Pisces FluvialesRIVER FISH.
I deem a very brief notice of the
above varieties of fish sufficient, they
have been described over and over again by much abler
pens than mine, and I advise all those who are desirous
of minute details, as to their conformation and habits,
to have recourse to one of the published Histories
of British Fishes, indeed all the above fish and
their varieties have been faithfully and naturally
described in (I take it for granted) every angling
book that has yet been published. As to Salmon,
I need allude no further than observe (as every one
knows that they are both ocean and river fish) that
they afford, when plentiful, excellent sport to the
angler, taking freely the Minnow, Worm and Fly, that
they generally select the deepest pools of a river
for their chief residence, but yet may be taken anywhere
with the fly where there is three feet of water.
They generally rise best about eleven o’clock
in the forenoon, and three in the afternoon of a day.
When there is a little wind stirring, if accompanied
by rattling showers of hail or snow in the Spring,
or heavy showers of rain in Summer, so much the more
likely for sport.
Salmon fishing in every respect is
similar in the modus operandi, to that of Trout, requiring
not more, if so much skill, but more nerve and patience
with, of course, much stronger rod and tackle, and
larger flies, and if you try worms, two large lob
worms well scoured, should be put on the same hook, you
also require a Gaff for large fish. The best
Salmon Flies for the Tees (which is by no means a good
Angling river for Salmon) are the Dragon and King’s
Fisher, to be bought at most tackle shops, and a fly
deemed a great killer made with a bright scarlet body,
and wings from the black feather of a turkey.
The Trout almost every one knows,
that the Trout is a delicious fish, beautiful and
elegant in form and appearance. Trouts vary, being
yellow, red, grey and white, the latter like Salmon,
go into salt water. Trout spawn in the winter
months, after which they become sickly and infested
with a species of what may be denominated fresh water
lice. In winter he keeps to the deep water; in
spring and summer he delights in rapid streams, where,
keeping his head up the water, he waits for his expected
prey. There is no other fish that affords such
good and universal sport, or that exercises the skill
and ingenuity of the angler so much. The different
modes by which to effect his capture are fully described
under the different heads of fly trolling and bottom
fishing. This fish (but seldom taken any great
weight) abounds in the Tees and its tributary streams.
The Grayling is a beautifully formed
fish, and affords the angler good sport he
is a much better-flavoured fish than the Chub, though
not comparable to Trout. He delights in rapid
streams, and during the Summer months is rarely found
in deep water. The Grayling will take the same
flies and bait as Trout a little black fly
is an especial favourite with him, but he will spring
a long way out of water to catch a fly of any description
which may be sporting above him. The Grayling
spawns at the end of April and beginning of May.
The Chub is a very timorous fish,
utterly worthless as food except during the winter
months. He frequents deep water, and loves shady
places, where he can shelter under the roots of trees,
&c. The Chub spawns in May and June. He
is a leather-mouthed fish, so that once hooked you
are sure of him; he struggles fiercely for a moment,
then yields without further effort, and allows himself
to be dragged unresistingly to land. He will
take the same flies as the Trout, also all kinds of
gentles, maggots and worms, especially small red worms;
is fond of the humble Bee, Salmon Roe, and Creeper;
will take a variety of pastes, as old white bread
moistened with a little linseed oil and made into
small balls; old Cheshire cheese mixed with a little
tumeric, and bullock or sheep’s brains, also
bullock’s blood mixed with wheaten flour, and
worked up to a proper consistency, are all good baits
for Chub in the winter months. A Cockchafer with
his wings cut off is also a very good bait for large
Chub. When rivers are frozen, you may catch Chub
by breaking a hole in the ice, the fish will come to
the aperture for air, and, perceiving the bait, take
it your line need not extend to the depth
of more than a yard. Observe that your paste balls
are of consistency sufficient to adhere firmly to
your hook, which should not be larger than a small
May-fly hook, or two N fly hooks tied firmly together
are much better.
The growth of Salmon, as is well known,
is so surprisingly quick, that Smelts from Ova deposited
by Salmon during the Autumn and Winter months, will
in some instances, by the first week in May, be found
to weigh after the rate of five or six to the pound.
They rise very freely at the fly, and afford the angler
(who is fond of small fry), lots of sport, they are
partial to streams, and also to a gaudy fly. Smelts
will rise at almost any moderate sized fly, but the
three most killing, are a small black fly, with scarlet
or crimson silk body, black fly, ribbed with gold,
or silver twist, golden plover’s speckled feather
from the back, and gold twist. They are also rather
fond of a fly made from a partridge’s breast
feather, and body of crimson floss silk. The
flies must be fastened upon small hooks not larger
than N. Few Smelts are to be seen after the
second week in May. There is an old saying,
“That the first flood
in May,
Takes all the Smelts away.”
Salmon Trout, or Herling as they are
called in Scotland, are a beautiful and elegantly
formed fish, and rise very freely at common Trout
Flies, these fish go into salt water.
The Pink is plentiful in the Tees
and many of its tributaries, it is altogether a handsomer
fish than the Trout, to which however in some respects
it bears a strong resemblance. It is seldom taken
above a quarter of a pound in weight. Is very
vigorous and strong for its size, delights in rapid
streams, takes the same baits and flies as the Trout,
but when the water is low and the weather hot, is exceedingly
fond of the maggot, or brandling worm. The Cad
bait, with a little hackle round the top of the shank
of the hook, kills well. The hackle should be
Landrail, or a Mallard’s feather dyed yellow,
the latter for choice.
May be termed amphibious, for about
the time oats run, he has been met with at considerable
distances from water, and has even been detected in
pea fields, gorged with the usual accessories to duck,
to which in some respects he is so far analogous that
though a foul feeder he is excellent as an edible.
He inhabits mud and sand banks, and also conceals
himself under tree roots, stones and rocks. You
may angle for him with Salmon Roe, a lob-worm or Minnow
after a flood and before the water has subsided, but
he is usually taken by night-lines, baited with lob-worms
or Minnows. As I have before intimated, he is
not nice, and will not refuse any kind of garbage.
If you angle for him your tackle should be strong
and leaded, so as to keep your line at bottom.
The Minnow is in deep water during
winter, and the shallowest of streams in summer; he
is taken with a small red worm, or with young Cad
bait. The Minnow bites freely in fine weather,
and you may take almost as many as you please by angling
for them. When the water is clear, they may be
taken by means of a large transparent glass bottle,
wide at the top of the neck but gradually narrowing,
in fact a complete decoy; inside the bottle are red
worms, and the bottle, to which is attached a string,
thrown round the neck, is cast into the water; in a
little time a shoal of Minnows surround the bottle,
enter, and feast. When the bottle is tolerably
full, a pull at the string brings bottle and Minnows
to land.
Is found underneath stones at the
bottom of rivers and brooks, and also amongst gravel;
it is a good bait for Trout and Eels. The Loach
will bite freely at small red worms. The hook
same as for Minnows.
Though an ugly looking fish is good
to eat; you may catch him with any small worms and
small hook, he is found amongst stones and gravel.
Angling is such a popular recreation
that professors of the gentle craft are to be found
amongst all classes and conditions of the Genus
homo. The disciples of glorious old Izaack is
not their name Legion? In early youth, fascinated
with the capture of the tiny Minnow or glittering
Gudgeon, the youthful Tyro is known in after years
as the expert Salmon and Trout fisher. To become
a really expert angler, requires a good deal of energy,
perseverance, and activity, accompanied by a suitable
amount of patience and ingenuity. In the fourth
chapter of Waverly are the following observations,
“that of all diversions which ingenuity ever
devised for the relief of idleness, fishing is the
worst qualified to amuse a man, who is at once indolent
and impatient, such men’s Rods are quickly discarded.”
My advice to those who are desirous of enjoying “the
contemplative man’s recreation,” is that
they undergo a probationary course, under the guidance
of a competent professor. Three or four days
of diligent observation employed in watching the manual
operations of an instructor, would go far towards
giving them a pretty good idea of how to set about
catching a Trout with either fly or bait; indeed much
more so than any written or oral instruction could
convey. In fact if they are attentive spectators,
they may soon acquire a fund of useful practical information,
with which they may commence angling with a fair chance
of success. Theory may be very good, but practice
is much better, and will only make the complete angler.
Good Rods, superb Flies, and the best of all kinds
of tackle are of little use, if any, in the hands
of a person who has not previously acquired some notion
as to the proper application of them. Doubtless
many a sanguine aspirant to piscatory fame, has, after
an expensive outlay at a tackle shop, been grieviously
disappointed when trying his luck in a celebrated
Trout stream, he discovers to his intense
disgust and mortification, that the fish will “not
come and be killed.” Probably, and indeed
most likely, he throws down his rod, votes fishing
a bore,
“Chews the cud of bitter
disappointment o’er,
Has fished his first and last,
and so will fish no more.”
The manual part of angling is one
thing, the commanding success another, the latter
cannot be effected to any extent without the sacrifice
of time, perseverance and attention. It is however
quite probable that a man may be quite happy and satisfied
by the capture of a very small number of Trouts during
a day’s fishing, and I strongly advise all beginners
to follow so excellent an example, waiting patiently
“the good time coming.” Observe, that
fishing in a low water, where an angler has just preceded
you, is the ne plus ultra of doing worse than
nothing; by wading in a low water the fish are so scared
that they take to their holds, and probably remain
there for some hours.
By keeping your tackle-book neat and
tidy, you will always have your silks, hooks, lines,
flies, &c. in their proper places. When the twine
that holds your two-piece Rod together has been thoroughly
wet, then when dry, and before using it again, wax
well. If any portion of a Rod of three or more
pieces is so fast at the joints that you cannot draw,
then hold over the flame of a candle or by the fire,
and then try, the result is generally satisfactory.
Let your gut soften in the water before you commence
fishing. Examine old stintings of gut and hair
to see there are no flaws by wear and tear, if there
are, repair, or discard altogether, carelessness in
such matters always brings disappointment in the long
run. See that the points of your hooks are sharp,
and that the hooks are all right, as broken or crooked
hooks are of course useless. Make it a rule to
examine closely any place where you have had your
book out dressing flies, &c., so that you leave nothing
behind. If your flies or hooks are fast to any
impediment which you cannot reach, don’t pull
like a savage, but go tenderly and cautiously to work;
a release is often effected by a little time and patience;
when the case is utterly hopeless, and a breakage becomes
inevitable, then try to save as much of your tackle
as possible. Never loose your temper because
you loose your fish, let hope “whisper a flattering
tale” for the next you hook. When you have
hooked a fish, don’t let him run if you can
possibly help it, so as to slacken your line, if you
do, you stand a chance of loosing him, as the sudden
cessation of a strain upon the line frequently disengages
the hold. If you want to discover what fish are
feeding upon, open the first you catch, and then you
will be able to judge correctly. Never strike
a fish hard with the fly, either on gut or hair, if
the latter, a breakage is almost sure to follow a
violent jerk. Stormy, showery days in summer
and sometimes in spring, are days on which you will
generally take the best fish with the fly. After
a flood, with a rising barometer, and not too much
wind, expect good sport. If the fish do not like
the worm after you have tried a few likely places,
change for the fly, and if you do not succeed with
that, wait twenty minutes or so, and probably you
may then find them disposed to feed. Whenever
you find fish shy in taking the worm, I mean when
they will neither take it nor let it alone, pulling
at it but not attempting to gorge it, strike either
very quickly, as soon in fact as you perceive they
have touched it, or what will generally answer much
better, exchange for the fly. Sometimes, however,
fish will take worm very well, although they may be
seen rising freely at the fly. Cold dark days
are not favourable for worm fishing, and in low water
the worm is entirely useless on such days. Put
your Minnows for trolling in tin cases, with partitions
for each Minnow with a little bran in each, this method
keeps them nice and fresh. Observe, that Loaches,
if you can get them are tougher than Minnows, and
quite as good if not better bait. Never buoy yourself
up with the hope of having any diversion, either at
top or bottom in an easterly wind. Also after
a frosty night followed by a bright day, fly fishing
need not be attempted with any chance of success.
