Richard Shakespeare was in tenure
of the property at Snitterfield, which Robert Arden
settled on his wife and daughters July 17, 4 Edward
VI., Adam Palmer and Hugh Porter being trustees.
On November 26, 1557, he, along with the executors
of Robert Arden and Thomas Stringer, was returned
as indebted to the late Hugh Porter of Snitterfield.
On September 13 he prised the goods of Richard
Maydes, and on June 1, 1560, of Henry Cole, of Snitterfield.
He is believed to have been the father of John, Henry,
and possibly of Thomas Shakespeare.
John Shakespeare must have come to
Stratford-on-Avon, probably from Snitterfield, some
time before 1552, for in that year he is described
as a resident in Henley Street, and fined for a breach
of the municipal sanitary regulations, along with
Humphrey Reynolds and Adrian Quyney, twelvepence a
piece. This relatively large sum implies that
he must have been even then a substantial householder.
The determination of the house he then dwelt in becomes
interesting in its bearing on the tradition as to
the poet’s birthplace. Nothing is recorded
of John for the next few years, but he seems to have
prospered in business, trading in farmers’ produce.
In a law-suit of 1556, with Thomas Siche of Arscot,
Worcester, he was styled a “glover.”
In that year he bought from George Turner a freehold
tenement in Greenhill Street, with garden and croft,
which is not mentioned in any of his later transactions,
and from Edward West a freehold tenement and garden
in Henley Street, the eastern half of the birthplace
messuage. Each of these was held by the payment
of sixpence a year to the lord of the manor and suit
of court. Whether he had previously lived in
this eastern tenement, or in the western half, as
a tenant has not been absolutely decided.
He was summoned on the Court of Record
Jury this year, and was party to several small suits,
in all of which he was successful. In 1557 he
was elected ale-taster, and curiously enough he was
amerced for not keeping his gutters clean, in company
with Francis Harbage, Chief Bailiff, Adrian Quyney,
Mr. Hall, and Mr. Clopton. He is believed to have
married Mary Arden in 1557. The registers of
Aston Cantlow, where it is likely that Mary was married,
do not begin so early. She was single at the time
of her father’s death in 1556, and on September
15, 1558, “Jone Shakespeare, daughter to
John Shakespeare, was christened at Stratford by Roger
Divos, minister.” In 1558 John Shakespeare
was elected one of the four Constables of the town,
and, in 1559, one of the affeerors or officers appointed
to determine the imposition of small arbitrary fines.
In 1561 he was elected one of the Chamberlains, as
well as one of the affeerors. He remained Chamberlain
for two years, and apparently so well did he discharge
his financial duties in that office that he was called
on to assist later Chamberlains in making up their
accounts. It is generally supposed that he could
not write, because in attesting documents he made
his mark. But I am not sure that this habit is
a certain sign of his ignorance of the art. Camden
himself chose a mark as a signature based on
his horoscope. (See his letter to Ortelius, Sep, 1577.)
In 1561 Richard Shakespeare of Snitterfield
died, and his goods were administered by his son,
“John Shakespeare, Agricola, of Snitterfield,”
Fe, 1561-62. Many doubt that, even if he
had any interest in Richard’s property, such
a description would have been given of the Chamberlain
of Stratford-on-Avon. It must not be forgotten
that there had been a John Shakespeare presented and
fined twelvepence on October 1, 1561, in Snitterfield
Court, but he may have been the Stratford John.
In the description of a neighbouring property in 1570,
we learn that there was a “John Shakespeare of
Ingon,” a farm in the neighbourhood of Snitterfield;
and John Shakespeare of Ingon was buried September
25, 1589, according to Mr. Halliwell-Phillipps.
Hence arose reasonable doubts of the identity of John
of Stratford with John, the heir of Richard Shakespeare
of Snitterfield. Still, the evidence is much
stronger in support of his identity than against it.
