It is unfortunate that we know so
little about Thomas Arden, Mary Shakespeare’s
“antecessor.” A quiet country gentleman
he seems to have been, marrying for love, and not
for property, or his wife’s descent might have
helped us to clear his own. I do not think she
was a Throckmorton, but I think she was very probably
a Trussell, which Mr. French also suggests. Joane
was a Trussell name, and Billesley held some attraction
to the family. We are not sure of anything about
Thomas except the purchase of Snitterfield, the year
before Sir Walter Arden’s death, and his payment
of the subsidies in 1526 and 1546. It is probable
he was the “Thomas Arden, Squier,” who
witnessed the will of Sir Walter in 1502; it is possible
he was the Thomas Arden who witnessed the will of
John Lench of Birmingham in 1525, though it is
more likely that this latter Thomas was his nephew,
the heir of Park Hall. Thomas of Wilmecote is
supposed to have died in 1546, but no will has been
discovered. Probably he had handed over his property
to his son in his lifetime. There is no trace
of another child than Robert.
Robert was probably under age when
his father purchased Snitterfield, and hence the need
of trustees in association with the purchase.
On December 14 and 21, 1519, Robert Arden purchased
another property in Snitterfield from Richard Rushby
and Agnes his wife, and he bought also a tenement
from John Palmer on October 1, 1529. One of his
tenants was Richard Shakespeare. He and his tenant
were both presented for non-suit of court in 30 Henry
He contributed to the subsidy in Wilmecote
in 1526 and 1546. We know no more of his first
wife than we know of his mother. She might have
been either a Trussel or a Palmer. But we know
that he had seven daughters, who all bore Arden
family names: Agnes, who married first
John Hewyns, and secondly Thomas Stringer, by whom
she had two sons, John and Arden Stringer; Joan,
who married Edmund Lambert, of Barton-on-the-Heath,
who had a son, John Lambert; Katharine, who
married Thomas Edkyns of Wilmecote, who had a son,
Thomas Edkyns the younger; Margaret, who married
first Alexander Webbe of Bearley (by whom she had
a son Robert), and secondly Edward Cornwall; Joyce,
of whom there is no record but in her father’s
settlement and will; Alice, who was one
of the co-executors of her father’s will, but
of whom there is no further record; and Mary,
the other executor, who married John Shakespeare.
The exact dates of their birth are not known.
Robert may be supposed to have been married about 1520,
and it is probable that Mary was born about 1535.
It is likely that she was of age when made
executor in 1556, but not at all necessary.
Robert Arden married again when his
family had grown up probably in 1550 Agnes
Webbe, who had been assessed as the widow of Hill of
Bearley on L7, in 37 Henry VIII., 1546. On July
17, 1550, Robert Arden made two settlements of the
Snitterfield estates, probably upon his marriage.
In the first, he devised estates at Snitterfield
in trust to Adam Palmer and Hugh Porter, for the benefit,
after the death of himself and his wife, of his three
married daughters Agnes, Joan and Katharine.
In the second, a similar deed, in favour of three
other daughters Margaret (then married
to Alexander Webbe of Bearley), Joyce and Alice.
Mary is not mentioned, probably because the Asbies
estate was even then devoted to her.
Robert Arden, sick in body, but good
and perfect of remembrance, made his last will and
testament November 23, 1556, and he must have died
shortly after. This will of itself answers the
question as to his worldly position, and as to the
meaning of the word “husbandman” in his
case. The wage of a working “husbandman”
at the time was from 25s. to 33s. a year. His
will discloses property on a level with many “gentlemen”
of his time and his county. It gives a strong
suggestion that Mrs. Arden was not on the best of
terms with her stepchildren. Robert bequeathed
his soul “to God and the blessed Lady Saint Mary,
and all the holye company of heaven,” and his
body to be buried in the churchyard of Saint John
the Baptist at Aston Cantlowe. “Also I
bequeathe to my youngest daughter Marye all my land
at Willincote caulide Asbyes, and the crop upon the
grownde sown and tythde as hitt is ... and vi^li
xiii^s iiii^d of money to be paid her or ere my goodes
be devided. Also I gyve and bequeathe to my daughter
Ales, the thyrde parte of all my goodes moveable
and unmoveable in fylde and towne after my dettes
and leggessese performyde, besydes that goode she hath
of her owne all this tyme. Allso I give and bequethe
to Agnes my wife vi^li xiii^s iiii^d upon this
condysion that she shall sofer my dowghter Ales quyetly
to ynjoye half my copyhold in Wyllincote during the
tyme of her wyddewoode; and if she will nott soffer
my dowghter Ales quyetly to occupy half with her,
then I will that my wyfe shall have but, and her gintur in Snytterfelde. Item,
I will that the residew of all my goodes, moveable
and unmovable, my funeralles and my dettes dyschargyd,
I gyve and bequeathe to my other children to be equaleye
devidide amongeste them by the descreshyon of Adam
Palmer, Hugh Porter of Snytterfelde, and Jhon Skerlett,
whom I do orden and make my overseers of
this my last will and testament, and they to have for
their peynes takyng in this behalfe xx^s apece.