Put your worms when you are going to use them in a
woollen bag in Spring, canvas in Summer. In May-fly
season, if there comes a flood, go at the rising of
the water and secure as many as possible, you will
find them scarce afterwards. If, when fishing
up water you meet an angler coming down, you had better
wait twenty minutes before you try the stream recently
fished. Guard against your shadow falling upon
the water, at least as much as possible. If you
purpose wading, be careful not to over-heat yourself
during your walk to the water side. If, when the
morning has been cloudy, and the fish have risen tolerably
at the fly, should the sun appear about noon, coming
out strong and likely to continue, you will find the
fish cease to rise, and it is very probable that they
will feed no more until evening. After a white
hoar frost, either in the Spring, or further on in
the season, fish rarely feed until the afternoon of
that day, and not always then. When a thick mist
rises from the water early on a Summer morning, fish
will not feed until the vapour rising from the water
has passed away. On stormy days try mostly that
part of the water where there is the best shelter to
be had.
In Thompson’s Seasons
what an admirable description of Fly fishing!
It is indeed inimitable: it charms an angler by
its vivid and truthful deliniation, and after reading
it, makes him long “to increase his tackle,
and his rod retie.” Of all the devices for
taking Trout, fly fishing is decidedly the most pleasant,
ingenious and amusing, and where fish rise freely,
there is nothing comparable to the artificial fly,
as a means to an end, in the shape of filling a pannier.
The quick eyed Trout, is completely deceived by a
cunning fabrication, the inanimated thing of feathers,
silk and fur, so closely resembles the natural fly,
that he rises and seizes upon it for a real living
fly But ah! too late, the little monster
(for he is one in his way) feels the treacherous hook,
“indignant at the guile,” he springs aloft,
makes for his well known hold, or resting place, exhausts
his strength in the unequal contest, and floats almost
lifeless into the landing net held out for his reception.
He has fallen a legitimate prize to the skill of his
captor, who has only to extract the hook from his gills,
before he again makes another light and deadly cast.
Thus fish after fish is deposited in his nicely woven
pannier, and on he goes rejoicing, carefully trying
his favourite streams, until the weight upon his shoulder,
unmistakably intimates, that it is time to be homeward
bound. In fly fishing, the best plan is to cast
your line athwart the stream, by pulling it against
it; your flies probably show to more advantage, yet
you will not take so many fish, as by throwing up
or across the stream, the reason is obvious, the current
somewhat retards the progress of the fish in
the act of rising, and thus it happens that they so
frequently come short of the hook. There is also
another consideration, your fly coming down or athwart
the water is more natural, and fish observe it sooner
coming down, than a fly pulled up stream, because
fish when on the feed, invariably lay with their heads
up water.
“With pliant rod athwart
the pebbled brook,
Let me with judgment cast
the feather’d hook,
Silent along the grassy margin
And with a fur wrought fly
delude the prey.” GAY.
In log, or still water fishing, make
as fine and light casts as you possibly can.
If you see a fish rise, throw your flies about a foot
above him, and then let them gently float over the
place where he rose. In stream fishing, have
a quick eye, and ready hand, and strike immediately
you perceive the fish to have risen at your fly; and
observe that if you have the luck to hook two Trouts
at the same time, net the one lowest down your line
first, for should a novice inadvertently attempt to
net the one upon the higher fly, he will very probably
loose them both. The heads and tails of streams
are favourite resorts of Trout, and ought to be carefully
and diligently fished; but as a general rule, wherever
you see a fish rise, have a try for him. In the
Spring and Autumn, your diversion with the artificial
fly is much more certain than during the Summer months,
but even then there are certain days, (especially
if the wind be Easterly), that they will not take
even the natural fly, and I have on such days seen
thousands of flies on the water, yet scarcely a fish
on the move. When the fish rise freely at the
natural fly, and also rise, but do not take those you
offer, you may safely conclude your fly is not what
suits, so try them with something different.
The best plan is to catch the natural, and make the
artificial fly as close a copy as possible, for the
nearer you approach to nature the greater in all cases
is your chance of success. And here, in concluding
this chapter on Fly Fishing, let me advise every angler
to make or learn to make his own flies; by so doing
he will never be at a loss for a fly to suit the fickle
Trout. Really, many of the flies from the tackle
shops look neat and gaudy enough, but like Hodge’s
razors, are they not made to sell? When a man
makes a fly for himself, he makes, I take it, to kill.
MARCH. During this month
the fells and hills of north Yorkshire and Durham
are frequently capped with snow, which, dissolved by
the increasing power of the sun, fills rivers and
brooks with what is usually termed snow broth, which,
accompanied with chilling east or north-east winds,
effectually retard angling operations. Trout however
keep gradually improving in condition, and from the
middle to the end of the month will, under the influence
of a kindly atmosphere, rise tolerably well at the
fly during the middle of the day. The worm is
also taken in brooks after rain. But as a fly
fishing month, March seldom affords, in the north
of England at least, any good or certain diversion.
In the face however of all obstacles, some really keen
hands will wet their lines, and if the weather is
at all genial, may succeed in taking a few fish.
The advent of our annual visitor,
the swallow, indicates, or nearly so, when fly fishing
commences with some certainty of sport; you will
observe but few flies on the water, (and consequently
no inducement to fish to be on the look out), before
those great insect killers appear. The principal
flies for the month, are the March Brown, the Blue
Dun, and small Black, or Light coloured flies.
Some anglers fish with four flies
upon a stretcher, I much prefer three, and never,
except for Lake fishing, use more a stretcher
for three flies should consist of about a yard and
a half of either gut or hair. What are termed
water knots are the best for tying your gut or hair
together, the tighter they are drawn the faster they
become. Every angler is no doubt partial to some
particular flies, and probably he will have no great
difficulty in selecting his favourites from the copious
lists given in the Teesdale Angler; but for the benefit
of those anglers who have not had much experience,
I beg to observe that they should never have three
flies at once on their stretcher, that closely resemble
each other. In the Spring the Blue, Brown and
Dun Drakes are certain killers, and as for hackle
flies, if they select the Brown, Blue and Black, they
will do well. During the Summer months there
is such a great variety of feed upon the water that
it is difficult, nay, almost impossible to give any
certain rule, because the set of flies that kill well
one day, may be rejected the next. I may however
venture to affirm, that one dark and two light flies
are the most likely, either as regards hackle or winged
flies. By catching the natural fly, you will
never be at a loss either in Spring or Summer, as
to the colour of the silk you require for the body
of your fly. In Summer when the midges are on,
use the Black, Blue and Dun midges, and when they
disappear, try the larger flies.
APRIL. The month of sunshine
and showers is generally, and especially towards the
latter end of it, most favourable for angling; in fact
if the water is in order, and the weather temperate
for the season, it is the very best fly month in the
year. Trout are now sure to rise well and freely
at the fly. Every day between the hours of eleven
and three o’clock the feed is on the water.
The fish, full of life and motion, are hungry and
voracious, and in full pursuit of the Dun or Brown
Drake, which any gleam of sunshine brings on the surface
of the water. The Blue Dun (a better fly than
the Brown for cold stormy days), and the Grannam,
or Green Tail, are frequently on at the same time,
and it is a pleasant sight to anglers to see thousands
of these flies settling on the water, and the fish
rising at them in all directions. During these
feeds I venture to predict that any person who has
suitable flies, and who can manage to make a tolerable
light cast, cannot well miss taking some fish.
With respect to the Grannams, you may on bright mornings
begin to fish with them as early as six o’clock,
and again after the large Browns have disappeared,
I mean for that day. If you commence fishing,
say any time between six and eleven a.m., use the
small flies, viz., the Grannam or Green Tail,
the small Blue Dun, and Black Flies, dressed on N. hooks. During this month (April) it is
frequently so cold that to dress a fly by the water
side is almost an impossibility, or at least a matter
of some difficulty, therefore, always be provided
with a supply, ready for use when wanted. I also
strongly recommend fine round Gut in preference to
Hair at this season, on account of the size and weight
of the large hooks on which the Brown Drake requires
to be dressed; and which Hair will not retain so safely
as Gut; and also, though you may probably rise more
fish with Hair, yet taking the breakages you are liable
to by using it, and the loss and hinderance you suffer
thereby, especially if broken in the midst of a feed,
which perhaps does not last above a quarter of an hour,
taking these matters into consideration, I have long
since arrived at the conclusion that Gut is much better
for Spring fishing than Hair. But in the long
Summer day, when your fingers are not benumbed with
the cold, and you can dress flies or repair and arrange
your tackle at your pleasure or convenience, then,
when the water is low and fine, there is nothing comparable
to strong, fine round Hair, it falls much lighter
than Gut on the water, and therefore, for log or still
water is much superior. But really good Hair
for angling purposes is exceedingly difficult to meet
with, and if you use inferior, many losses and disappointments
are sure to occur. Good Hair has the advantage
over Gut in these respects, it is sooner
wet, falls lighter on the water, and is free from
that glistening and shiny quality which detracts so
much from Gut, and which no staining will entirely
obliterate; it wears out by use in a great measure,
but having come to that point, cannot be depended
upon, and if you lay it aside for any length of time
when in that state, you will find, if you attempt
to make use of it, that it is utterly worthless.
The shaved Gut is good, but expensive. The best
I ever purchased was at Rowell’s, at Carlisle.
MAY, “charming, charming May,”
is generally a delightful Angling month, for if the
water is in order, good diversion may be had almost
every day. A great variety of flies now make
their appearance at which the Trout rise very greedily,
full of life, vigour and activity, they roam everywhere
after their prey, and scarcely a fly settles upon the
water but falls a victim to the quick eyed and hungry
fish. Trolling, and worm fishing become now very
good, and it is advisable to fish with either one
or the other in the early part of the day. When
the flies have not made their appearance, and before
fish rise of themselves, it is of little use trying
the fly, it is only labour lost, “to call
spirits from the vasty deep, who will not come when
you do call for them.” Indeed, on the
best of fishing days, there are some half hours when
a man who understands what he is about, will lay down
his rod, because he knows the fish have done feeding
for a time, and that flogging the water to no purpose
may be exercise, but not sport. In this leisure
half hour then, let the angler smoke, eat, examine
his Tackle, or lay out and admire his fish, this last
way of killing time, brings to my recollection the
lines of Wordsworth,
“He holds a small blue
On whose capacious surface
is outspread,
Large store of gleaming crimson
spotted trouts,
Ranged side by side in regular
One after one still lessening
by degrees,
Up to the Dwarf that tops
the pinnacle,
The silent creatures made
a splendid sight together
Dead, but not sullied or deformed
by death,
That seemed to pity what he
could not spare.”
JUNE, loveliest of the Summer months,
introduces to the notice of anglers a large and daily
increasing number of the insect tribe; “variety
may be charming,” but the most expert and knowing
of anglers will now occasionally be somewhat puzzled
in making a selection of flies adapted to suit the
capricious whims, or fastidious appetite of the Trout,
now in their prime, fat, strong, and somewhat satiated
by a succession of dainty morsels. Now is the
time to rise with, or rather indeed before the lark,
and try your luck with the creeper and stone fly,
you may begin to fish with either as soon as you can
see to put them on the hook, and always bear in mind
that the early morn is the best part of the day for
these baits, you also have a good chance again in
the evening, but in the middle of the day they are,
upon the whole, but indifferently good; and the small
fly will generally be found to answer better, and
frequently the worm proves destructive when the day
is hot, and the water low. It is a good plan to
procure your May-flies and creepers during the day
or evening preceding that on which you intend using
them, searching for them in the morning when you want
to fish is not quite pleasant. You may do a great
deal of execution with the small flies just now.
Trout glutted with the May-fly and creeper, take them
well on cloudy and windy days. Should rain fall
at this season, after the water has been low for some
time, Trout will take a minnow exceedingly well.
JULY. The scorching suns
of Summer are upon us, and the vivid rays of the great
luminary have a powerful effect upon all creatures,
and upon the finny tribe in particular. The water
during this month is often so low and fine, that artificial
fly fishing is labour in vain, and provided it is
not, fish have become so shy and cautious in the selection
of their food, that it is a difficult matter to offer
for their acceptance anything artificial which they
will take freely. A well scoured worm, maggot,
gentle or natural fly, offered to them in an artistic
way, seldom however fails to attract their notice, of
natural flies the Flesh Fly is the best. Evening
fishing, towards dusk, with the brown and white Moths,
and also with the white Bustard, may be pursued with
success; you may fish with the Bustard (which you will
find performing aerial evolutions over the meadows
in a fine evening) the whole night through, and though
perhaps you cannot see the fish (which is generally
a good one) rise, you must always strike quickly,
yet gently, when you feel him use a May
fly hook. If you can find any May-flies, the
fish will now take them again very greedily, during
the last fortnight of this month very few fish can
be taken under any circumstances with either natural
or artificial flies, the fish are too fat and indolent
to take the trouble to rise. A well scoured maggot
on a bright hot day tempts them best, they will take
that when flies and all other baits have proved a
The Spring and Autumn fishing are
easy enough, but the Summer tests the Angler, and
“Who then his finest
skill and art must ply,
And all devices, natural and
artificial try,
For now the Trout becomes
an epicure indeed,
And only on the daintiest
baits and flies will feed.”
