tobacco that was damaged
while stored in the public warehouses was paid for
by the colony, but provisions were made in 1776 that
such a loss was to be borne by the owner of the tobacco.
In 1778 this was amended to the effect that losses
by fire while stored in the warehouses would be paid
for by the state. Four years later, owing to
the great losses that had been sustained by the owners
of the tobacco, the inspectors were held liable for
all tobacco destroyed or damaged, except by fire,
flood, or the enemy. The state continued to guarantee
the tobacco against the fire hazard until well into
the nineteenth century.
The law requiring “refused”
tobacco to be burned in the warehouse kiln was repealed
in 1805, and such tobacco could then be shipped anywhere
within the state of Virginia. Stemmers or manufacturers
were required to send a certificate of receipt of
such refused tobacco purchased to the auditor of public
accounts in Richmond. These receipts were then
checked against the warehouse records of the amount
of refused tobacco sold. Finally, in 1826, the
General Assembly legalized the exportation of refused
tobacco, provided the word “refused” was
stamped on both ends and two sides of the hogsheads
in letters at least three inches in length.
In 1730 three inspectors were appointed
for each inspection by the governor, with the advice
and consent of the Council. This did not always
mean that there were three inspectors at each warehouse
at all times. Warehouses built on opposite banks
of a creek or river were frequently placed under the
same inspection; that is, the three inspectors divided
their time at the two warehouses. In areas where
the production of tobacco declined from time to time,
two warehouses were frequently placed under the jurisdiction
of one set of inspectors. And if the quantity
of tobacco produced in that particular area necessitated
separate inspections, the change was then made.
The inspection system was very flexible in this respect.
The inspectors were required to be on duty from October
1 to August 10 yearly, except Sundays and holidays.
By 1732 it was discovered that it was unnecessary
to have three inspectors on duty at all times.
Consequently, the number of regular inspectors was
reduced to two, but a third was appointed to be called
upon when there was a dispute between the two regular
inspectors as to the quality of tobacco.
As the governor was able to choose
the inspectors and place them at any warehouse within
the colony, the local county people began to complain
and demand that they be given more authority in this
governmental function. This procedure tended
to provide the governor with the opportunity to provide
his friends with jobs regardless of their qualifications.
In 1738 the General Assembly enacted legislation providing
that the inspectors were to be appointed by the governor
from a slate of four candidates nominated by the local
county courts. Where two warehouses under one
inspection were in different counties, two candidates
were to be nominated by each county. This procedure
remained unchanged until the middle of the nineteenth
The salaries of the inspectors were
regulated by the General Assembly, though the colony
did not guarantee the sums after 1755. For the
first few years each inspector received L60 annually,
and if the fees collected were insufficient to pay
their salary, the deficient amount was made up out
of public funds. After 1732 it was found that
this amount was too high and unequally allocated with
respect to the amount of individual services performed,
as some warehouses received more tobacco than others.
So for the next few years salaries were determined
on the basis of the amount of tobacco inspected and
ranged from L30 to L50 annually. From 1755 to
1758 the inspectors received the amount set by the
legislature only if enough fees were collected by the
inspectors at their respective warehouses. During
the next seven years the inspectors received three
shillings per hogshead, plus six pence for nails used
in recoopering the tobacco, instead of a stated salary.
Out of this the inspectors had to pay the proprietors
of the warehouse eight pence rent per hogshead.
In 1765 the inspectors were again placed on a flat
salary basis, and for the next fifteen years their
salaries ranged from L25 to L70. After 1780 their
annual salaries ranged from about $100 at the smallest
warehouses to about $330 at the largest.
WAREHOUSES 1730-1800
In most instances the warehouses were
private property, but they were always subject to
the control of the legislature. Regulations regarding
the location, erection, maintenance and operation as
official places of inspection were set forth by special
legislation. Owners of the land sites selected
were ordered to build the warehouses and rent them
to the inspectors. If the land owner refused
to build, then the court could order the warehouse
built at public expense. Just how many warehouses
were built at public expense is difficult to determine,
probably only a few, if any, were built in this manner.
