“So I killed Captain Morhange,”
Andre de Saint-Avit said to me the next day, at the
same time, in the same place, with a calm that took
no account of the night, the frightful night I had
just been through. “Why do I tell you this?
I don’t know in the least. Because of the
desert, perhaps. Are you a man capable of enduring
the weight of that confidence, and further, if necessary,
of assuming the consequences it may bring? I
don’t know that, either. The future will
decide. For the present there is only one thing
certain, the fact, I tell you again, that I killed
Captain Morhange.
“I killed him. And, since
you want me to specify the reason, you understand
that I am not going to torture my brain to turn it
into a romance for you, or commence by recounting
in the naturalistic manner of what stuff my first
trousers were made, or, as the neo-Catholics would
have it, how often I went as a child to confession,
and how much I liked doing it. I have no taste
for useless exhibitions. You will find that this
recital begins strictly at the time when I met Morhange.
“And first of all, I tell you,
however much it has cost my peace of mind and my reputation,
I do not regret having known him. In a word,
apart from all question of false friendship, I am convicted
of a black ingratitude in having killed him.
It is to him, it is to his knowledge of rock inscriptions,
that I owe the only thing that has raised my life
in interest above the miserable little lives dragged
out by my companions at Auxonne, and elsewhere.
“This being understood, here are the facts:”
It was in the Arabian Office at Wargla,
when I was a lieutenant, that I first heard the name,
Morhange. And I must add that it was for me the
occasion of an attack of bad humor. We were having
difficult times. The hostility of the Sultan
of Morocco was latent. At Touat, where the assassination
of Flatters and of Frescaly had already been concocted,
connivance was being given to the plots of our enemies.
Touat was the center of conspiracies, of razzias,
of defections, and at the same time, the depot of
supply for the insatiable nomads. The Governors
of Algeria, Tirman, Cambon, Laferriere, demanded its
occupation. The Ministers of War tacitly agreed....
But there was Parliament, which did nothing at all,
because of England, because of Germany, and above
all because of a certain Declaration of the Rights
of Man and of the Citizen, which prescribed that
insurrection is the most sacred of duties, even when
the insurgents are savages who cut your head off.
In short, the military authority could only, at its
own discretion, increase the southern garrisons, and
establish new posts; this one, Berresof, Hassi-el-Mia,
Fort MacMahon, Fort Lallemand, Fort Miribel....
But as Castries puts it, you don’t hold the nomads
with bordjs, you hold them by the belt. The middle
was the oasis of Touat. Their honors, the lawyers
of Paris, had to be convinced of the necessity of
taking possession of the oasis of Touat. The best
way would be to present them with a faithful picture
of the plots that were being woven there against us.
The principal authors were, and still
are, the Senoussis, whose able chief has been forced
by our arms to transfer the seat of his confederation
several thousand leagues from there, to Schimmedrou,
in the Tibesti. They had, I say they through
modesty, the idea of ascertaining the traces left
by these agitators on their favorite places of concourse;
Rhat, Temassinin, the plain of Adejamor, and In-Salah.
It was, you see, at least after leaving Temassinin,
practically the same itinerary as that followed in
1864 by General Rohlfs.
I had already attracted some attention
by two excursions, one to Agades, and the other to
Bilma, and was considered by the staff officers to
be one of the best informed on the Senoussis question.
I was therefore selected to assume this new task.
I then suggested that it would be
of interest to kill two birds with one stone, and
to get, in passing, an idea of the northern Ahaggar,
so as to make sure whether the Tuaregs of Ahitarhen
had continued to have as cordial relations with the
Senoussis as they had had when they combined to massacre
the Flatters’ mission. I was immediately
accorded the permission. The change in my first
plan was as follows: After reaching Ighelaschem,
six hundred kilometers south of Temassinin, instead
of taking the direct road to Touat via Rhat, I would,
penetrating between the high land of Mouydir and Ahaggar,
strike off to the southwest as far as Shikh-Salah.