AUGUST. The same Flies
as in July, with the addition of the little Red and
Black Ant Flies, which usually appear about the 10th
or 12th of this month; observe that from the 12th
to the end of the month, fish take the fly much better
than they have done they are on the move
the same Flies as in Spring, the willow fly in September
must however be added to the list of Blues, Duns, and
Browns. About the middle of October I deem it
high time to lay aside the Trout Rod, let “the
gentle angler” for a brief space bid adieu to
his favourite piscatorial haunts, in doing so perhaps
he may call to mind the farewell of the Tyne fisher
to his favourite streams, from a work printed for
Emmerson Charnly, at Newcastle, in 1824.
Mine own sweet stream! thy
rugged shores are stripped of all
vesture sheen,
And dark December’s
fury wars where grace and loveliness have
Stream of my heart! I
cannot tread thy shores so bleak and
They seem as if thy joys were
dead, and cloud with care my
In reference to the above, I must
observe that very few anglers will think of fishing
during the winter months; at the conclusion of the
second week in October, the Trout Rod ought to be carefully
stowed away. The angler should by all means refrain
from killing Trout so close upon the spawning season,
besides they are becoming as food quite worthless.
Truly “Othello’s occupations gone.”
The Stone Fly is invariably converted
into the May-fly, by anglers who fish the Tees and
its tributary streams; but the actual and properly
named May-flies are the Green and Yellow Drakes, which
do not appear upon our Teesdale waters. If the
weather has been warm, and the water low, May-flies
(for by so calling them I shall be best understood),
may be found the last week in May, or at all events
in the beginning of June, some indeed, but very few
may be seen as early as April, and as late as September.
This fly is easily found, his whereabouts indicated
by his old coat, or husk, which he has discarded, and
left on the outside of his mansion, which is generally
a flat stone near the edge of the water. This
fly is generally but an indifferent killer in the
middle of the day, mornings and evenings, (when not
glutted and the weather propitious), Trout take it
with avidity, provided there has been no frost during
the night, and the water is free from the steaming
sort of mist prevalent about this season. You
may begin to fish with the May-fly as soon as you
can see to put the fly on the hook, the earlier you
commence the better chance of large fish, especially
if the water is clear, and very low, or even moderately
so. In fishing with this fly, have your cast
line light and strong, tapering gradually to the end,
to which attach about three-quarters of a yard of fine
round Gut, the best you can procure, on which tie
your hook which must be at least a size larger than
the Palmer hook; arm this hook with a strong pig’s
bristle, which must lay on the back of the hook, protruding
a short way over the top of the shank. In putting
on the fly, insert the point of the hook under the
head of the fly, passing through the body, bring it
out underneath the tail, then take and press the fly
upwards over the head of the bristle on your hook,
bringing it so far down that it may pass through the
back, behind the head of the fly, then set to work
by throwing your fly into rapid streams, eddies caused
by rocks, or other impediments; cast your fly always
up and let it come down the stream floating on the
surface of the water in a natural and easy way; if
a fish rises and does not swallow it, do not pull your
fly away, the odds are he will follow and take it,
his motive I suppose in the first instance being to
disable; however when Trout are fairly glutted with
the May-fly, they may rise, but will not even touch
it. When a fish has seized your fly, do not strike
too hard or hastily, numbers of fish are lost by doing
so, let them always turn their heads either in stream
or log water before you strike. On dark cold
windy days, during the May-fly season you will find
the small fly a much better killer than the May-fly.
On bright and very hot days a well scoured Brandling
Worm or Creeper may be used to advantage, after your
morning’s fishing with the May-fly is done,
for on such days the artificial fly is entirely out
of the question. A Bullock’s horn with a
few small holes bored in it, is perhaps the best and
handiest thing you can put your flies into.
Observe that the Alder or Orl fly,
is a capital killer when the May-fly is on. Who
shall say that the May-fly short as is its life, has
not undergone all the vicissitudes of a long and eventful
life, that it has not felt all the freshness of youth,
all the vigour of maturity, all the weakness of old
age, and all the pangs of death itself?
Thou art a frail and curious
by the sun,
A moment only on the wing,
And thy career
is done.
Thou sportest in the evening
An hour, an age
to thee,
In gaity above the stream,
Which soon thy
grave shall be.
The Flesh-fly, when the water is low
and clear, is one of the most alluring flies that
can be offered to the Trout, but great skill, care,
and judgment are requisite in the use of it; in the
hands of an expert angler, on a close hot day during
the month of July, it is a sure and certain adjunct
towards filling a pannier. The fish will take
it when they will not look at an artificial; you will
take as large fish with it as are to be had with any
kind of fly, either natural or artificial. The
flies are easily procured in shady places, in woods
or fields, where cattle and horses have left recently
made soil. After having struck them with a bundle
of twigs and killed, or stunned, as many as will answer
your purpose, put them into a horn, or anything suitable,
so that they do not escape. Your cast line must
be of a length proportioned to the size of the river
or brook where you fish, as a general rule (if you
wade in the water), about a little longer than the
length of your rod, let your cast line be
exceedingly fine, and have attached to it three-quarters
of a yard of the finest round silk-worm gut, your
hook should be N, put your fly on by inserting
the point of the hook under the head of the fly, and
running it through the body, bringing it out at the
tail you need not make above two or three
casts at a place, and follow the same rule as with
the May-fly, viz., to let the fish turn his head
downwards before you strike. Streams are the
likeliest places where they have not time to scan the
fly, in that curiously suspicious and shy manner in
which they generally come to it in smooth water.
However when they are in the humour they will take
it anywhere if you can only contrive to keep out of
sight, hie labor hoc opus est; this is the
trouble and difficulty in a low water; and note, it
is not worth while attempting to fish with the Flesh
Fly on cold windy days, let the water be in ever such
fine condition. Trout take this fly best when
the temperature ranges somewhere about seventy Farenheit.
This fly is often taken when the May-fly is refused.
The Cow Dung Fly is a good and enticing
fly, it is easily procurable, as its name intimates,
on foil left by cattle: if the water is low and
clear, with a brisk wind stirring, you may use it advantageously,
because the wind usually carries great quantities of
them upon the water, which induce the fish to rise.
These flies are found from May to October; fish with
them in the same way as the Flesh Fly; a N hook
is quite large enough for them. Wherever you see
a fish rise, when fishing with this or the Flesh Fly,
you may count upon him as your own four times out
of six, if you only contrive to make a light and dexterous
cast, over the place where you observe the fish rise.
Dapping or Dibbing, or perhaps more properly Dipping, this
is another method of using the natural flies, and
a very killing way too; your rod for this fishing
must be of a good length, with a stiff top; your line
composed solely of good, fine, strong gut, must be
about but not less than a yard in length, put
your flies on the same sized hooks, and after the
same way as you are directed to adopt in the other
method where a longer line is used. Having stationed
yourself out of sight, behind a bush, tree or rock,
let your fly drop gently on the surface of the water,
keep lifting and letting it fall so as just to cause
the slightest perceptible dimple on the water, and
if there is a fish at all hungry in your locality,
you are pretty sure to have him. If a good fish
is hooked, let your winch line go, because he will
struggle furiously when he feels the hook, and the
hold might give way, provided you were too hasty and
anxious to land him. In dibbing, almost any kind
of fly will answer. The day suitable for this
should be warm, and the water rather low and clear.
The following list of flies will take
fish in all Trouting streams of Yorkshire, Durham,
Northumberland, Cumberland and Westmoreland.
Dark Brown.
Great Whirling Dun.
Early Bright Brown.
Blue Dun.
Little Black Gnat.
Dark Brown.
Violet Fly.
Little Whirling Dun.
Small Bright Brown.
Dun Cut.
Stone Fly.
Camlet Fly.
Cow Dung Fly.
Stone Fly.
Ant Fly.
Little Black Gnat.
Brown Palmer.
Small Red Spinner.
Orange Fly.
Wasp Fly.
Black Palmer.
July Dun.
Late Ant Fly.
Fern Fly.
White Palmer.
Pale Blue.
Harry Long Legs.
Peacock Harl.
Camel Brown.
Late Badger.
September Dun.
Same Flies as in March.
It is best to make your Flies in a
warm room, or in warm weather out of doors, your
silk will then wax kindly, which is of great consequence
in making Flies.
The three best winged Flies for Spring, are the Red
Fly, Blue, Dun and
The three principal Flies for AUTUMN are the little
Whirling Blue, Pale
Blue, and Willow Fly.
MARCH. Red Fly, Dun Fly and Brown Drake.
APRIL. The same as March with the addition
of the Grannam or Green
Tail, and the Spider Fly.
MAY. The Black Caterpillar, the Little
Iron Blue, the Yellow Sally
Fly, the Oak Fly and the Orl Fly.
JUNE. Sky Coloured Blue, the Cadiss Fly,
the Blue Gnat, Large Red Ant
Fly, Black Ant Fly, Little Whirling Blue, Pale Blue.
JULY. Some of the same Flies as June, with
the addition of the Wasp
Fly, Black Palmer, July Dun, and Orange Fly.
AUGUST. Small Red and Black Ant Flies,
Willow Flies.
SEPTEMBER. Pale Blues, and Whirling Blue.
OCTOBER. Same as March, with the addition
of the Dark and Pale Blues.
March. 1. The
Dark Brown dubbed with the brown hair of
a cow, and the grey feather of a Mallard for wing. The Great Whirling Dun dubbed with
squirrels fur, for wings, grey feather of mallar. Early Bright Brown dubbed with
brown hair from behind the ears of a spaniel dog,
wings from a mallar. The Blue Dun dubbed
with down from a black greyhound’s neck, mixed
with violet coloured blue worsted, wings pale part
of a starling’s win. The Black Gnat dubbed
with black mohair, the wings of the lightest part
of a starling.
April. 1. The
Dark Brown, brown spaniel’s hair mixed
with a little violet camlet, warp with yellow silk,
wings, grey feather from mallar. The Violet
Fly dubbed with dark violet stuff, and a
little dun bear’s hair mixed with it, wings
from a mallar. The Little Whirling Dun dubbed
with fox cubs fur, ash coloured, ribbed about with
yellow silk, wings a pale grey feather from a mallar. Small Bright Brown dubbed with
camel’s hair, and marten’s yellow fur mixed,
wings pale feather of a starling.
May. The Dun Cut dubbed
with brown hair, a little blue and yellow mixed with
it, wings, woodcock, and two horns at the head from
a squirrel’s tai. The Stone Fly dubbed
with dun bear’s hair, mixed with a little brown
and yellow camlet, so placed that the fly may be yellower
on the belly and towards the tail than any where else,
place two hairs from a black cat’s beard, in
such a way that they may stand upright, rib the body
with yellow silk, and make the wings very large from
the dark grey feathers of a mallar. The Camlet
Fly dubbed with dark brown shining camlet,
ribbed over with green silk, wings, grey feather of
a mallar. Cow Dung Fly dubbed with
light brown and yellow camlet mixed, or dirty lemon
coloured mohair with the hackle of a landrail.
June. 1. The
Ant Fly dubbed with brown and red camlet
mixed, wings, starling’s feather, pal.
Little Black Gnat dubbed with black strands
from an ostrich, wings, light feather from underneath
starling’s win. Brown Palmer dubbed
with light brown seal’s hair, warped with ash
coloured silk and a red hackle over the whol.
The Small Red Spinner dubbed with yellow
hair from behind the ear of a spaniel, ribbed with
gold twist, a red hackle over the whole, the wings
from a starling.
July. 1. Orange
Fly dubbed with brown fur of a badger, warped
with red silk, wings from dark grey feather of mallard,
with a head made of red sil. The Wasp Fly dubbed
with brown bear or cow’s hair, ribbed with yellow
silk, and the wings of the inside of starling’s
win. The Black Palmer dubbed with
black copper coloured peacock’s harl, and a
black cock’s hackle over that, wings, blackbir. The July Dun dubbed with the down
of a watermouse, mixed with bluish seal’s fur,
or with the fur of a mole, mixed with a little marten’s
fur, warped with ash coloured silk, wood-pigeon’s
wing feather for wings. A good killer.