On December 2, 1562, the Stratford
baptismal register records the christening of “Margaret,
daughter of John Shakspere.” At the making
up of the Chamberlain’s accounts for 1562-63
in January, 1563-64, the Chamber was found in debt
to John Shakespeare 25d., as if he had been the
finance Chamberlain of the two. Both of his daughters
were dead when, on April 26, he christened his firstborn
son William. That summer the plague raged in
Stratford; the Council meetings were held in the garden,
to avoid infection, and collections were made among
the burgesses for the relief of the poor, to each
of which John Shakespeare contributed.
In 1565 he was chosen alderman, and
not only rendered the Chamberlain’s accounts,
but seems to have borne their financial liabilities,
as in the accounts for the year is noted, “Item,
payd to Shakspeyr for a rest of old det L3, 2, 7-1/2,”
the sum which was really entered as a debt in favour
of the acting Chamberlains. The following year
he again made up the accounts for the Chamberlains,
and the Chamber was found to be in debt to him 6d., a sum that was not repaid until January, 1568.
From the number of petty actions for
debt in which he appeared, either as plaintiff or
defendant, one would believe that the business men
of Stratford did not care to pay up until they were
obliged to do so. In 1566 there occurs an interesting
suit, which shows that John Shakespeare was even then
acquainted with the Hathaways. In two actions
against Richard Hathaway one for L8, and
one for L11 John Shakespeare had been security,
and his name was substituted in the later proceedings
for that of the defendant.
On October 13, 1566, his son Gilbert was christened.
In 1567 he was assessed on goods to
the value of L4 for the subsidy 3d.; and
in another entry on L3, 2d. This was not at
all a small entry for a tradesman of the time.
Everyone tried to make his estimate as small as possible,
as men do to-day, when taxes depend on it. He
was nominated that year, though not elected, to the
post of High Bailiff, to which office, however, he
was elected on September 4, 1568. In the precepts
that he issued he is styled “Justice of the peace
and Bailiff of the Town." In the Chamberlain’s
accounts of January 26, 1568-69, there is mentioned,
“Item to Mr. Balyf that now is 14/-,” a
sum not explained or accounted for; and in 1570 the
Chamberlains “praye allowance of money delivered
to Mr. Shaxpere at sundry times L6,” during
their year 1569-70, as if he had been doing work for
the town. On April 15, 1569, another daughter
Joan was christened; and on September 28, 1571, his
daughter Anna. After his year of office, John
Shakespeare was always called “Master,”
a point to be remembered in determining the meaning
of various little records in a town where others of
the name came to reside. In 1571 he was elected
Chief Alderman, and in 1572 he attained what may really
be considered as his chief honour. “At this
Hall yt is agreed by the asent and consent of the Aldermen
and burgeses aforesaid, that Mr. Adrian Queney now
bailif and Mr. John Shakespeare, shall at Hilary term
next ensuing deale in the affairs concerninge the
commen wealthe of the Borroughe according to their
discrecións.” This was an important
consideration to devolve on the shoulders of a man
if he could not read or write, and it very probably
involved a visit to London. In 1574, March 11,
his son Richard was born; and in 1575 we find the
locality of his house in Henley Street determined by
William Wedgewood’s sale, September 20, to Edward
Willis for L44, of his two tenements “betwyne
the tenement of Richard Hornbee on the east part, and
the tenement of ‘John Shakesper yeoman’
on the weste part” the street on
the south, and the waste ground called Gilpittes on
the north. This shows, therefore, that the east
tenement of the birthplace was then in his occupation,
and that somehow he was entitled yeoman. But in
October he himself also bought two houses for L40
from Edmund and Emma Hall, the locality not specified.
One of these has been supposed by some to have been
the birthplace, or perhaps both, seeing that later
entries make John Shakespeare responsible to the lord
of the manor for 13d. for his western tenement, and
the garden or toft to the west of it, as against the
6d. due for his eastern tenement.