The rent which the proprietor received
usually depended upon the number of hogsheads inspected
at his warehouse, though the rates were regulated
by the General Assembly. In 1712 the proprietors
received twelve pence for the first day or the first
three months and six pence every month thereafter
per hogshead. In 1755 the owners received eight
pence per hogshead. During the Revolution the
rate was raised to four shillings, but was lowered
to one shilling six pence after the cessation of hostilities.
At the beginning of the nineteenth century rent per
hogshead, including a year’s storage, was twenty-five
To keep pace with the movement of
the tobacco industry, new warehouses were built and
others discontinued from time to time. And by
observing the warehouse movement it is possible to
grasp a general picture of the decline of the tobacco
industry in Tidewater Virginia. The expansion
of the industry into Piedmont is more difficult to
follow during this period owing to the fact that inspection
houses were not permitted above the Falls until after
the Revolution.
In 1730 seventy-two warehouses located
in thirty counties were ordered erected and maintained
for the purpose of inspection and storage by the General
Assembly. Twelve years later warehouses were erected
in only one additional county, Fairfax. A few
of those established in 1730 were discontinued, but
twenty-six new ones had been erected by 1742, making
a total of ninety-three in operation at that time.
From 1742 to 1765 the total number of inspection houses
increased by about six, but this does not reveal a
complete picture of the warehouse movement. A
closer examination shows a much greater shift in the
movement. Sixteen new inspection warehouses were
erected during this period, twelve of them near the
Fall Line; in the meantime, ten of the old established
warehouses far below the Falls were discontinued.
After a year without an official inspection
system the lapsed inspection law was revived in October,
1776; seventy-six of the warehouses were re-established
as official inspection stations. Soon after the
end of the war the number of inspections began to increase
again, and it was chiefly through the efforts of a
David Ross that inspection warehouses were permitted
above the Falls. The first inspections seem to
have appeared above the Falls in Virginia in 1785:
one at Crow’s Ferry, Botetourt County; one at
Lynch’s Ferry, Campbell County; and a third
at Point of Fork on the Rivanna River, Fluvanna County.
Tobacco inspected in the warehouses above the Falls
could not be legally delivered for exportation without
first being delivered to a lower warehouse for transportation
and reinspection upon demand by the purchaser.
There were a number of reasons why
the inspection warehouses were restricted to Tidewater
Virginia until after the Revolution. It was not
until after the Revolution that a strong need and demand
for them was felt above the Falls. Inadequate
transportation facilities in the interior made exportation
from upland inspections less feasible. It is
also probable that the Legislature was opposed to upland
inspections as it would be more difficult to control
the inspections, spread out over a larger area, as
rigidly as those concentrated in a smaller area.
And no doubt Tidewater Virginia recognized the economic
value of having all of the inspections located in
its own section. However, the sharp decline in
tobacco production in the Tidewater followed by an
equal increase in the Piedmont made inspections above
the Falls inevitable.
Of the ninety-three inspection warehouses
in operation in 1792, only about twenty were above
the Fall Line; but by 1820 at least half of the 137
legal inspections were above the Falls. Of the
forty-two new inspections established in the period
1800-1820 only three were in Tidewater Virginia; one
in Prince George County in 1807, one in Essex County
in 1810, and the third in Norfolk County in 1818, owing
to the opening of the Dismal Swamp Canal.
Under the original plan of colonization
the Virginia settlers were to pool their goods at
the magazine, the general storehouse in Jamestown.
All of the products produced by the settlers, and all
goods imported into the colony were to be first brought
to the magazine. In 1620 the London Company made
plans to abolish the magazine and open the trade to
the public. The colony was then forced to rely
on peripatetic merchant ships which came irregularly.
These casual traders dealt directly with the planters,
going about from plantation to plantation collecting
their cargo. These merchants were without agents
in the colonies, and they relied solely upon the chance
of selling their goods as they passed the various
plantation wharves. They usually sold their goods
on credit, expecting to collect their dues in tobacco
on the return trip the next year. Occasionally
the crops were small, or they discovered that most
of the tobacco had been sold or seized by other traders,
and consequently they were forced to wait another
year to collect from their debtors.
The planter soon discovered that he
was in an equally precarious situation, and largely
at the mercy of the merchant, for if he failed to
sell on the terms offered, another ship might not come
his way until the following year. The planter’s
bargaining power was also hampered by his ignorance
of market conditions abroad. Such conditions encouraged
the practices of engrossing and forestalling, by the
merchants, to the point that much legislation was
passed to prohibit such actions. Increasing competition
by the Dutch traders gradually reduced the dependence
of the planter on the casual trading merchant.