August. The Late
Ant Fly dubbed with the blackish brown hair
of a cow, warp some red silk in for the tag of the
tail, the wings from a woodcoc. The Fern
Fly dubbed with the fur from a hare’s
neck, which is of a fern colour, wings dark grey feather
of mallar. The White Palmer dubbed
with white peacock’s harl, and a black hackle
over i. The Pale Blue dubbed with
very light blue fur, mixed with a little yellow marten’s
fur, and a blue hackle over the whole, the wings from
a blue pigeon. A very killing fl.
The Harry Longlegs dubbed with darkish
brown hair, and a brown hackle over it, head rather
September. The Peacock
Harl dubbed with ruddy peacock’s harl,
warped with green silk, and a red cock’s hackle
over tha. The Camel Brown dubbed
with old brownish hair, with red silk, wings dark grey
feather from mallar. The Late Badger dubbed
with black fur of a badger or spaniel, mixed with
the soft yellow down of a sandy coloured pig, wings
dark mallar. The September Dun dubbed
with the down of a mouse, warped with ash coloured
silk, wings feather of a starling.
October. Same as March.
As I never fished for Trout in November,
I attempt no list of Flies for that month. From
Michaelmas to the middle of February, all anglers
should refrain from killing Trout.
Moths Brown and White for Evening
Fishing. The Brown from the
feathers of a brown Owl, dubbed with light mohair,
dark grey Cock’s hackle for legs, and red head.
White Moth strands from an Ostrich, wings
from a white Pigeon, a white hackle for legs, and a
black head. Hooks N or 3. Good
killers at dusk on a Summer’s evening.
February. Small
black flies, made from Starling’s breast or Black
bird, with black or purple silk hook N. Inside and out of Woodcock’s wing and
yellow silk. Plover’s breast or Dottrel’s
wing feather and yellow silk hooks N or 2; red Cock’s hackle and yellow silk.
March. Inside of
Woodcock’s wing and yellow silk, N hook.
Dark Woodcock, and dark orange silk, N hook.
Dottrel and yellow silk, N hook. Dark Snipe
and crimson silk, N hook. Dark Snipe and
purple silk, N hook.
April. Woodcock’s
as for March. Inside of Woodcock’s wing
and yellow silk, N hook. Freckled Snipe and
yellow silk. N hook. Dark Snipe and
crimson silk, N hook. Dottrel and yellow silk, inside
of Snipe’s wing, and pale yellow silk, hooks
May. All the above
April flies are taken, also, Partridge’s breast
and yellow or crimson silk, very light Dottrel’s
or plover’s breast and fawn coloured silk, Blackbird
and purple silk, Blackbird and dark crimson silk,
sea Swallow and primrose silk, inside of Woodcock’s
wing and crimson silk hooks, 1 or 2 according
to water.
June. Most of the
above, to which add Dottrel and orange silk, Plover
and light orange silk, dark Snipe and orange silk,
Freckled Snipe and orange silk, freckled Snipe and
crimson silk. Hooks N or two according to
size of water. Dottrel’s breast and yellow
silk, Hooks N.
July. Many of the
above, with Sandpiper and yellow or purple silk, Plover’s
breast and crimson silk Wren’s tail and orange
silk, Dottrel and bright scarlet silk; Plover’s
back feather with gold twist and orange silk, Landrail
and bright red silk, dark Snipe and sky coloured blue
silk. Hooks N or 2 at discretion.
If the water is very clear, use hooks as small as
August. Some of
the July flies for the first fortnight, with dark
Snipe and green, Snipe’s breast and purple silk,
Dottrel and black silk, Landrail and red silk, dark
Snipe or Starling’s breast and red silk, Grouse
hackle and bright scarlet silk. Hooks 1
and 2 according to water.
September. Some
of the August Flies, with Landrail and yellow silk,
pale blue from sea Swallow and primrose silk, pale
blue from ditto and crimson silk, Hooks
1 and 2.
October. Inside
of Snipe’s wing feather and yellow silk, Woodpigeon’s
feather and pale yellow silk, dark outside feather
of Snipe’s wing and crimson or orange silk,
outside feather of Dottrel’s wing and yellow
silk hooks N or 2.
November. Same Flies as February.
The Blue, Black and Dun Gnats are
at times on the water from May to August, and when
the fish are taking them they generally refuse the
larger flies.
The Blue Gnat may be made thus:
A blue feather from a Titmouse’s tail for wings,
body from pale blue floss silk, on a cypher hook, which
means the smallest hook made; or the wings may be had
from Heron’s plumes, with same or primrose silk.
Black Gnat Starling’s
breast and black silk, cypher hook; or black Ostrich
strand and inside wing feather of Starling for wings.
Dun Gnat from inside wing
feather of a Landrail and fawn coloured silk cypher
Observe, that you may put more feather
on your hackle flies in the Spring than in the Summer;
when the water is low and clear, a very small quantity
of hackle is sufficient, and it should by no means
descend much, if any, below the bend of the hook.
In low waters, except when the blue,
dun and brown drakes are on, the hackle flies will
generally be found to kill better than the winged
The March Brown is well known to all
anglers as a fly to which they are chiefly indebted
for the greatest portion of their sport in the Spring,
commencing as its name indicates in March, and continuing
the whole of April and into May. They appear
on the water each succeeding day about eleven in the
forenoon, and retire about half-past two p.m.
Few rivers or brooks produce March Browns that are
exactly alike; I mean with regard to the
same shade of colour, even in the same river there
are frequently darker and lighter flies. For
the lighter one I recommend the hen pheasant’s
or brown owl’s wing feather, dubbed with hare’s
ear and yellow silk; for the dark, the tail feather
of a partridge, a brown red hackle underneath the
wings, and dark orange silk, or a woodcock’s
feather for wings, and a dark red hackle with dark
orange silk, kills exceedingly well.
When the water is low and fine, I consider your chance
of killing fish far greater with two, than three of
the large spring flies. If you put the brown,
and blue dun on your stretcher, three quarters of
a yard apart, you will find your cast will be much
lighter with the two than three; this plan also holds
good in reference to hackle flies, provided that you
know what the fish are taking.
If these flies do not answer, it is
very rare that you will succeed with any other.
They are suitable for all the rivers and brooks of
Yorkshire, Durham, Westmoreland and Cumberland; about
thirty years experience has convinced me of their
entire excellence, and probably the ingenuity of man
cannot devise any to supersede them.
Palmers for March, April, and first
week in May, The March Brown or Dun Drake, The
Blue Dun, Early Bright Brown.
May. The Dun Cut, The
Cow Dung Fly, and also the March Brown and Blue Dun
are on the waters in late seasons to the middle of
the month.
June. Little Black
Gnat, The Brown Palmer, Little
Red Spinner and Alder Fly.
July. The Wasp Fly, Black
Palmer, July Dun.
August. The Late Ant Fly, The
Pale Blue.
September. The September
Dun, The Camel Brown and Willow Fly.
October. Blue Dun, Pale Blue, and
Dun Drake.
NOTE. If there are no Flies
on the water when you begin to angle, try a Palmer
till you find what Flies the fish are taking.
One Palmer and two small hackle Flies on your stretcher
give a tolerable good chance.
For March and April. Dark
Snipe and crimson silk, Dark Snipe and
Purple silk. Hooks N and 2. Outside
feather of Woodcock’s wing and dark orange silk. Inside
feather of Woodcock’s wing and yellow silk. Dottrel’s
back or neck feather and yellow silk. Hooks
N or 3.
May. Inside and
outside feathers of Woodcock’s wing, with orange
and yellow silk, Starling or Blackbird’s
breast and black silk, Freckled Snipe and
yellow silk, Dark Snipe and crimson silk. Hooks
N and 2.
June. Blackbird
and orange silk, Plover and orange silk. Dottrel’s
breast and yellow silk, Freckled Snipe and
crimson silk, Partridge’s breast
and crimson or yellow silk, Dark Snipe and
yellow silk, Freckled Snipe and orange
silk, Sandpiper and purple or yellow silk. Hooks
N or 2.
July. Light Dottrel
and scarlet silk, Inside of Landrail’s
wing and yellow silk, Blackbird and dark
red silk, Feather from neck of a Grouse
and scarlet silk, Plover’s breast
and bright yellow silk, Sandpiper and purple
silk. Hooks N or 2.
August. Most of
the July hackles for the first fortnight, to which
add dark Snipe and green silk, Snipe’s
breast feather and purple silk, Dottrel
and black silk, Landrail and red silk. Hooks
N and 2.
September. Some
of the August Flies with Landrail and yellow silk, pale
blue from Sea Swallow’s wing and yellow or primrose
coloured silk, pale blue from Sea Swallow
and crimson silk.
October. Same as
March, with inside of Snipe’s wing
and yellow silk, Woodpigeon’s feather
and yellow silk, Dottrel and pale yellow
silk. Hooks N or 2.
I deem November like February, not worth a
1. Dark Blue, one
of the earlies. Olive Blue, March
and April, a good Fly in cold weathe. Red Clock, April and Marc.
Little Brown, March and April, the dark
first, then the lighter, good on warm day. Blue Midge, early in Spring and
late in Autum. Great Brown, or March Brown, March,
April and first week in Ma. Yellow Legged
Blue, from the latter end of March to the
end of April, on cold days, particularly in April.
1. Dark Blue, yellow
or Dun Midge from middle of April to middle of Ma. Spider Legs, end of April and May, kills
best in a win. Land Fly, end of
April till towards the end of May 4. Green Tail
or Grannam, from six in the morning till eleven again
in the evening, when the Browns are of. Ash
Fly, from April to the end of June, a
good killer on windy days.
1. Grey Midge, the
latter end of April and all Summe. Yellow
Sally Fly, all Ma. May Brown, latter
end of May till latter end of Jun. Pale Blue, from
middle of May and all through June, good
in the evening. Yellow Fly, the
greatest parts of May and June, kills best
on cold windy day. Little Stone Blue, from
the middle of May till the Autum. May or
Stone Fly, if the weather is genial, the
last week in May, and continues through June.
1. Hawthorn Fly, all
Jun. Little Dark and Pale Blue, the
dark during the middle of the day, the light in the
evenin. June Dun, about the middle
of June, suits showery weathe.
Twitch Bell, continues till the middle
of July, best in the evening, Stone
1. Little Olive Blue, the
greater part of July and August 2. Black and
Red Ant Flies, in July, August and Septembe. Little Blue, July and August, best
in the middle of the day.
1. August Brown, comes
on about the latter end of July, continuing through
August and till the middle of Septembe. Light
Blue, August, September and October, a
capital Fly on cold day. Orange Stinger, hot
days in Augus. Grey Grannam, showery
days in August and September.
1. Light Olive Blu.
Small Willow Fl. Large Willow Fly, September
and October.
1. Blue Bottle and House Fl. Small Olive Blu. Dark Grey Midge.
1. Dark Blue, dark
feather inside of Waterhen’s wing; body, dark
red brown silk, black hackle for legs tail
two strands of the sam. Olive Blue, feather
of Starling’s wing, body light olive silk, and
red hackl. Red Clock, wings and
legs red; Peacock’s brown herl, and bright red
silk for bod. Little Brown, feather
from inside of Woodcock’s wing, red copper coloured
silk for body, and brown hackle for leg.
Blue Midge, feather of Waterhen’s
neck, lead coloured silk for body, grizzled
hackle for leg. Great Brown, feather
from the hen Pheasant’s wing, dark
orange silk for body, brown red hackle for legs, tail
d. Yellow Legged Blue, feather
from inside of Teal’s wing, or lightest part
of Starling’s wing, straw coloured
silk for body, legs yellow hackle, tail
1. Dark Blue, same
as Marc. Dun Midge, lightest part
of a Thrush’s quill feather, pale
yellow silk, ribbed with light orange, legs
yellow hackl. Spider Legs, rusty
coloured feather from Feldfare’s back, lead
coloured silk for body, grizzled hackle for leg.
Sand Fly, ruddy mottled feather of hen
Pheasant’s wing, reddish fur from
Hare’s neck, ribbed with light brown silk, ginger
coloured hackle for leg. Green Tail or Grannam, wings
inside of hen Pheasant’s wing, body
lead coloured silk, with Peacock’s green herl
for tail, legs ginger hackl. Inside
of Woodcock’s wing, body orange coloured
silk neatly ribbed, hackle from a grouse
for legs.