We must then face the question, either
John Shakespeare owned the birthplace in 1552, and
resided in it until he added the wool-shop in 1556;
or he rented the wool-shop in 1552, which he purchased
in 1556; or he rented the birthplace in 1552, which
he purchased in 1575 from the Halls. Under whatever
circumstances he secured these, both remained free
to him during all his financial difficulties, and descended
to his son. But these uncertainties create the
doubt that remains in the mind of some, Was the
poet really born in the birthplace which tradition
has assigned to him, or not? To me it seems that
the balance of all considerations remains in favour
of the birthplace. It is hard to account for
a purchase in 1575 (that evidently galled him) of any
other premises save those in which he resided.
Little is known of John Shakespeare or his family
during 1576 and 1577, but in 1578 begin the records
of his temporary poverty, which I have noted under
the account of his relations to his wife’s relatives.
For the Town Council, doubtless in consideration of
his past services, excused him paying 3d., as
his share of “the furniture of the pikemen,”
etc.; and, along with Mr. Robert Bratt (the poorest
member of the Corporation), he was excused the 4d.
a week imposed on the aldermen for relief of the poor.
Then came the mortgage of Asbies in 1578-79. The
following year he again left unpaid his share of the
levy for armour 3d.; and he began,
probably through shamefacedness, not to show himself
at the Halls, though the State Papers still enter
him among the gentlemen and freeholders of Warwickshire.
But another influence began to affect his circumstances
prejudicially about this time, and that is, the evil
fortunes of his brother Henry of Snitterfield.
How his biographer, in the “Dictionary of National
Biography,” could call this brother “a
prosperous farmer,” I know not.
In 1574 there had been a free fight,
wherein blood was drawn, between him and Edward Cornwall,
who afterwards became the second husband of his brother’s
sister-in-law, Margaret Webbe, nee Arden.
In the year 1580 there was an extra long series of
actions against him for debt; threats of excommunication
for withholding tithes; fines for refusing to wear
the statute caps on Sunday; fines for not doing suit
of court. Altogether he seems to have been a
high-spirited fellow, who brought on himself, through
lack of prudence, much of his ill-luck, and who had
the unfortunate knack of involving other people in
his troubles.
In 1582 both brothers were summoned
as witnesses in support of Robert Webbe against the
Mayowe appeal.
In November of that year John’s
eldest son William, of whom no earlier direct mention
had been preserved, added to his embarrassments by
a premature marriage, and in the following year John
was made a grandfather by the birth of Susanna Shakespeare.
In 1584 the twins Hamnet and Judith were added to
his anxieties. About this time the Stratford
Records notice how a John Shakespeare was worried by
suits brought against him by John Brown, in whose
favour a writ of distraint was issued against Shakespeare
in 1586. But the answer was returned that “he
had nothing whereon to distrain.”
There are several reasons for believing
that this John was not the poet’s father.
The prefix Mr. is not used in the entries; it is certain
that he retained his freeholds in Henley Street all
his life, and if he had “no goods whereon to
distrain,” he could hardly have been received
as sufficient bail at Coventry, on July 19 of that
year, for Michael Price, tinker, of Stratford-on-Avon,
or as security for his brother Henry’s debts.
In 1586 he was removed from his office of alderman.
Just in the year of the death of Edmund
Lambert, when the possession of money would have given
him power to have renewed his efforts to regain Asbies,
Henry Shakespeare became a defaulter, and Nicholas
Lane, by Thomas Trussell, his attorney, sued John
Shakespeare in his place, 1587. William Court
was his attorney in a weary case, which must have led
both sides into heavy costs, over the recovery of
On September 1, 1588, he paid a visit
to John Lambert at Barton-on-the-Heath, in the vain
hope of inducing him to surrender Asbies; instituted
proceedings against those who owed him money in Stratford,
and, in 1589, against Lambert in the Queen’s
Bench at London, probably acting in the latter case
through William. From the inquisition post-mortem
of the Earl of Warwick, in 1590, we know Mr. John
Shakespeare still owned the two houses in Henley Street.