Allso I orden and constitute and make my full
exequtores Ales and Marye my dawghters of this my last
will and testament, and they to have no more for their
paynes takyng now as afore geven to them. Allso
I gyve and bequethe to every house that hath no teeme
in the paryche of Aston, to every house iiii^d.
Thes being witnesses Sir William Bouton Curett,
Adam Palmer, Jhon Skerlett, Thomas Jhenkes, William
Pytt, with other mo.” Proved at Worcester,
December 16, 1556, by Alice and Mary Arden. It
is interesting to learn from the inventory the nature
of the furniture, and the prices of the period.
There were eleven “painted cloths” in the
various rooms, the substitutes for ancient tapestry
even in good homes.
The value of the goods, movable and
unmovable, independently of the landed property, was
calculated to be L76 11d. This was a large
sum for the period. Probably even then the goods
were worth much more, as the prices entered are relatively
low for the date. Certainly it is necessary to
multiply the value by ten to translate it into modern
figures, and that would give a good estimate for the
saleable value of a houseful of furniture now.
After her sister’s and her stepmother’s
legacies of L6 13d., after the payment of 4d.
to every family in the parish, and of 20s. to the
overseers, all debts being paid, Alice was to have
a third that is, the third that by old
English law belonged to the dead. She would thus
have at least L13 worth in kind, along with her interest
in Snitterfield and what goods “she had of her
own.” The others would have about L5 each.
It may be noted the widow was left no furniture or
goods. She may have claimed the widow’s
third, though the effect of her jointure was to disturb
the law of dower. She seems to have had furniture
of her own. She evidently stayed on in her husband’s
home, and apparently brought her own children there.
Mary Hill was married to John Fulwood,
November 15, 1561, at Aston Cantlow. Agnes Arden,
widow, made her will in 1578. The opinion that
there was no great friendliness with her husband’s
family is strengthened thereby, yet there was not
the absolute estrangement some writers have supposed.
Halliwell-Phillipps states that she does not mention
a member of her husband’s family. She left
legacies to the poor, to her godchildren, to her grandchildren,
and the residue to her son and son-in-law in trust
for their children. She left twelve pence to John
Lambert, her stepdaughter Joan’s son, and twelve
pence to each of her brother Alexander Webbe’s
children, one of whom, at least, was the son of her
stepdaughter Margaret. She left nothing to any
of her stepdaughters, and nothing to any of the young
Shakespeares. The overseers were Adam Palmer
and George Gibbs; so she had been able to keep friendly
with her husband’s friend. The witnesses
were Thomas Edkins (a stepdaughter’s husband),
Richard Petyfere, and others. She was buried
on December 29, 1580, and the inventory of her goods
was taken January 19, 1580-81. The low rate at
which it is calculated is remarkable. “Item
38 sheep L3; fivescore pigs L13 4s.,” etc.
The sum total was L45. The will was proved on
March 31, 1581.
The friendliness between the Shakespeares
and the other Arden families seems to have been unstable.
Aunt Joan’s husband, Edmund Lambert, of Barton-on-the-Heath,
and their son John, through rather sharp practice
for cousinly customs, became owners of Asbies.
There is a hazy suspicion even about the bona
fides of the Edkins. Agnes had settled rather
far off at the home of the Stringers, in Stockton,
co. Salop. In February, 1569, Thomas Stringer
devised to Alexander Webbe his share of Snitterfield.