1. Grey Midge, feather
from Woodcock’s breast, body of pale
yellow sil. Yellow Sally, pale
yellow feather, body yellow silk, legs
yellow hackl. May Brown, ruddy
grey, feather from Partridge’s back, olive
coloured silk ribbed with light brown for body, legs,
hackles of an olive colour, tail d. Pale Blue, Sea
Swallow for wings, yellow pale silk for
body, ribbed with sky blue, pale yellow
hackles for legs, tail do., Little
Stone Blue, feather from Blackbird inside
the wing, or Swift, brown silk for body,
brown hackle for legs. Stone Fly, Mallard’s
feather from the back, very large for wings, two
strands of yellow, and one of drab, Ostrich
herl neatly ribbed, tie with brown silk. horns
and tail, black cat’s whiskers.
1. Little Dark Blue, inside
of Waterhen’s wing, lead coloured
silk for body, legs yellowish dun hackle, tail Rabbit’s
whiske. Pale Blue light part of
Starling’s quill feather for wings, pale yellow
silk for body, pale yellow dun hackle for legs and
tai. June Dun a feather from Dottrel’s
back, hackled on a body of blue Rabbit’s fur
and drab silk, dun hackle for leg. Twitchbell inside
of lightest part of Starling’s quill feather
for wings, brown hackle for legs, brown Peacock’s
herl for body.
1. Little Olive Blue Feather
of Starling’s wing dyed in onion peelings, lead
coloured silk for body, ribbed with yellow, dun hackle
for legs, stained like the wings, Rabbit’s whiskers
for tai. Little Black Ant feather
of a Bluecap’s tail for wings, black Ostrich
herl dressed small in the middle for body, brown hackle
for leg. Red Ant Lark’s
Quill feather for wings, cock Pheasant’s herl
from tail for body, red hackle for leg. Little
Blue Bullfinch’s tail feather for
wings, dark blue silk for body, dark blue hackle for
legs, tail do.
1. August Brown feather
from hen Pheasant’s wing, fern coloured
fur from Hare’s neck, ribbed with pale yellow
silk, grizzled hackle for legs, tail
d. Light Blue, inside of Snipe’s
wing, body light Drab silk, tail
and legs grizzled hackl. Cinnamon Fly, feather
from Landrail, orange and straw coloured
silk for body, ginger hackle for leg. Light Blue, inside of Snipe’s
wing, light drab silk for body, legs
and tail grizzled hackl. Dark Blue, feather
from Waterhen inside the wing, reddish
brown silk for body, legs and tail brown
hackl. Orange Stinger, taken from
middle of August to the end of September feather
from Starling’s quill, the head brown the
tail orange silk, for body and legs, furnace
hackl. Grey Grannam, dark feather
from night Hawk or brown Owl, red Squirrel’s
fur and fawn coloured silk for body, ginger
hackle for legs.
1. Light Olive Blue, Dottrel’s
wing, body pale white French silk, legs
and tail pale blue hackl. Dark Olive Blue, wings
inside of Waterhen’s wing, body lead
coloured silk, black hackle for legs, tail
Hare’s whisker. Small Willow Fly, wings
inside of Woodcock’s wing feather, body
mole’s fur and yellow silk, brown
hackle for legs.
1. House Fly, lark’s
quill feather, light brown silk, ribbed
with dark Ostrich herl for body, legs grizzled
hackl. Small Olive Blue, wings
Starling’s feather stained with onion peelings, yellow
silk for body, legs olive stained hackl. Dark Grey Midge, wings dark grey
feather of a Partridge, body brown silk, legs
grey Partridge hackle.
Body greenish herl of Peacock, ribbed
with gold tinsel, wrapt with red silk, red
hackle over all.
Body dark Peacock’s herl, ribbed
with gold tinsel, green silk, black, brown
or red hackle over all.
These flies, which are known as May
flies, afford great sport. Trout and Greyling
are so partial to them that they refuse all others
during the time they are on the water, but they are
not common to all rivers. The Driffield, Derwent
and other Yorkshire streams, have them in great abundance.
The best chance with the artificial May fly, is when
there is wind stirring sufficient to cause a pretty
considerable curl on the water. The Yellow
Drake may be made in this way, a Mallard’s
back feather dyed yellow; for wings, Cock’s
hackle dyed yellow; underneath the wings to make them
stand upright, yellow camlet, ribbed with brown silk
for body; tail, two hairs from Squirrel’s tail.
Grey Drake, wings from Mallard’s
back feather, black Cock’s hackle underneath;
body sky blue camlet ribbed with copper coloured Peacock’s
herl; tail from Squirrel. Green Drake, same
as yellow except the wings, which must be from a Mallard’s
feather dyed a yellowish green.
I have not deemed it requisite to
introduce any illustrations of flies, because I cannot
conceive that any really beneficial results are obtainable
by merely showing the difference on paper between natural
and artificial flies. Catch the natural fly, imitate
it as closely as possible; put your made fly into
a tumbler of clear water, then if the size and the
prevailing colours as to body and wings resemble your
copy, you are all right. This appears to me the
best comparative illustration.
I beg to suggest to those who have
opportunity and leisure, that they might at the cost
of a little trouble, make a collection of all the
flies that come on the waters, where they are accustomed
to angle. They are easily caught and preserved,
and if classed according to the months during which
they were found, would be useful and interesting to
themselves and friends, if only to refer to when manufacturing
Take a hook of the required size,
between the finger and thumb of your left hand, with
the point towards the end of your finger, place the
gut along the top of the shank, and with the silk
bind them tightly together, beginning half way down
the shank, and wrap the end, take two turns back again
which will form the head of the fly; lay the feather
along the hook, the point towards your left hand, and
take three turns over it with the silk, clip off the
points of the feather, and bind it neatly round till
the fibre is consumed, bring the silk round the root
of the feather to bind to the end of the tail of the
fly. Cut off all superfluities and fasten off
by the drawn knots, then with a needle trim the fibres
and your fly is made.
Have your materials ready, wings silk
&c., of the colour you require, then take a hook between
the forefinger and thumb of your left hand, with the
point towards your forefinger, place the gut at the
top of the shank, and with the silk bind them tightly
together, bind all tight within two or three turns
of the shank of the hook. Take the feather for
wings, lay the feather’s point the proper length
between your finger and thumb along the hook, and
take two or three turns over it for the head of the
fly, and bind the gut between the second and third
fingers of your left hand, and with the scissors clip
off the root end of the feather, wrap the silk back
again once under the wings, setting them upwards;
with the point of the needle divide equally the wings
crossing the silk between them. Lay the hackle
for legs, root end towards the bend of the hook, wrap
your silk over it and so make the body of your fly,
then take the fibre end of the hackle, rib the body
of the fly neatly with it, till you reach the silk
hanging down, wind the silk twice or thrice over the
hackle, fasten with the usual knots, and your fly
is complete.
In the manufacture of winged flies
a great variety of feathers are required. Procure
those of a Mallard, Teal, Partridge, especially the
tail feathers; also, the wings of a Starling, Jay,
Landrail, Waterhen, Blackbird, Fieldfare, Pheasant
Hen, Pewitt’s Topping, Peacock’s Herl,
green and copper coloured, black Ostrich herl, Snipe,
Dottrel, Woodcock and golden Plover’s wings,
the tail feathers of the blue and brown Titmouse,
and also Heron’s plumes. Dubbing is to be
had from old Turkey Carpet, Hare ears, Water Rat’s
fur, Squirrel, Mohair, old hair cast from young cattle,
of a red, blue, brown, black and fawn colour from
behind a Spaniel’s ears, and from the fur of
a Mouse, and note, Martin’s fur is the best
yellow that can be had. In regard to Silks be
careful to suit the colour of the silk (at least as
much so as you possibly can,) to the hackle you select
for dubbing with. Thus with a Dun hackle, use
yellow silk; a black hackle, sky blue; a brown or red
hackle, red or dark orange do.
The above selection of silks and dubbing
are for Palmers and winged flies generally. It
is a good plan however to take and wet your dubbing
previous to making use of it, because when dry it may
appear the exact colour you need, yet wetted quite
the reverse. To acquire an accurate knowledge
of any dubbing, hold it between the sun and your eyes.
Mohairs may be had of all colours, black, blue,
yellow and tawny, from feuille morte a dead
leaf, and Isabella which is a whitish yellow soiled
Take a length of fine round silk worm
gut, half a yard of silk well waxed, (wax if possible
of the same colour,) take a No. three or four hook,
hold it by the bend between the forefinger and thumb
of the left hand, with the shank towards your right
hand, and with the point and beard of your hook not
under your fingers, but nearly parallel with the tips
of them, then take the silk and hold it about the middle
of it with your hook, one part laying along the inside
of it to your left hand, the other to your right;
then take that part of the silk which lies towards
your right hand between the forefinger and thumb of
that hand, and holding that part towards your left
tight along the inside of the hook, whip that to the
right three or four times round the shank of the hook
towards the right hand, after which take the gut and
lay either of its ends along the inside of the shank
of the hook, till it comes near the bend of it, then
hold the hook, silk and gut tight between the forefinger
and thumb of your left hand, and afterwards put that
portion of silk into your right, giving three or four
more whips over both gut and hook, until it approaches
the end of the shank, then make a loop and fasten
it tight, then whip it neatly again over both silk,
gut, and hook, until it comes near to the end of the
hook, make another loop and fasten it again; now wax
the longest end of the silk again, then hold your
Ostrich strand, dubbing on whatever you have selected,
and hook as at first with the silk just waxed anew,
whip them three or four times round at the bend of
the hook, making them tight by a loop as before, then
the strands to your right hand and twisting them and
the silk together with the forefinger and thumb of
the right hand, wind them round the shank tight, till
you come to the place where you fastened, then loop
and fasten again, then take your scissors and cut
the body of the Palmer into an oval shape, that is,
small at the head and the end of the shank, but full
in the centre; don’t cut too much of the dubbing
off. Now both ends of the silk are separated,
one at the bend, the other at the end of the shank,
wax them afresh, then take the hackle, hold the small
end of it between the forefinger and thumb of your
left hand, and stroke the fibres of it with those of
your right, the contrary way to what they are formed;
hold your hook as at the beginning, and place the
point of the hackle on its bend with that side growing
next to the Cock’s neck upwards, then whip it
tight to the hook, but in fastening, avoid if possible,
tying the fibres; the hackle now being fast, take
it by the large end and keeping that side which lies
to the neck of the Cock to the left hand, begin with
your right hand to wind it up the shank upon the dubbing,
stopping every second turn, and holding what you have
wound tight with the fingers of your left hand, whilst
with a needle you pick out the fibres unavoidably
left in; proceed in this manner till you come to where
you first fastened, and where an end of the silk remains;
then clip off the fibres of the hackle which you hold
between your finger and thumb close to the stem, and
hold the stem close to the hook, afterwards take the
silk in your right hand and whip the stem fast to the
hook, and make it tight: clip off the remaining
silk at both bend and shank of the hook, and also
all fibres that start or don’t stand well, and
then your fly is complete.
Take the hair of a black Spaniel for
dubbing, ribbed with gold twist, and a red hackle
over all.
The same dubbing as for the Golden
Palmer, silver twist over that, and a brown red hackle,
and note, when you make Golden or Silver Palmers,
and when whipping the end of the hackle to the head
of the hook, do the same to the twist whether Gold
or Silver, first winding on the dubbing, observing
that they lie flat on it, then fasten off and proceed
with the hackle, or you may wind the hackle on the
dubbing first, and rib the body with either of the
twists afterwards. Palmers may be made so as
to suit all waters by making them of various colours
and sizes, and it is a good plan to fish with a Palmer
until you know to a certainty what fly is on the water.
Hackles for Palmers should consist of red, dun, yellow,
orange and black, they should not by any means exceed
half an inch in length. A strong brown red hackle
is exceedingly valuable. Any person who can make
a Palmer will make winged flies without difficulty.