The danger from pirates and frequent wars caused the
English to inaugurate the convoy system, which also
helped improve the market conditions. However,
trading directly with the casual merchants was still
common after 1625, and a few still operated as late
as 1700.
The consignment system developed along
with the system of casual trading, and it also operated
upon the practice of the ships collecting cargo from
the various plantations. Importation was based
on the same idea: the ship which gathered the
planters’ tobacco usually brought goods from
abroad. Originally the merchant acted only as
the agent of the planter. He advanced him the
total cost necessary to export and market the crop
abroad, sold the crop on his client’s account
and placed the net proceeds to the planter’s
credit. Soon the merchant was advancing the planter
goods and money beyond the amount of his net receipts;
the planter frequently discovered that he was at the
merchant’s mercy and was forced to sell on the
merchant’s terms. To make matters worse,
the tobacco was sold by the merchants to retailers
in England on long term credit at the planter’s
risk. If the retailer went bankrupt, or his business
failed, the planter not only lost his tobacco but
still had to pay the total charges, freight, insurance,
British duties, plus the agent’s commission,
which amounted to about eighteen pounds sterling in
1730. Planters frequently complained that their
tobacco weighed much less in England that it did when
it was inspected and weighed in the colony. There
were reports that the stevedores were supplying certain
patrons in England with tobacco of superior quality
obtained by pilfering. An agent in England was
certainly not apt to look after a planter’s crop
as though it were his own.
The gradual destruction of the fertility
of the soil in the Tidewater country and the expansion
of the tobacco industry into the back country made
direct consignment less feasible. This, and the
various other causes of dissatisfaction with the consignment
system, led to the system of outright purchase in
the colony. This new procedure was carried on
largely by the outport merchants, especially the Scottish,
who were doing quite a bit of illicit trading before
the Union of 1707. Since the Tidewater business
was controlled largely by the London merchants, the
new Scottish traders penetrated the interior and established
local trading posts or stores at convenient locations,
many of which became the nuclei of towns. After
the Union their share of the trade increased very
rapidly, and at the beginning of hostilities in 1775
the Scots were purchasing almost one-half of all the
tobacco brought to Great Britain. On the eve
of the Revolution only about one-fourth of the Virginia
tobacco was being shipped on consignment.
The factorage system appears to have
been introduced in Virginia around 1625, and was actually
a part of the consignment system. A factor was
one who resided in the colony and served as a representative
and the repository of the English merchant. With
the establishment of a repository in the colony, trade
became more regular, debtors less delinquent, and
the problem of securing transportation for exports
or imports was mitigated. Some of the factors
were Englishmen sent over by the English firms, others
were colonial merchants or planters who performed
for the foreign firms on a commission basis. As
the tobacco industry expanded beyond the limits of
the navigable waters, it became the custom of the
planters located near such streams to act as factors
for their neighbors in the interior. By 1775 the
factorage system had developed to the extent that
one planter found four firms at Colchester, eleven
at Dumfries, and twenty at Alexandria which would
buy wheat, tobacco, and flour in exchange for British
goods and northern manufactures.
The rise of a class of factors in
Virginia, aided by the Scottish merchants, made it
possible for the planters to break away from the London
commercial agents. The Revolution cut the connection
between England and the Virginia planters, but the
factorage system was not destroyed. The merchants
and businessmen in the former colonies simply replaced
the English factors. Soon after the cessation
of hostilities, England had reestablished her commercial
predominance owing to the superior facilities and
experience of British merchants in granting long term
credits, and perhaps the preference of Americans for
British goods. The British were again willing
to extend to the planters the accustomed long term
credits, but they were careful to grant it only to
merchants of high standing.
Lax inspecting caused the buyers to
lose faith in the inspectors’ reputation and
guarantee. As early as 1759 tobacco was being
sold by displaying samples. It was quite natural
then for the buyers to begin visiting the warehouses
as the tobacco was being inspected, to enable them
to purchase the better hogsheads directly from the
original owner. But it seems that even as late
as 1800 such practices were only occasional.