Here I would turn again northwards, towards In-Salah,
by the road to the Soudan and Agades. In all
hardly eight kilometers additional in a trip of about
seven hundred leagues, with the certainty of making
as complete an examination as possible of the roads
which our enemies, the Senoussis of Tibesti and the
Tuareg of the Ahaggar, must follow to arrive at Touat.
On the way, for every explorer has his pet fancy, I
was not at all displeased to think that I would have
a chance to examine the geological formation of the
plateau of Egere, about which Duveyrier and the
others are so disappointingly indefinite.
Everything was ready for my departure
from Wargla. Everything, which is to say, very
little. Three méhara: mine, my companion
Bou-Djema’s (a faithful Chaamba, whom I had
had with me in my wanderings through the Air, less
of a guide in the country I was familiar with than
a machine for saddling and unsaddling camels), then
a third to carry provisions and skins of drinking
water, very little, since I had taken pains to locate
the stops with reference to the wells.
Some people go equipped for this kind
of expedition with a hundred regulars, and even cannon.
I am for the tradition of Douls and René Callie, I
go alone.
I was at that perfect moment when
only one thin thread still held me to the civilized
world when an official cable arrived at Wargla.
“Lieutenant de Saint-Avit,”
it said briefly, “will delay his departure until
the arrival of Captain Morhange, who will accompany
him on his expedition of exploration.”
I was more than disappointed.
I alone had had the idea of this expedition.
I had had all the difficulty that you can imagine to
make the authorities agree to it. And now when
I was rejoicing at the idea of the long hours I would
spend alone with myself in the heart of the desert,
they sent me a stranger, and, to make matters worse,
a superior.
The condolences of my comrades aggravated my bad humor.
The Yearly Report, consulted on the
spot, had given them the following information:
“Morhange (Jean-Marie-Francois),
class of 1881. Breveted. Captain, unassigned.
(Topographical Service of the Army.)”
“There is the explanation for
you,” said one. “They are sending
one of their creatures to pull the chestnuts out of
the fire, after you have had all the trouble of making
it. Breveted! That’s a great way.
The theories of Ardant du Picq or else nothing about
“I don’t altogether agree
with you,” said the Major. “They knew
in Parliament, for some one is always indiscreet,
the real aim of Saint-Avit’s mission: to
force their hand for the occupation of Touat.
And this Morhange must be a man serving the interests
of the Army Commission. All these people, secretaries,
members of Parliament, governors, keep a close watch
on each other. Some one will write an amusing
paradoxical history some day, of the French Colonial
Expansion, which is made without the knowledge of the
powers in office, when it is not actually in spite
of them.”
“Whatever the reason, the result
will be the same,” I said bitterly; “we
will be two Frenchmen to spy on each other night and
day, along the roads to the south. An amiable
prospect when one has none too much time to foil all
the tricks of the natives. When does he arrive?”
“Day after tomorrow, probably.
I have news of a convoy coming from Ghardaia.
It is likely that he will avail himself of it.
The indications are that he doesn’t know very
much about traveling alone.”
Captain Morhange did arrive in fact
two days later by means of the convoy from Ghardaia.
I was the first person for whom he asked.
When he came to my room, whither I
had withdrawn in dignity as soon as the convoy was
sighted, I was disagreeably surprised to foresee that
I would have great difficulty in preserving my prejudice
against him.
He was tall, his face full and ruddy,
with laughing blue eyes, a small black moustache,
and hair that was already white.
“I have a thousand apologies
to make to you, my dear fellow,” he said immediately,
with a frankness that I have never seen in any other
man. “You must be furious with my importunity
in upsetting your plans and delaying your departure.”
“By no means, Captain,” I replied coolly.
“You really have only yourself
to blame. It is on account of your knowledge
of the southern, routes, so highly esteemed at Paris,
that I wished to have you to initiate me when the
Ministries of Instruction and of Commerce, and the
Geographical Society combined to charge me with the
mission which brings me here. These three honorable
institutions have in fact entrusted me with the attempt
to re-establish the ancient track of the caravans,
which, from the ninth century, trafficked between
Tunis and the Soudan, by Toweur, Wargla, Es-Souk
and the bend of the Bourroum; and to study the possibility
of restoring this route to its ancient splendor.