Select a feather the colour you want,
and whose fibres are of the length suitable for the
size of the fly you wish to dress. Strip off
all superfluous fibres, leaving on the stem of the
feather no more than you require for your fly, then
having previously waxed about half a yard of fine
silk of whatever colour you deem best, take your gut
or hair and hook into your left hand, lay the gut
inside the shank of the hook nearly down to the bend,
then whip the gut and hook, at the end of your hook
together, then lay your feather the reverse way from
the top of the feather on to the gut and hook, make
fast the feather with your silk, then wind your silk
on the hook as far as you intend the fibres to extend,
holding the hook, gut and silk in your left, with your
right wind the fibres down to the silk and make all
fast, then wind the remaining part of the gut and
hook as far as nearly the bend of the hook with your
silk, and fasten; wind your silk back again to the
feather, make all fast, cut off the remains of the
silk, smooth down the fibres, press them between your
finger and thumb, and having arranged them to your
mind, the fly is completed. Instead of carrying
the silk back again to the feather from the bend of
the hook, you may finish there, if you prefer doing
so. I prefer the former. Making hackle flies
is such an easy matter, that any person with any ingenuity
and attention, may soon become a proficient in fabrication
of them, and by diligent observation as to the size,
colour, and peculiarities of the great variety of
natural flies, which make their appearance on the
water at particular seasons and hours of the day, he
will at all times be enabled to pursue his diversion
with the best chance of success. Nature best
followed best secures the sport.
You may take Trout in February with
the worm if the weather is mild, and continue to do
so until the end of October. It is a most alluring
and destructive bait, and requires more skill to fish
it properly than is generally supposed. After
rain, when rivers or brooks are somewhat beyond their
usual bounds, a well scoured lob worm will take the
best of fish. For worm fishing you must have
a yard of good gut attached to your cast line, which
line ought to be of the same thickness from the gut
to the loop of your reel line, your hooks may be a
trifle larger in the Spring than in the Summer, and
should be tied on to the gut with good strong red
silk; two N or 5 shot corns, partially split, and
then fastened upon the gut about five or six inches
from the hooks, and from two to three from each other,
are generally sufficient in a strong water to sink
your worm to the requisite depth, but in low and fine
waters, use two of N, and sometimes one will be
sufficient. In worm fishing never attempt to
fish down, but always up a stream, and when you are
aware that you have a bite, slacken your line a little
in order to give time to the fish to gorge, then strike
quickly, but not too hard, and land your prize without
delay; you need not make more than two or three casts
in one place, because if there is a fish he will in
those casts either take or refuse your bait. In
summer when the water is low and fine, and the thermometer
about seventy-five Farenheit, capital sport may be
had with well scoured Brandlings, perhaps this sort
of fishing is nulli secundus, inferior to none
in the exercise of skill and ingenuity. The immortal
Shakespeare, must surely have fished the worm in clear
waters, for he says, “the finest angling ’tis
of all to see the fish with his golden fins, cleave
the golden flood, and greedily devour the treacherous
hook.” In the Spring you must give your
fish more time before you strike them than in the Summer;
because having been sickly and altogether out of order,
and not yet having recovered his usual strength and
activity, he bites but languidly, and does not gorge
so quickly as when in prime condition. When you
find Trout pulling or snatching at the worm, which
may be termed runaway bites, and when in fact they
neither take it nor let it alone, it is a sign they
are full, and the best plan to effect a capture under
such circumstance is to strike that moment they touch
your bait, for if you do not succeed by a snap, but
allow them time, they will only play with it for a
few moments, and then finally leave you in the lurch.
In concluding my observations on worm fishing, I can
with confidence affirm that it is, as a bait for Trout,
the most destructive and certain agent the angler
(taking the season through) can make use of.
The author of Don Juan certainly did not flatter a
worm fisher, one part of his assertion however is
undoubtedly true, the worm was at one end, but it
did not necessarily follow, that a fool was at the
other. His poetic and satirical lordship probably
never saw Trout taken with the worm in a clear stream,
if he had I think he would have been satisfied that
there was nothing foolish about it. Osbaldiston
in his British Field Sports, under the head
of Allurements for Fish, recommends the gum
of ivy, he says, “take gum ivy and put a good
deal of it into a box made of oak, and rub the inside
of it with this gum; when you angle, put three or
four worms into it, but they must not remain long,
for if they do, it will kill them, then take them and
fish with them, putting more into the worm-bag as
you want them. Gum ivy flows from the ivy tree
when injured by driving nails into it, wriggling them
about and letting them remain for some time; about
Michaelmas is the best time to procure it. Gum
ivy is of a red colour, of a strong scent, and sharp
pungent taste.” When fish are disposed to
feed, you need not use gum ivy; the attractions of
a bright and clear scoured worm are quite sufficient
without any such adjunct.
You must for this kind of Angling,
have a tolerably strong Rod and tackle, you may begin
trolling about the middle of March, and continue to
the end of October. The very best of fish are
taken with the Minnow, it is an active bait to fish
with, and keeps the Angler pretty well on the qui
vive. When the water is in order, that is,
after it is a little swollen and discoloured by recent
rain, it frequently proves a most destructive bait,
and will take Salmon as well as Trout. Those
Anglers who are desirous of a few good fish, will find
it their interest to use it on every suitable occasion,
independent of the good fish to be had with it, it
is next to fly fishing, the most animating and exciting
method of angling. To make your Minnow spin well,
one or two swivels should be used, attached to the
gut, which should be about a yard in length and of
fine and good quality. In fishing the Natural
Minnow with two hooks, one of them must be large enough
to pass through the body of the bait, going in at
the mouth, and passing out at the tail; the other,
rather larger than a May-fly hook, should go through
the under, and pass out at the upper lip. In trolling
with only two hooks, be careful to give your fish
time to gorge, otherwise by striking too quickly,
you will miss your prize by pulling the bait out of
his mouth. With three or more hooks, which is
termed fishing at snap, you cannot strike too soon
as the fish is generally caught by one of the loose
hooks. If the fish you have hooked be not too
heavy, the best plan is to land him at once by a quick
and sudden jerk. In fishing the Minnow, if in
still, deep water, let it sink a little at first,
then draw it quickly towards you, making the bait spin
well and briskly, which is effected by the swivel.
In streams, especially if they be rapid, cast up and
down, but chiefly athwart, by so doing your bait shows
greatly to advantage. Trolling in the Tees is
not much practised; the difficulty of procuring Minnows
at the precise time when wanted, is I suppose the
reason. But there are artificial Minnows which
in heavy waters will kill well; those sold by Frederick
Allies, South Parade, Worcester, and by Farlow, Tackle
Maker, in the Strand, London, are excellent, the price
for Trout reasonable, two shillings and six pence.
The former is styled the Archimedean, the latter the
Phantom Minnow, which collapses when struck by a fish.
The best river I have ever trolled in, and I do not
suppose there is a better in England, is the Eden,
which takes its rise a few miles from Kirby Stephen,
in Westmoreland, thence to Carlisle, and so seaward,
running for the most part over a gravelly and sandy
bottom, and full of good Trout, so that splendid sport
may be had by trolling when the water is in proper
order. The Greta is an excellent trolling stream,
but the fish are not near the average weight of those
in the Eden. It is not a bad plan when the water
is low and fine, and Minnows are easily procured, because
you may then see where they are, especially on a sunny
day, to catch as many as you want, (which you may
do, with small hooks baited with very small red worms,)
and then cure them. Of course those cured are
not so good and durable as the fresh, but still they
are found to take fish very well. And thus provided
with artificial and pickled auxiliaries, the indefatigable
troller will never be brought to a stand. For
what can be more provokingly annoying to an angler,
than to have to leave off in the very midst of sport,
merely for want of baits?
May easily be had; any description
of flesh exposed to the sun is soon full of them,
for choice I should prefer horse flesh; when sufficiently
large they are an excellent bait for Trout; preserve
them in tin case (with holes to admit air,) filled
with bran, where they will scour a trifle and keep
alive some days; when you fish with them, use a Palmer
sized hook, and a single N shot corn, and when
the water is as low or almost as much so as it well
can be, your gut need not be leaded at all.
These Gentles are excellent for both
Trout and Chub, preserve them the same way as Maggots,
and use the same sized hook.
This grub is found, as it name indicates,
at the roots of dockens: the body of it is somewhat
similar to a Maggot, it is a good bait for Trout and
Chub, and may be kept some time in a woollen bag containing
fine sand; fish will often take it when they refuse
the worm, you may begin to fish with it in February
and continue to do so during the season. Small
May-fly hook and one N shot corn.
Found underneath stones having a little
water and gravel or sand underneath them, may be kept
in a May-fly horn, but soon die for want of water;
a good bait early and late, or in streams on a hot
day. A N shot corn and May-fly hook, fished
like the worm.
Found in brooks or rivers, encased
in little straw or gravel husks: a curious little
grub similar to a gentle in size, with a dirty yellow
body and black head. Palmer sized hook, shot corn
N, or your hook slightly leaded on the upper part
of the shank, round which have the hackle of a Landrail
or dyed Mallard. Kills well with hackle when the
water is slightly discoloured.
“You must not every
Worm promiscuous use.” GAY.
The best for Spring fishing are the
Marl or Meadow worms, the Gilt Tail, the Squirrel
Tail and the Brandling, are excellent in Summer.
A Lob Worm well scoured is a good bait early in the
morning, either in Spring or Summer. When you
fish with the Brandling, it is a killing way to have
two on your hook, letting the head of the second Brandling
hang a little way over the tail of the first, or you
may put heads and tails together; always procure your
worms, and put them to some good moss, some time before
you want them; after three or four days, by adopting
this method, they will be clean, bright and tough;
a glazed earthen jar is the best thing to keep them
in, and in Summer set your jar in as cool a place
as possible; by attention in changing your moss every
fourth day, or so, you may preserve and keep your worms
a long time. Moss from heaths and waste lands,
is the best you can get; always be careful to pick
from the moss all blades of grass, leaves, or dirt
adhering thereto. Put your worms into water if
you want them scoured quickly, and let them remain
in it for twenty minutes or half an hour, they come
out in an exhausted state, but soon recover on being
put into good clean moss. Bole Armoniac will
also scour them very speedily. As to gum ivy
and ointment put to worms to entice fish, such practises
I hold to be mere matters of fancy, and I do not deem
it necessary to give instructions in reference thereto.
It is my opinion only time and trouble thrown away,
and you may depend upon this as a fact, that if fish
will not take a bright clean worm, the addition of
unguents will be found useless. As I have observed
elsewhere, it is the eye and not the sense of smell
(if they have any) which guides, influences, and directs
fish in their choice of food.
You may breed worms in abundance by
the aid of decayed vegetables and leaves, mixed with
marl or any kind of soil; the Brandling or Red Worm
are found in Pig’s and other dung, also in Tanner’s
Salmon Roe is such a destructive bait
for nearly all kinds of fish, and Trout in particular,
that I know nothing comparable to it. It is moreover
a bait requiring but little skill in the use of it.
After a flood, and before the water clears, is the
best time for fishing with Roe. Log, or still
water having a gravelly, or sandy bottom, is the place
to be selected, and you may use three or four stiff
rods, placed at convenient distances from each other.
You can also have floats if you like, by doing so
you will immediately perceive when you have a bite.
It is a good plan previous to casting in your lines,
to sound the depth of the water, which you may do
easily enough with a string leaded for the purpose;
because, it is of material consequence that your Roe
should lie at, or very near the bottom of the water.
A hook about the size of a Limerick May fly hook,
is quite large enough to put your roe on, which should
be in regard to size about that of a French Bean or
marrow fat Pea.
Salmon Roe is cured and preserved
by spreading it upon thin layers of cotton wool, pack
the layers on each other and cover them tightly up,
so as to exclude air; glazed jars covered with bladder
over the tops of them are the best to keep your Roe
in. When you want to use it, mix the Roe with
a little wheaten flour and gum water, to cause adhesion
to the hook. In concluding this notice of Roe,
I cannot refrain from expressing a hope that gentlemen
will abstain from the use of it. By the purchase
of Roe they hold out a premium to Salmon poachers who
annually destroy immense numbers of spawning fish solely
for the sake of the Roe, the high price which it commands
encourages them in their illegal pursuits. If
there were no buyers of Roe there would soon be a
visible increase of Salmon.
For dying feathers use clear soft
water; to strike the colour add to each pint of water
a piece of alum about the size of a walnut; to dye
white feathers yellow, boil them in onion peelings
or saffron. Blue feathers by being boiled as
above become a fine olive colour. To dye white
feathers blue, boil them in Indigo, by mixing the blue
and yellow together, and boiling feathers in the mixed
liquid, they become green. Logwood dyes lilac,
or pink; to turn red hackles brown, boil them in copperas.