While lax inspections caused a few buyers to visit
the warehouses, the presence of these buyers led many
of the planters to bring their tobacco to the warehouses
most frequented by the buyers. As these buyers
paid higher prices for the better tobacco, the ultimate
result was the development of market towns and the
disappearance of the tobacco note. Within a decade
after the turn of the nineteenth century Richmond,
Manchester, Petersburg, and Lynchburg had become major
market towns.
When tobacco was first planted in
Jamestown, Spanish tobacco was selling for eighteen
shillings per pound. Virginia tobacco was inferior
in quality, but it was assessed in England at ten shillings
per pound. On the basis of these high prices
the Virginia Company of London agreed to allow the
Virginia planters three shillings per pound, in trade
at the magazine in Jamestown, for the best grades.
Even though it seemed that the London
Company was getting the lions share, these prices
proved to be very profitable for the colonists and
the infant tobacco industry increased very rapidly.
During the period 1615-1622 tobacco exports increased
from 2,300 to 60,000 pounds, and by 1630 the volume
had risen to 1,500,000. Meanwhile prices had fallen
as rapidly as production and exports had increased.
In 1625 tobacco was selling for about two shillings
per pound, but in 1630 merchants were reported to
be buying it for less than one penny per pound.
It was quite obvious that the fall
in prices was due to overproduction. The English
first attempted to alleviate the condition in 1619
through monopolistic control. Negotiations were
conducted with the Virginia Company of London, Henry
Somerscales, and Ditchfield in 1625. All were
opposed by the colony, except that of the London Company,
because the colonists thought that the various proposals
would benefit the King and a small group of court
favorites at the expense of the planters.
The next move was made by the colony.
In an attempt to restrict the production of tobacco,
Governor Wyatt ordered that production be limited
to 1,000 plants per person in each family in 1621.
These same instructions provided that only nine leaves
were to be harvested from each plant. Similar
laws were enacted in 1622 and again in 1629, but these
laws were probably not strictly enforced as prices
failed to improve. Undaunted by failure in its
first attempt to cope with the situation, the General
Assembly made several attempts at price fixing.
In 1632 tobacco prices in the colony were fixed at
six pence per pound in exchange for English goods;
in 1633 it was increased to nine pence.
The 1639 crop was so large that the
legislature ordered all of the bad and half of the
good tobacco destroyed; merchants were required to
accept fifty pounds of tobacco per 100 of indebtedness.
English goods were to be exchanged for tobacco at
a minimum rate of three pence per pound. The
minimum rate of the 1640 crop was fixed at twelve pence.
Such legislation failed to meet with the approval of
the home government and in 1641 tobacco averaged about
two pence per pound.
Following the depression of 1639 tobacco
prices failed to rise above three pence, and probably
never averaged more than two pence per pound for the
next sixty years. To prevent the complete ruination
of the tobacco planters, the General Assembly established
fixed rates for tobacco in the payment of certain
fees. In 1645 these fees were payable in tobacco
rated at one and one-half pence per pound; ten years
later the rate had increased only a half pence.
The war with Holland, restrictions on the Dutch trade,
and the plague in England brought forth another serious
depression in the colonies in the 1660’s.
In 1665 the tobacco fleet did not go to the colonies
on account of the plague in London. Tobacco prices
dropped to one pence per pound.
This new depression stirred the Virginia
legislature. In 1662 the Assembly prohibited
the planting of tobacco after the last of June, provided
that Maryland would do the same. Maryland rejected
the idea. This would have eliminated a great
deal of inferior tobacco, for much of the tobacco
planted in July seldom fully matures before it must
be harvested to save it from the frost. The planters
in both colonies continued to produce excessive crops
and the depression became more acute. Led by
Virginia, the North Carolina and Maryland legislatures
prohibited the cultivation of tobacco in 1666.
Lord Baltimore again refused to permit a cessation
in Maryland, consequently Virginia and North Carolina
repealed their legislation. Instead of cessation
the Virginia crop was so large in 1666 that 100 vessels
were not enough to export the crop. The possibility
of another enormous crop in 1667 was eliminated by
a severe storm that destroyed two-thirds of the crop.
However, the glutted market resulting from the large
crop grown in 1666 caused prices to fall to a half
pence per pound.