John Shakespeare was one of the witnesses to the indenture.
Alexander Webbe, it is true, made John Shakespeare,
his brother-in-law, the overseer of his will at his
death in 1573.
Joyce Arden and Alice Arden seem both
to have died unmarried, without leaving a will.
There is no further mention of Alice, the wealthier
of the two maiden sisters, resident at Aston Cantlow,
neither has there hitherto been made any suggestion
concerning Joyce, and her death does not appear in
the parish registers. Now, it was an exceedingly
common custom of the time for poorer single relatives
to enter into the service of wealthier members of
the family; for “superfluous women” even,
who were not poor, to go where they were wanted in
other homes. Might she not have gone in such
a capacity to one of the houses of the Ardens
of Park Hall? In Worcestershire, near Stourbridge,
there is a parish called Pedmore, and a hall of the
same name, then inhabited by the Arden family.
The registers there record the death of a “Mistress
Joyce Arden” in 1557, to whose family there
is no clue: and I cannot but think she was Shakespeare’s
aunt, as the Joyce of Park Hall was married.
The Webbes gradually bought up
the reversionary shares of the other Arden sisters
in Snitterfield, and held the whole as tenants under
Mrs. Arden, widow. But the story of the Shakespeares’
transfer is so curiously mixed up with their other
actions that they must be taken together, in order
to get a contemporary view of the matter. We find
that John Shakespeare had apparently pinched himself
in 1575 to purchase two houses in Stratford-on-Avon
for L40, believed to be in Henley Street.
By 1578, for some reasons not explained, he was excused
his share in municipal charges, and by a will
of “Roger Sadler” Baker in that year,
we know that he was in debt to him, and under circumstances
that necessitated a security. “Item of Edmund
Lambert and Cornish for the debte
of Mr. John Shakesper.” John
Shakespeare mortgaged Asbies to Edmund Lambert for
a loan of L40 on November 14, 1578, the fine being
levied Easter, 1579, the mortgagee treating the matter
as a purchase.
There is a curious complexity caused
by a lease of the same property being apparently granted
to George Gibbes, and a double fine levied i.e.,
parties brought in who were strangers to the title;
and a double fine appears to have been levied for technical
purposes when the estate was entailed. These
other names were Thomas Webbe and Humphrey Hooper.
The mortgage loan was made repayable at Michaelmas,
1580, when the lease commenced to run, and things seemed
to have been made safe for the Shakespeares.
Then they proceeded to sell a parcel of the Snitterfield
property to Robert Webbe for L40 on October 15, 1579.
The description is worded loosely: “John
Shakespeare yeoman and Mary his wife ... all that
theire moietye, parte and partes, be yt
more or lesse, of and in twoo messuages,” etc.
The indenture is long, and written in English,
and would seem to have been signed at Wilmcote.
A bond was drawn up on the 25th of
the same month, carrying a penalty of twenty marks
against the Shakespeares if they infringed the
above conditions, also signed in the presence of Nicholas
Knolles, the Vicar of Auston or Alveston.
Another deed, the final concord, is drawn up
in Latin: “in curia domine Regine
apud Westmonasterium a die Pasche in quindecim
dies anno regnorum Elizabethe ... vicesimo
secundo ... inter Robertum Webbe querentem et
Johannem Shackspere et Mariam uxorem ejus, deforciantes
de sexta parte duarum partium duorum messuagiorum
... idem Robertus dedit predictis Johannis et Marie
quadraginta libras sterlingorum.”
On this sale Robert Webbe paid a fine of 6d. for
licence of entry to the Sheriff of the County.
Now, this apparently second sale has
puzzled many Shakespeareans, as well as the “fraction.”
Even Halliwell-Phillipps supposes that “John
Shakespeare had some small interest in Snitterfield
of his own,” which he parted with for L4, and
that “Mary Shakespeare was entitled to a share
through an earlier settlement.” Others have
thought, however, that the first was but a draught
deed of the indenture, the L4 the earnest money, and
the “final concord” for L40 the conclusion
of the whole. This is supported by the absolute
indefiniteness of the first as to part or parts in
two messuages, and by the apparent definiteness of
the second. But the peculiar wording has further
puzzled many writers. In referring to Robert
Arden’s settlements, we find that one tenement
is settled upon three daughters, and the other tenement
settled upon other three daughters, Mary’s name
not being mentioned. How, then, was she empowered
to sell any share? It could only be by inheritance
or by gift from some of her other sisters. The
course of events showed it was not of free gift.