To stain hair or gut for a dun colour, boil walnut
leaves and a small quantity of soot in a quart of
water for half an hour, steep the gut till it turns
the colour you require. To stain gut or hair
blue, warm some ink, in which steep for a few minutes,
then wash in clean water immediately; by steeping
hair or gut in the union dye, it will turn a yellowish
green, and in gin and ink it becomes a curious water
To make strong white wax, take three
parts of white rosin and one of mutton suet; let them
simmer ten minutes or so over a slow fire, dropping
in a small quantity of essence of lemon, pour the whole
into a basin of clear cold water, work the wax through
the fingers, rolling it up, and then drawing out until
it is tough. It cannot be worked too much.
By using this wax the pristine colours of the silk
you use in fly making are preserved; common shoemakers
wax soils the silk too much.
The French Baskets are the neatest,
lightest and most durable, being closely woven, they
very much exclude the air, so that fish look better
on being taken out of a pannier of that description;
many of the English made fishing baskets, are only
of clumsy construction, and have the fault of being
too open in the weaving, admitting far too much air,
whereby, particularly on windy days, your fish become
dry and shrivelled.
Landing nets round or square, are
made of strong silk or best water twine cord.
Those nets having a joint in the centre of the shank,
are most convenient when travelling. It is not
advisable to have too deep a net, as your flies become
very often entangled in such a one, and cause much
trouble and loss of time in extricating them; therefore
a net that is sufficiently deep to hold a good fish
without admitting a possibility of escape, is the
kind of net you require.
Winches may be bought at all tackle
shops, and of any size you wish. My remarks on
them extend only to this, that they are very useful
appendages to any rod, and give you great advantage
over a good fish, enabling you to give line and play
him as you like; should a breakage of your top or
other part of your rod happen, you have it safe, being
held by your reel line. A light winch that will
hold from 25 to 35 yards of line is sufficient for
Trout. A Salmon winch should be capable of holding
from 50 to 80 yards of line.
In selecting gut for Trout fishing,
choose that which is round and fine. What is
termed manufactured gut, may be had at most tackle
shops, it is exceedingly fine but not durable, the
best I ever met with was at Rowel’s, at Carlisle,
1d. per length. Hair should be bright, round and
strong, chestnut hair suits moss or discoloured waters,
if you can procure hair of a light or bluish tint,
that is the best of colours; both gut and hair should
be wet when knotted.
The three distinguishing characteristics
of a really good fly rod are strength, elasticity,
and lightness, such rods are to be bought in the London
tackle shops for a pound; these rods are perfect as
three or four piece rods, but I much prefer one for
my own use in only two pieces, such a rod is more
readily put to, and taken from together than one consisting
of three or more joints; not so liable to get out of
order, and has a truer bend with it when subjected
to pressure. I recommend a rod having a root
9 feet, and a top of 5 feet, making together 14 feet
in length, as the most useful; a fir root, and top
of good sound lance wood, well painted, ringed and
varnished, makes a neat and serviceable rod.
For trolling, your top should be stiff and strong.
For worm not so pliable as your fly top.
Lines composed entirely of hair, are
lighter on the water than those made of silk and hair
mixed, perhaps the latter is the stronger line of
the two, but it both carries more water and is more
expensive. A winch line should be for Trout from
25 to 35 yards in length, and may be bought at all
tackle shops, at the rate of a 1d., 1-1/2d. and 2d.
per yard, according to quality; at so cheap a rate,
it is scarcely worth while to make your own line,
which you may do by the purchase of a little machine
for twisting, or you may use goose quills, which is
however but a slow and tedious process.
The best hooks are Kendal, Limerick,
and Carlisle; I prefer the Limerick for fishing the
natural flies, they are all however very good.
Some anglers are partial to the Kirby bend, but perhaps
you get better hold of your fish with the sneck bend
hooks. If you purchase wholesale, you get 120
hooks for a shilling, if by retail at tackle shops,
generally 6 a penny, or 72 for a shilling; so that
wholesale you have about 50 more hooks for your money.
With Cordings, Fishing Boots, and
Macintosh Coat, you are weather proof; neither the
water from above or below can affect you; by the aid
of the boots you keep your feet perfectly dry, the
coat enables you to continue fishing during the heaviest
showers, and in Summer especially, when the flies
and insects are beat down by such showers, the best
of fish are then on the move; without the India Rubber
Garment, you may get thoroughly wet in ten minutes.
If you find shelter you probably loose some good sport,
and if not, by continuing your fishing, you become
so cold, wet, and exceedingly uncomfortable, that you
generally deem it adviseable to proceed home with
as little delay as possible. When the day is
fine, and the water repeller not needed, avoid light,
or glaring colours; brown, green, or grey garments
are most suitable, particularly when the water is
low and clear.
If your feet are wet either in Spring
or Summer, do not, if you regard your health, sit
down above two or three minutes. You may frequently
have occasion to wait some considerable time by the
water side, looking out for the expected feed, and
consequent rising of the fish; at such times keep
walking about in preference to sitting, which is the
best way to avoid catching cold. When you return
home loose not a moment in changing your wet garments.
Colds and Rheumatism are the pains and penalties anglers
are liable to, who do not follow the above advice.
Trout, however quick sighted they
may be, are like all the finny tribe, supposed to
be incapable of hearing, in consequence of the density
of the element in which they exist. Water has
long ago been proved to be a non-conductor of sound,
and if fish are possessed of any faculty of the kind,
it must be the dullest imaginable. From the horny
construction of the palate, their taste cannot be
acute, and their sense of smelling (judging from the
medium by which all odours are conveyed to them,)
must be peculiarly defective. Taking the above
suppositions to be correct, it is of course clearly
apparent that they must be guided solely by the eye
in the selection of their food; for instance, when
fish are stupefied or fuddled as it is termed, I do
not suppose their olfactory organs are affected by
the berry or drugs, used to intoxicate or kill them.
I am persuaded, that small balls of paste or bread
would, if offered to them at the same time, be devoured
at precisely the same rate as those prepared with
unguents or drugs.
The formation of fish is peculiarly
adapted to water, through which they glide with the
greatest facility; their motions being regulated by
the fins and tail; the tail indeed being to the fish
precisely what a rudder is to a ship. The air
bladder in fish is another wise provision of nature,
by means of it they can remain for a long time under
water; still they must from time to time take in supplies,
for if during a severe frost the ice be not broken
on ponds, the fish therein would perish for want of
air. Some fish are much more tenacious of life
than others; Roach, Perch and Tench, have been conveyed
alive, for stocking ponds, thirty miles, packed only
in wet leaves or grass. One thing is quite certain
as regards all fish, viz., that they live longer
out of their natural element in cold than in hot weather.
A clever invention for the transport of fish has come
under my notice; an account of this machine may prove
interesting to some persons, and therefore I insert
The Apparatus consists of a tin case,
separated into two parts by an open work partition.
In one of these the fish are placed, and in the other
is fixed a mechanical contrivance for keeping up a
considerable supply of air in the water.
In November, 1853, 33 Greylings were
sent from the Wye at Rowley to the Clyde at Abington,
a distance of about 250 miles with the loss of only
two fish.
The Apparatus is composed of a zinc
cylinder, about three feet high and two feet in diameter,
with a strong iron handle running round the middle;
to the top, a small force pump is attached, and by
this fresh air is forced through a star shaped distributor
at the bottom of the cylinder; a ring to bring the
fish up for inspection, and a loose concave rim to
prevent splashing over, complete it. A drawing
with particulars was deposited with the Society of
Arts, in London.
Fish have so many enemies that were
it not for the millions of embryo or spawn deposited
by the female, the breed of Salmon and Trout (to say
nothing of other species) would long since have become
extinct. Eels, fish, birds, water rats, toads,
frogs, and last but not least, the water beetle,
prey upon the ova, spawn and young fry; floods also
sweep away and leave on banks, or rocks, a considerable
quantity of spawn, which of course comes to nothing.
Escaping the above perils and causalities, and arrived
at maturity, they become the prey and food of the
otter and heron, king’s fisher, gull, &c., who
emulate man in their destructive propensities.
The larger fish also prey upon the smaller. Luckily
otters are not so numerous in any English river as
they used to be. Night lines, shackle, rake and
flood nets, and other devices not at all creditable
to those who use them, and to which I shall not further
allude, make terrible havoc amongst fish, and mar and
spoil the fair and honest angler’s sport, but
in most rivers and brooks of Trouting celebrity, such
practices are greatly on the wane. Proprietors
will not sanction such wholesale destruction; and
now almost universally adopts measures for the detection
and punishment of such depredators.
It would occupy too much space to
be diffuse in reference to angling laws; I shall therefore
briefly observe that all persons discovered robbing
fish ponds during the night, and all persons found
poisoning fish are liable to transportation; all persons
using nets, listers, snares or other unlawful devices,
are liable to the forfeiture of such nets, &c., and
also subject to a fine at the discretion of the magistrates
before whom such offenders may be brought; and also,
that any person angling in any brook or river without
the permission of the proprietor or proprietors of
such river or brook, is liable to a penalty as a trespasser,
and also to the forfeiture of any fish he may have
Your sport in angling, whether top
or bottom, materially depends upon the state of the
atmosphere. He who has paid some attention to
the effects of weather on fish, knows pretty accurately
the extent of the sport to be looked for, when the
wind is in particular arts. An East or N. East
wind shuts out all hope of diversion, whilst a Southerly
or South West wind, is the wind of all winds for the
angler. However, as fish must feed at some time,
let the wind be as it will, an angler who is particularly
in want of a few Trout, may succeed in obtaining small
ones with the fly in an East or N. East wind, provided
the wind has been in that quarter some days, and there
is feed on the water. Any sudden change in the
wind affects the fish, and they will sometimes give
over, or begin to feed, on such changes taking place,
just as it happens to veer into the wrong or right
quarter. After white frosts in the Spring of
the year, you need not expect much, if any sport.
Frosty nights with bright sunny days following, accompanied
with East or N. East winds, are precisely those sort
of days, when a man had better refrain altogether
from attempting to take fish with the fly, or with
any kind of bait. During the Summer months, the
colder the wind blows, the better sport you will have
with the artificial fly. On cold stormy days
in Spring, with wind West or N. West, accompanied with
heavy snow, rain, or hail showers, good fish are usually
roving about, and then your sport is of the best.
Either in Spring, or Summer,
“With a Southerly wind,
and a cloudy sky,
The angler may venture his
luck to try.”
It is of the greatest consequence
to acquire a correct estimate of what really constitutes
a good fishing day; and not put too much faith in
the advice of the author who wrote an article on angling,
which is published in Brewster’s Encyclopædia,
who tells us to follow the example of the navigator,
who does not wait for a favourable wind, but goes
to sea at once, to seek for one; not to sit at home
on the look out, but go to the river in all weathers.
The three great essentials of a good Trouting day,
are water, wind, and cloud, if there is a failure
in all three, you are better at home, at least that
is my humble opinion. If a deficiency or partially
so in any, expect only moderate sport, but if all
three are in unison, then you may fairly calculate
on excellent diversion. There is nothing like
a South West wind for holding forth a promise of a
cloudy day. As to the water, the second day after
a heavy fall of rain is often the best. The wind
however sometimes (too frequently indeed) veers into
the North West, or further on that day, and if the
barometer rapidly rises at the same time, there will
be too much sunshine; on the third, if the wind veers
to the South West, the day will probably be too dark;
for a dull day occurring about new and full moon,
is seldom a good angling day. A man whose avocations
do not permit him to angle in all weathers, will therefore
do well to select a day, when the three great essentials
of his sport, wind, water, and cloud, are in his favour.
NOTE. An angler is so dependent
on the weather that he should omit no opportunity
of acquiring meteorological knowledge. Electric
influences guide and coerce fish in a wonderful manner.
Thousands of the dwellers in “the
modern Babylon,” and indeed in all large cities
and towns, never saw the splendour of a rising sun.
Tens of thousands never heard the sylvan choristers
performing their morning’s concert, filling
with their melody, nature’s own, the woods and
groves wherein these feathered songsters “sport,
live, and have their being.” Whilst millions
of men are sunk in the arms of “the drowsy god.”