In the 1670’s prices climbed
to one and one-half pence, but a tremendous crop in
1680 glutted the market again. The crop was said
to have been so large that it would have supplied
the demand for the next two years, even if none were
produced in 1681. The General Assembly once again
came to the aid of the planter by rating tobacco in
payment of debts at one and one-fifth pence in 1682,
and two pence in payment of quit-rents in 1683.
Once again Virginia renewed attempts to bring about
a cessation of production, but the English government
refused to permit such action claiming that it would
stimulate foreign production and thereby reduce the
revenue to the Crown. In April, 1682 the General
Assembly convened but was prorogued by Lieutenant Governor
Sir Henry Chicheley a week later, when it was apparent
that the members were determined to discuss nothing
but the cessation of tobacco. A week later a
series of plant cuttings broke out in Gloucester County
followed by others in New Kent and Middlesex counties.
Approximately 10,000 hogsheads of tobacco were destroyed
before these riots were put down by the militia.
Probably as a result of this destructive act, prices
rose to two and a half pence in 1685, but a bumper
crop of over 18,000,000 pounds in 1688, the largest
ever produced to that date, caused prices to drop
to one penny per pound in 1690.
Throughout most of the seventeenth
century the tobacco planters were plagued with the
problem of overproduction and low prices. To add
to their woes the entire eighteenth century was one
of periodic wars either in Europe or in America, or
both. King William’s War ended in 1697
and the following year tobacco prices soared to twenty
shillings per hundred pounds and prices remained good
for the next few years. The outbreak of Queen
Anne’s War and another 18,000,000 pound crop
ushered in another depression. Several thousand
hogsheads of tobacco shipped on consignment in 1704
brought no return at all, and the next year many of
the planters sold their tobacco for one-fourth of a
penny per pound. Instead of attempting to limit
production in an effort to relieve the market conditions,
these low prices caused the planters to increase production
as they attempted to meet their obligations. In
1709 tobacco production reached an all-time high of
29,000,000 pounds.
The Peace of Utrecht in 1713 seems
to have brought little relief. Tobacco prices
failed to improve until after the passage of the inspection
act in 1730. In 1731 tobacco sold for as much
as twelve shillings six pence per hundred pounds,
despite the fact that Virginia exported 34,000,000
pounds. In a further attempt to improve the quality
and the price of tobacco the General Assembly ordered
the constables in each district to enforce the law
forbidding the planters to harvest suckers. Anyone
found tending suckers after the last of July was to
be heavily penalized. These two measures seem
to have produced the desired effects; in 1736 tobacco
sold for fifteen shillings per hundred pounds.
Unlike Queen Anne’s War, King
George’s War seemed to stimulate tobacco prices
and they remained relatively good for a number of years
after the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748. During
the early 1750’s merchants paid up to twenty
shillings per hundred pounds, even though Virginia
had been exporting from 38,000,000 to 53,000,000 pounds
annually. During the French and Indian War the
belligerents agreed to continue the tobacco trade,
but in spite of this arrangement there were unusual
price fluctuations owing primarily to inflation and
occasional poor crops. In 1755 a period of inflation
was created when Virginia resorted to the printing
press for currency. At the same time war operations
hampered production and only about one-half of the
usual annual crop was produced, and tobacco prices
rose to twenty shillings per hundred weight.
During the years of peace just prior to the American
Revolution, tobacco averaged about three pence per
pound and never fell below two pence. With the
outbreak of hostilities the General Assembly prohibited
the exportation of tobacco to the British Empire.
Frequent overproduction and the numerous
wars during the eighteenth century seem to have caused
more violent price fluctuations than those of the
previous century. Although the American colonies
did not participate in all of the wars involving England,
all of them had their effects upon the colonies.
Virginia depended primarily upon England to transport
her tobacco crop and during the war years there was
a frequent shortage of ships used for the tobacco
trade. As this cut off the tobacco supply to
the foreign markets, many of them began to grow their
supply of tobacco.