But Joyce and Alice had apparently vanished from the
scene. If they left no will, their shares would
be divisible into equal parts among their surviving
sisters by common law, and through her fraction of
their shares Mary Shakespeare could step in as part
owner of Snitterfield. Now, it is quite possible
that the first sale of 1579 was an indefinite sale
of Mary’s share of Joyce’s portion; and
it is possible that Alice died in that year, and increased
the share of her sisters, so that the two portions
were treated together in the deed of 1580. Seeing
that the two portions of the property had long been
held together by the Webbes, it is quite natural to
read “the sixth part of two” rather than
“the third of one,” as each sister originally
read her share. Now, if Mary had lost both of
her sisters, it is quite natural to read her share
as “the sixth part of two parts or portions
of two tenements.” This has not yet been
thus simply explained. But it is not strictly
correct; for while the share of the first sister would
bring Mary “the sixth part of one part of two
tenements,” the death of the second sister should
have secured her the fifth part of one part
of two tenements, plus the fraction already inherited
by the second from the first, or, more simply, the
fifth part of two parts of two tenements. It
was near enough, however, for all practical purposes,
and Robert Webbe seems duly to have handed over the
money to John Shakespeare. Robert Webbe’s
eagerness to buy, and the Shakespeares’
need of the money, seems to have determined the price.
Forty pounds was a large sum for such a fraction of
the whole. Robert Webbe’s readiness may
be accounted for, because he was on the eve of marriage.
There was a new settlement of estates at Snitterfield
on the occasion of his marriage to Mary, daughter
of John Perkes, September 1, 23 Elizabeth, and an
agreement between Edward Cornwall (stepfather
to Robert Webbe) and William Perkes, respecting an
estate in Snitterfield, and a proviso against any
claim from the Ardens.
But it was not from the Ardens
that any difficulty arose. Before the death of
Mrs. Agnes Arden, she was called to support her claim
and that of all her stepdaughters, based on a supposition
of entail, against the descendants of the Mayowe who
had sold his property to Thomas and Robert Arden in
1501. Being described as old and infirm, a Commission
was directed to Bartholomew Hales, Lord of the Manor
of Snitterfield, and Nicholas Knolles, Vicar of Alveston,
to take her deposition concerning it, in July, 1580.
She died in December of that year; and in 1582 John
Shakespeare, and his brother Henry, and Adam Palmer,
with others, were called on to give evidence in the
case between Thomas Mayowe and Robert Webbe, before
Sir Fulk Grevyle, Sir Thomas Lucy, Humphrey Peto,
and William Clopton, Commissioners. Their depositions
in support of the deed of transfer seem to have been
sufficient, and we hear no more of Mayowe. The
newly-married couple settled down on the inheritance
of the Ardens, and the old home of the Shakespeares.
Concerning Mary Arden’s special
inheritance at Asbies, there is a sadder story to
tell. Whether John Shakespeare could read or not,
he was certainly not a Latin scholar, and though not
ignorant of many points of common law, was not up
to all the technicalities used at times to confuse
the truth. It is evident that there had been some
verbal agreement between him and Edmund Lambert on
which he relied, but that the written deed was all
that John Lambert accepted. On selling the main
portion of his wife’s property at Snitterfield,
John Shakespeare seems to have walked right off with
the money to Edmund Lambert, of Barton-on-the-Heath,
to redeem his mortgage, and reinstate himself as owner
of Asbies, free to grant a lease or sale on his own
terms. But through a quibble, which “was
not in the bond,” Edmund Lambert refused to
accept this until certain other debts were also paid.
Thereby he gained the shelter of time, which “was
in the bond,” and put Shakespeare at a legal
disadvantage, though it is evident from the later papers
that a verbal agreement had taken place to extend
the time, seeing that the money had been tendered.