In 1592 Mr. John Shakespeare appraised
the goods of two important neighbours of
Ralph Shawe, wool-driver, July 23, and Henry Field,
tanner, August 21. Thomas Trussell, the attorney,
drew up the inventory, and denominated his associate
as Mr. John Shaksper, Senior, for no clear
reason, but possibly to distinguish him from the shoemaker
John. The attestation is witnessed only by a
cross. During this year Sir Thomas Lucy and others
were drawing up the lists of Warwickshire recusants
that had been “heretofore presented.”
Among these they included several members of the sorely-oppressed
family of the Ardens of Park Hall, and in Stratford-on-Avon
“Mr. John Shackspere” and eight others.
Probably some friendly clerk, wishing to spare them
fines, added: “it is sayd that these last
nine coom not to Churche for feare of process for
debte.” But it is quite possible it might
refer to John Shakespeare the shoemaker, who, having
been Master of the Shoemakers’ Company, might
have been called “Mr." In the earlier undated
draught from which this was taken the Commissioners
state: “wee suspect theese nyne persons
next ensuinge absent themselves for feare of processes,
Mr. John Wheeler, John his son, Mr. John Shackespeere,”
Away up in London in 1593 the tide
was beginning to turn for the family through the efforts
of the poet and the affection of the Earl of Southampton.
In this year Richard Tyler sued a
John Shakespeare for a debt, but it is not at all
certain it was not one of the others of the name.
In a case brought by Adrian Quyney and Thomas Barker
against Philip Green, chandler, Henry Rogers, butcher,
and John Shaxspere, in 1595, for a debt of L5, the
absence of a trade after Shakespeare’s name has
made Mr. Halliwell-Phillipps suppose that he had retired
by this date. A John Shakespeare attested by
a cross the marriage settlement of Robert Fulwood
and Elizabeth Hill in 1596, which represents probably
the name of the poet’s father. In 1597
he sold, to oblige his neighbour, George Badger, a
narrow strip of land at the western side of his Henley
Street garden, 1-1/2 feet in breadth, but 86 feet
in length. For this he received L2 10s., and
his ground-rent was reduced from 13d. to 12d., the
odd penny becoming Badger’s responsibility.
He also sold a plat, 17 feet square, in the garden,
behind the wool-shop, to oblige his neighbour on the
other side, Edward Willis.
The application made for coat-armour,
initiated in 1596, ostensibly by John Shakespeare,
but really by William Shakespeare, as well as the
Lambert case, dragged on through the later years of
the century.
That he had not lost credit with his
fellow-townsmen may be seen by John’s latest
recorded piece of work.
Early in 1601 an action was brought
by Sir Edward Greville against the Corporation
respecting the toll-corn; and John Shakespeare, with
Adrian Quyney and others, assisted to draw up suggestions
for the use of the counsel for the defendants.
On September 8 of that year the funeral of the old
burgess took place at Stratford-on-Avon, but there
is no trace now left of any sepulchral monument or
memorial of any kind. No will or inventory, or
even inquisition post-mortem, has come down to us.
It is quite possible that the Henley
Street houses were entailed upon his eldest son, or
that he may have bought up all rights during his father’s
lifetime to such an extent that “inheritance”
could hardly be talked of. He seems to have indeed
supported all the family, as there is no trace
of any of them, except Edmund the player, engaging
in any trade or profession. Whether his mother
resided in Henley Street or at New Place is not clear.
There is nothing further known of her save the register
of her burial: “September 9th, 1608, Mayry
Shaxspere Wydowe.”
No sepulchre or memorial of her has
come down to our time. We only know that somewhere
in the consecrated ground by Stratford Church lies
the dust of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden, the parents
of the poet.