The tobacco crops were small almost
every year during the Revolution. Owing to the
increase in the demand for foodstuffs many of the planters
switched from tobacco to wheat. During the first
year of the war tobacco exports dropped from 55,000,000
to 14,500,000 pounds. It has been said that for
the entire period 1776-1782 Virginia’s exports
were less than her exports of a single year before
the Revolution. Wartime prices and inflation
caused tobacco prices to increase from eighteen shillings
per hundred pounds in 1775 to 2,000 shillings, in Continental
currency, in 1781. An official account in the
latter part of 1780 related that twenty-five shillings
per hundred pounds in specie was considered a very
substantial price. A very small crop in 1782 was
followed by one that topped any of the pre-war crops,
and by 1787 prices had fallen to fifteen pence per
pound. Prices dropped to $12.00 in 1791, and
a period of relatively low prices continued until 1797
when prices increased as a result of an extensive shift
from tobacco to wheat. In 1800 prices dropped
to $7.40 per hundred pounds as Virginia exported a
near record crop of over 78,000 hogsheads of tobacco.
A complete and accurate price table
would be virtually impossible to compile. Some
of these averages represent only single individual
quotations, or the average of only two or three such
quotations. These charts are intended to give
the reader a general picture of the prices during
the Colonial period.
Year Average Price Average Price Pounds Exported
per Lb. per Cwt.
1615 3s 2,300
1617 3s 20,000
1618 3s 41,000
1619 3s 44,879
1620 2s 6d 40,000
1621 3s 55,000
1622 3s 60,000
1623 2s
1625 2s 4d
1626 3s 500,000
1628 3s 6d 500,000
1629 1,500,000
1630 1d 1,500,000
1631 6d 1,300,000
1632 6d
1633 9d
1634 1d
1637 9d
1638 2d
1639 3d 1,500,000
1640 12d 1,300,000
1641 2d 1,300,000
1642 2d
1644 1-1/2d
1645 1-1/2d
1649 3d
1651 16s
1652 20s
1655 2d
1656 2d
1657 3d
1658 2d
1659 2d
1660 2d
1661 2d
1662 2d
1664 1-1/2d
1665 1d
1666 1-1/5d
1667 1/2d
1669 20s
1676 1-1/2d
1682 1-1/5d
1683 2d
1684 1/2d
1685 2-1/2d
1686 1-1/5d
1688 18,295,000
1690 1d
1691 2d
1692 1d
1695 1-1/2d
1696 1-1/5d
1697 1/2d 22,000,000
1698 20s 22,000,000
1699 20s 22,000,000
1700 10s average
1701 average
1702 20s
1704 2d 18,000,000
1706 1/4d
1709 1d 29,000,000
1710 1d
1713 3s
1715 2s
1716 11s
1720 1d
1722 3/4d
1723 1d
1724 1-1/2d
1727 9d
1729 10d
1731 12s 6d 34,000,000
1732 9d 34,000,000
1733 2d 34,000,000
1736 2d 34,000,000
1737 9d average
1738 3d average
1739 2d average
1740 34,000,000
1744 2d 47,000,000
1745 14s 38,232,900
1746 2d 36,217,800
1747 37,623,600
1748 16s 8d 42,104,700
1749 2d 43,880,300
1750 15s 43,710,300
1751 16s 43,032,700
1752 2d 43,542,000
1753 20s 53,862,300
1754 45,722,700
1755 2d 42,918,300
1756 20s 25,606,800
1757 3d
1758 3d 22,050,000
1759 35s 55,000,000
1760 55,000,000
1761 22s 6d 55,000,000
1762 11d 55,000,000
1763 2d 55,000,000
1764 12s 6d 55,000,000
1765 3d 55,000,000
1766 4s average
1767 3s 10d average
1768 22s 6d average
1769 23s average
1770 25s average
1771 18s average
1772 20s average
1773 12s 6d average
1774 13s average
1775 3-1/4d 55,000,000
1776 12s 14,498,500
1777 34s 12,441,214
1778 70s 11,961,333
1779 400s 17,155,907
1780 1,000s 17,424,967
1781 2,000s 13,339,168
1782 36s 9,828,244
1783 40s 86,649,333
1784 30s 10d 49,497,000
1785 30s 55,624,000
1786 19d 60,380,000
1787 15d 60,041,000
1788 25s 58,544,000
1789 15d 58,673,000
The history of tobacco is the history
of Jamestown and of Virginia. No one staple or
resource ever played a more significant rôle in the
history of any state or nation. The growth of
the Virginia Colony, as it extended beyond the limits
of Jamestown, was governed and hastened by the quest
for additional virgin soil in which to grow this “golden
weed.” For years the extension into the
interior meant the expansion of tobacco production.