We may be sure that the property was worth more than
L40 in hard cash to either, and more, in romantic associations,
to the Shakespeares. For it was a part of
Thomas Arden’s original property. How he
came by it, no one is sure. French suggests
it might have been given him by the Beauchamps of
Bergavenny, who had intermarried with the Ardens,
and had been more than once known to have been in
friendly relations. The guardian of Robert Arden,
his grandfather, had been the Lady of Bergavenny,
and Elizabeth Beauchamp was godmother to Elizabeth
Arden, daughter of Walter and sister of Thomas, whom
we take to be the Thomas of Aston Cantlow.
Edmund Lambert died in 1587, and his
son John seems to have been threatened by the Shakespeares
with a law-suit for the recovery of Asbies, and proposed
as a compromise to pay a further sum of L20, thereby
securing Asbies as by purchase. To this, however,
the consent, not only of Mary, but of William, her
heir, was necessary, and the poet is supposed to have
come down to Stratford on the occasion to act with
his parents. But probably there was some other
hitch: the L20 may have been held to be covered
by the “other debts,” which already had
done service for Edmund Lambert; or the Shakespeares
weighed their desire to have back the land, which
they probably then wished, with their growing family,
to farm themselves. Nothing seems then to have
been settled, and they were too poor to risk the perils
of a great law-suit. Doubtless, with sad hearts
and bitter retrospect, they regretted their unlucky
purchases in 1575, which seemed to have pinched them
so, and wished at least they had been contented with
the half, with the one tenement in Henley Street that
formed part of their residence. For, had they
only spent L20 then instead of L40, they could have
repaid their hard-dealing relative not only the smaller
mortgage, but the “other debts,” out of
the L40 they received for Snitterfield from the more
liberal Robert Webbe.
Finding John Lambert even harder to
deal with than his father, John Shakespeare brought
a Bill of Complaint against him in the Court of Queen’s
Bench, 1589, by John Harborne, attorney, in which
his wife and son are mentioned. Nothing seems
then to have been done. On November 24, 1597,
backed by their son’s influence and money, John
and Mary Shakespeare, plaintiffs, without associating
their son’s name, made a formal complaint to
the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Egerton, stating
that Edmund Lambert was to hold it only until repaid
the loan, that the money had been duly tendered to
him on the agreed date, that he had refused it, and
that his son John holds the land still, and makes
secret estates of the premises, the nature of which
they cannot describe, as the papers have been withheld
them; that their papers and evidences are open to
the court. They add further that “the sayde
John Lamberte ys of greate wealthe and abilitie, and
well frended and allied amongst gentlemen and freeholders
of the county ... and your saide oratores are of small
wealthe and very fewe frendes and alyance in the said
countie. They pray a writ of subpoena to be directed
to John Lambert to appear in the Court of Chancery.”
John Lambert, pointing out the uncertainty
and insufficiency of the plaintiff’s bill, also
that the bill had already been exhibited against
him in the same court, and he had fully answered
it, asserts that the arrangement was a deed of sale,
with the conditional proviso that if John Shakespeare
should pay L40 on the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel,
1580, to Edmund Lambert, in Barton-on-the-Heath, the
bill of sale should be void. He did not pay the
money on the day, and therefore his father was legally
seized of the estate.
To this John and Mary Shakespeare
replied, and again explained that the money was tendered
at the date, and that Edmund Lambert refused to receive
it unless other moneys also were paid, of which no
condition had been fixed; that on the death of Edmund,
John had stepped into possession, and refused to hear
anything from them. John Lambert had another
quibble, that John Shakespeare had exhibited two bills
against him, one in his own name, and one associating
his wife’s. On July 5, 1598, July 10, 1598,
and May 18, 1599, further steps were taken, but still
no decision was reached. Therefore, on June 27,
1599, a commission was appointed to examine both parties.
In the Index Trin. Term, 41 Elizabeth,
there is the entry “Shackspeere contra Lambert,”
but the page that contained further notice is lost.
On October 23, 1599, another entry
of the case is recorded: “Yf the defendant
show no cause for stay of publicación by this
day sevenight, then publicación ys granted”;
but nothing more has come to us. Probably delay
helped the more powerful, certainly possession proved
nine-tenths of the law, and the expenses of legal
action even then were paralyzing. It is strange
that the fate of Asbies as a property is unknown.
There are traces of its being in the possession of
Adam Edkins in 1668, of one John Smith after him,
and of Clement Edkins in 1699, but the name seems
to have vanished, and with it all remembrance of the
boundary of the inheritance of the Ardens of