At the same time, at the Geographic Bureau, I heard
of the journey that you are undertaking. From
Wargla to Shikh-Salah our two itineraries are the same.
Only I must admit to you that it is the first voyage
of this kind that I have ever undertaken. I would
not be afraid to hold forth for an hour on Arabian
literature in the amphitheatre of the School of Oriental
Languages, but I know well enough that in the desert
I should have to ask for directions whether to turn
right or left. This is the only chance which
could give me such an opportunity, and at the same
time put me under obligation for this introduction
to so charming a companion. You must not blame
me if I seized it, if I used all my influence to retard
your departure from Wargla until the instant when
I could join you. I have only one more word to
add to what I have said. I am entrusted with
a mission which by its origin is rendered essentially
civilian. You are sent out by the Ministry of
War. Up to the moment when, arrived at Shikh-Salah
we turn our backs on each other to attain, you Touat,
and I the Niger, all your recommendations, all your
orders, will be followed by a subaltern, and, I hope,
by a friend as well.”
All the time he was talking so openly
I felt delightedly my worst recent fears melting away.
Nevertheless, I still experienced a mean desire to
show him some marks of reserve, for having thus disposed
of my company at a distance, without consulting me.
“I am very grateful to you,
Captain, for your extremely flattering words.
When do you wish to leave Wargla?”
He made a gesture of complete detachment.
“Whenever you like. Tomorrow,
this evening. I have already delayed you.
Your preparations must have already been made for some
My little maneuver had turned against
myself. I had not been counting on leaving before
the next week.
“Tomorrow, Captain, but your luggage?”
He smiled delightfully.
“I thought it best to bring
as little as possible. A light pack, some papers.
My brave camel had no difficulty in bringing it along.
For the rest I depend on your advice, and the resources
of Owargla.”
I was well caught. I had nothing
further to say. And moreover, such freedom of
spirit and manner had already captivated me.
“It seems,” said my comrades,
when the time for aperitives had brought us all together
again, “that this Captain of yours is a remarkably
charming fellow.”
“You surely can’t have
any trouble with him. It is only up to you to
see that later on he doesn’t get all the glory.”
“We aren’t working with
the same end in view,” I answered evasively.
I was thoughtful, only thoughtful
I give you my word. From that moment I harbored
no further grudge against Morhange. Yet my silence
persuaded him that I was unforgiving. And everyone,
do you hear me, everyone said later on, when suspicions
became rife:
“He is surely guilty. We
saw them go off together. We can affirm it.”
I am guilty.... But for a low
motive of jealousy.... How sickening....
After that, there was nothing to do
but to flee, flee, as far as the places where there
are no more men who think and reason.
Morhange, appeared, his arm resting
on the Major’s, who was beaming over this new
He presented him enthusiastically:
“Captain Morhange, gentlemen.
An officer of the old school, and a man after our
own hearts, I give you my word. He wants to leave
tomorrow, but we must give him such a reception that
he will forget that idea before two days are up.
Come, Captain, you have at least eight days to give
“I am at the disposition of
Lieutenant de Saint-Avit,” replied Morhange,
with a quiet smile.
The conversation became general.
The sound of glasses and laughter rang out. I
heard my comrades in ecstasies over the stories that
the newcomer poured out with never-failing humor.
And I, never, never have I felt so sad.
The time came to pass into the dining-room.
“At my right, Captain,”
cried the Major, more and more beaming. “And
I hope you will keep on giving us these new lines
on Paris. We are not up with the times here,
you know.”
“Yours to command, Major,” said Morhange.
“Be seated, gentlemen.”
The officers obeyed, with a joyous
clatter of moving chairs. I had not taken my
eyes off Morhange, who was still standing.
“Major, gentlemen, you will allow me,”
he said.
And before sitting down at that table,
where every moment he was the life of the party, in
a low voice, with his eyes closed, Captain Morhange
recited the Benedicite.