Without tobacco the development of Virginia might
have been retarded 200 years.
Tobacco was the life and soul of the
colony; yet a primitive, but significant, form of
diversified farming existed from the very beginning
especially among the small farmers. Even with
the development of the large plantations in the eighteenth
century, there were quite a number of small landowners
interspersed among the big planters in the Tidewater
area, and they were most numerous in the Piedmont section.
They usually possessed few slaves, if any, and raised
mostly grains, vegetables and stock which they could
easily sell to neighboring tobacco planters.
The negligible food imports by the colony indicates
that a regular system of farming existed. Nor
was tobacco the sole product of the large tobacco
plantations. This is indicated by the fact that
practically all of the accounts of the product of one
man’s labor were recorded as so many pounds
or acres of tobacco plus provisions. And had
the plantations not been generally self-sufficient,
the frequently extremely low prevailing tobacco prices
would have made the agricultural economy even less
Tobacco was a completely new agricultural
product to most, if not all, of the English settlers
at Jamestown. There were no centuries of vast
experience in growing, curing, and marketing to draw
upon. These problems and procedures were worked
out by trial and error in the wilderness of Virginia.
Tobacco became the only dependable export and the
colony was exploited for the benefit of English commerce.
This English commercial policy, plus other factors,
caused the Virginia planter to become somewhat of
an agricultural spendthrift. For nearly 200 years
he followed a system of farming which soon exhausted
his land. Land was cheap and means of fertilization
was limited and laborious. By clearing away the
trees he was able to move north, south, southwest,
and west and replace his worn-out fields with rich
virgin soil necessary to grow the best tobacco.
While struggling with the problems
involved in producing an entirely new crop about which
they knew little or nothing, the colonists also had
to feed themselves, deal with their racial problems,
and maintain a stable local government as they continually
expanded in a limitless wilderness. Out of all
this chaos grew the mother and leader of the American
Tobacco penetrated the social, political,
and economic life of the colony. Ownership of
a large tobacco plantation could take one up the social
ladder; many of the men responsible for the welfare
of the colony were planters, and everything could
be paid for in tobacco. In 1620 the indentured
servants were paid for with tobacco, the young women
sent to the colonists to become wives were purchased
by paying their transportation charges with tobacco.
The wages of soldiers and the salaries of clergymen
and governmental officials were paid in tobacco.
After 1730 tobacco notes, that is warehouse receipts,
representing a certain amount of money, served as currency
for the colony.
The development of the inspection
system with its chain of tobacco warehouses hastened
urbanization. Around many of these warehouses
grew villages and settlements; some of these eventually
became towns and cities. Richmond, Petersburg,
Danville, Fredericksburg, Farmville, Clarksville and
others were once merely convenient landings or locations
for tobacco warehouses. Even today the fragrant
aroma of cured tobacco still exists in a number of
these places during the tobacco marketing season.
The tobacco trade was largely responsible for the
birth and growth of Alexandria, Dumfries, and Norfolk
into important export-import centers. For her
birth, growth, and colonial leadership, Virginia pays
her respect to John Rolfe and the other brave settlers
at Jamestown.
Tobacco is still a vital factor in
Virginia’s economy. Of approximately 2,000,000
acres of cropland (pastureland excluded) in 1949, 115,400
were planted in tobacco which produced 124,904,000
pounds valued at $55,120,800 or twenty-three percent
of the total value of all agricultural crops.
Of the four largest agricultural products poultry,
tobacco, meat animals, and milk tobacco
ranked second only to poultry in terms of income in
1955. Poultry produced an income of $99,935,000,
tobacco $84,128,000, meat animals $80,564,000, and
milk $70,681,000. Peanuts and fruits were tied
for fifth place, each producing an income of about
Of the many different industries in
Virginia today only five food, textile,
wearing apparel, chemical, and the manufacture of
transportation equipment employ more workers
than the tobacco manufacturers. In 1953 a total
of $40,000,000, in salaries and wages, was paid to
production workers in the tobacco manufacturing industry
in Virginia.
Although tobacco is no longer “king”
in the Old Dominion, Virginia farmers produce enough
of the “golden weed” each year to make
one long cigarette that would stretch around the world
fifty times.