What is the angler about, has he slept soundly, and
then awoke in the very nick of time? Or have
his slumbers been somewhat broken and disturbed by
dreams of crafty old Trout? No matter, he is
astir, he has pocketed his tackle, and not neglected
something for the inner man; rod and net in hand,
he is off and away frequently before, but seldom later,
than the rising lark proclaims with joyous notes the
coming day; full well, he knows the advantages of an
early move during the Summer months; the morning is
all in all, the best part of the day to him; so, buoyant
with hope he progresses at an easy rate towards the
scene of his triumphs, or disappointments, as the case
may be. An angler of early habits during the
Summer months sees a great deal of animated nature,
and ought to know as much of the habits of birds,
animals, insects, &c., as any man. At early morn
the great volume of nature lies open for his inspection,
if he be intelligent and curious, he will soon become
a naturalist, whether his path leads through the woods,
the lowlands, or over the uplands, he is pretty sure
to meet with something to gratify, instruct and amuse.
Independent of the varied attractions of nature, the
early rising angler always has the best Summer sport.
Large fish invariably feed more freely in the morning
than during any other portion of the day, evenings
occasionally excepted; he also avoids the greater
heat by getting home a.m., indeed after twelve o’clock
on a Summer’s day your shadow falls more or less
upon the water, and scares the fish. Independent
of that, they usually cease to feed by that time.
In streams where piscatorial rights
are cherished, and protected to their fullest extent,
Trout are frequently found to be much smaller, than
might naturally be supposed; the fact is, that in good
breeding waters strictly preserved, Trout soon become
so numerous that the supply of food is inadequate
to their wants; a state of things which in rural parlance
is termed, as having more stock than the pasture will
carry; a numerical reduction, to some extent in such
streams is therefore extremely beneficial. Better
fish are sometimes met with in free waters than in
preserves, solely because they have had abundance,
and variety of food. In all moor becks, plenty
of small Trout are found; such waters are excellent
for breeding, but as very little nutriment comes from
peat or waste lands, they are generally dwarfish in
size, and moderate in flavour. On the contrary,
in small streams running through a fertile soil, fish
are frequently killed of a most satisfactory size
and weight. In rapid rivers the beds of which
are formed of limestone rock, Trout are upon an average,
not of a size acceptable to an angler who scouts the
idea of a 1/4 lb fish. In such rivers they get
knocked about very much during heavy floods, and the
rapidity with which the streams carry away the feed,
either at top or bottom, is against them.
In North Yorkshire and Durham, where
many Trouting streams are recipients of the washing
of the refuse ore of the lead mines, commonly called
hush, fish are not either so plentiful, or near the
average size they used to be, when the hush was not
so prevalent as it is at present. The hush must
certainly be injurious to all kinds of fish, and I
think it very probable that the young fry suffer very
much from it, even to the extent of being in some
instances completely destroyed by it. But there
are other causes, independent of hush, &c., why fish
are generally smaller in size and number than they
used to be in “the days of old.”
An increasing population has visibly increased the
number of anglers, and also of parties making use
of most destructive wholesale methods of taking fish,
to which any amount of angling is indeed comparatively
harmless. Angling clubs conducted with energy
and liberality have in some places repressed nefarious
practices, and some rivers are coming round again,
that previous to the protective system were nearly
cleaned out.
The artificial production of Trout
and Salmon, has of late years been tried with success.
Those who are curious and interested in pisciculture
may obtain a pamphlet on the artificial production
of fish by Piscarius, published by Reeve & Co., Henrietta
Street, Covent Garden, London.
The weather may be propitious, the
humour of the fish charming, two capital items, that
can only now and then be inserted in an angler’s
diary; but some things may occur to spoil a day’s
diversion, commenced even under the most favourable
auspices; for instance, let us suppose that a man
(who whilst “realizing the charms of solitude”)
is nevertheless carefully and cautiously fishing with
success in a clear low water; how great then must
be his vexation, and disappointment, when he sees
looming in the distance a rod, and net, the owner of
which is soon distinctly visible. It does not
require a moment’s consideration as to what
he must now do; he must either give up fishing for
that day, or seek some fresh ground, because any person
coming fishing down a low water, or even walking close
to the banks of it, scares the fish to such an extent,
that making for their holds, they will probably remain
there for some hours. My object in reference to
the above suppositious statement (which many anglers
will find too often a reality) is to demonstrate to
the inexperienced, what very meagre sport any one
must have in a clear, low water, previously fished
on the same day.
Reversing the case, that is to say,
a day or two after a flood, and when of course there
is plenty of water, and also, when fish are not so
soon alarmed and disturbed; I hold even then, first
come first served, to be the order of the day; for
when fish are inclined to feed, any person in advance
of you has a decided advantage, and particularly so,
should he be either trolling, or worm fishing.
In wide rivers however, you may (owing perhaps to
a feed coming on) have excellent diversion where a
person who has preceded you half an hour, or so, has
had but indifferent success. If there is only
plenty of water, companionship is admissable, though
I am inclined to suppose that (under all circumstances)
a solitaire has a decided advantage; for this reason,
that two or more persons, get over the ground far too
quickly, and do not fish in that true, steady, and
careful way, they perhaps would do if alone; just
whipping the stream here and there, hurrying over the
ground, and so spending probably half their time in
walking, instead of fishing; but in free waters, where
anglers are sometimes as thick as blackberries, and
a man cannot do as he likes, the “go ahead”
system often proves the best. Some way or other
there is generally some sport to be had in streams,
free from hush, but many rivers are daily subject
to it, causing great interruption, to say nothing of
total stoppage to angling pursuits for many successive
days. Slight hushes, when the water is low, are
so far serviceable, that by partially discolouring
the water, fish take the artificial fly, especially
the Black Midge, more boldly than they would do if
the water remained clear. Taken altogether, the
hush undoubtedly levies a considerable tax on the
patience of those anglers who fish in its vicinity.
I beg to offer a few observations
to strangers in reference to Barnard Castle as an
angling station. The facilities offered by a railway,
the beautiful local scenery, the fishing, and the
excellent accommodations to be had at reasonable charges,
are all attractive considerations for Tourists and
Anglers, who will find Barnard Castle a central, pleasant,
and convenient place of abode, during any length of
time they may please to devote to angling or other
recreations. Barnard Castle is particularly well
adapted for an angling station; the river Tees is in
close proximity to the town, the river Greta distant
only about three miles, and there are several other
good streams within easy distances.
Gentlemen who obtain leave from W.
S. Morritt, Esq., to fish in that portion of the Greta
which is strictly preserved, abounding in Trout, and
encompassed by those woods and banks alluded to in
Scott’s Rokeby, will find the Inn kept
by Mr. Ward, Greta Bridge, very comfortable and convenient.
A good day’s sport may be had above Bowes; when
there happens to be too much water for angling purposes,
some few miles lower down.
Mists. A white Mist
in the evening over a meadow with a river, will be
drawn up by the sun next morning, and the day will
be bright; five or six Fogs successively drawn up
portend rain; when there are lofty hills, and the
mist which hangs over the lower lands draws towards
the hills in the morning, and rolls up to the top,
then it will be fair, but if the mist hangs upon the
hills, and drags along the woods, there will be rain.
Clouds. Against
much rain the clouds grow bigger and increase very
fast, especially before thunder. When the clouds
are formed like fleeces, but dense in the middle and
bright towards the edges, with a bright sky, they
are signs of frost, with hail, snow or rain. If
clouds breed high in the air, with white trains like
locks of wool, they portend wind, probably rain.
When a generally cloudiness covers the sky, and small
black fragments of clouds fly underneath, they are
sure signs of rain, and probably it may last some
time. Two currents of air always portend rain,
and in Summer, thunder.
Dew. If the dew
lies plentifully upon the grass after a fair day, it
is a sign of another; if not, and there is no wind,
rain must follow. A red evening shews fine weather,
but if it spread too far upwards from the horizon
in the evening, and especially in the morning, it fortells
wind or rain, or both. When the sky in rainy weather
is tinged with sea green, the rain will increase;
if with blue, it will be showery.
Heavenly Bodies. A
haziness in the air which fades the sun light and
makes the orb appear whiteish or ill defined, or at
night if the moon and stars grow dim and a ring encircles
the former, rain will follow. If the Sun’s
rays appear like Moses’ horn, white at setting
or shorn of his rays, or goes down into a bank of
clouds in the horizon, bad weather may be expected.
If the moon looks pale and dim, rain may be expected;
if red, wind; and if her natural colour, with a fair
clear sky, fine weather; if the moon is rainy throughout,
it will clear at the change, and perhaps the rain
return a few days after. If fair throughout,
and rain at the change, the fair weather will probably
return at the fourth or fifth day.
Wind. If the wind
veers much about, rain is certain; in changing, if
it follows the course of the sun, it brings fair weather;
the contrary, foul; whistling of the wind is a sure
sign of rain.
Meteors. The Aurora
Borealis after warm days is generally succeeded by
cooler air; shooting stars are supposed to indicate
Animals. Before
rain, swallows fly low; dogs grow sleepy and eat grass;
waterfowl dive much; fish will not bite; flies are
more than ordinary troublesome; toads crawl about;
moles, ants, bees and insects are very busy; birds
fly low for insects; swine, sheep and cattle are uneasy;
and it is not without its effect on the human frame.
Weather Table. The
following table, ascribed to Dr. Herschel, and revised
by Dr. Adam Clark, constructed upon philosophical consideration
of the sun and moon, in their several positions respecting
the earth, and confirmed by experience of many years
actual observation, furnishes the observer without
further trouble, with the knowledge of what kind of
weather may be expected to succeed, and that so near
the truth, that in a very few instances will it be
found to fail.
Observation by Dr. Kirwan. When
there has been no particular storm about the time
of the Spring Equinox (March 21st); if a storm arises
from the east on or before that day, or if a storm
from any point of the compass arise near a week after
the Equinox, then in either of these cases the succeeding
Summer is generally dry four times in five, but if
the storm arises from the S.W. or W.S.W. on or just
before the Spring Equinox, then the Summer following
is generally wet five times in six.
There exists a very rare and remarkable
work, “A Book of Angling or Fishing, wherein
is shewed by conference with Scriptures, the agreement
between the Fisherman, Fishes, and Fishing of both
natures, spirituall and temporall, by Samuel Gardner,
Doctor of Divinitie.” “I
will make you fishers of men.” Matt.
I. London, printed for Thomas Pinfoot, 1606.
Walton tells the honest angler that
the writing of his book was the recreation of a recreation;
his motto on the title page of his book was, “Simon
Peter said let us go a fishing, and they said we also
will go with thee” John XX.
This passage is not in all the editions of the Complete
Angler, but was engraven on the title page of the
first edition, printed in 1653.
Advertisement of Walton’s angler,
1653. There is published a book of eighteenpence
price, called “The Compleat Angler, or Contemplative
Man’s Recreation, being a Discourse of Fish and
Fishing, not unworthy the perusal.”
These works may now be considered
as great bibliomaniacal curiosities.
It is altogether a mistake to suppose
that large flies are required for large rivers; on
the contrary, with the exception of the Palmers, small
hackle flies will be found to answer best, these, together
with the Black, Blue and Dun Midges, (Spring and Autumn
excepted), have a decided advantage in general over
dubbed or hackle winged flies. In small brooks
after a flood, winged flies often kill well, those
with Orange, Black, Crimson, and Yellow bodies are
the best. Grass Hoppers, the Cabbage Caterpillar,
the Breccan or Fern Clock, will all take Trout; but
as there are other natural baits to be had at the time
these are in season, which I have noted, and which
are more to be depended upon, I have not given any
special instructions as to the use of the above.
The Grass Hopper and Caterpillar are tiresome baits
to fish with, and more a matter of fancy than utility;
the Breccan Clock found amongst fern, fished like
the May-fly is the best of the lot, and at times kills
pretty well. Having made no allusion in my work
to Lake or Pond Fishing, I may now observe, that four
flies upon a stretcher, one yard apart from each other,
are sufficient for Ponds. On Lakes, fishing from
a boat, you may have six or eight, or even more flies
upon a stretcher. In Lake and Pond fishing, the
Palmers and large winged flies are the best, particularly
when there is a good curl upon the water; but when
there is no wind stirring, the small hackle or very
small winged flies will, as regards Ponds, be frequently
found to kill much better than larger flies, particularly
in mornings and evenings during Summer. As fly
fishing and trolling are the only reliable angling
means and devices for taking Trout in Lakes and Ponds,
I have nothing further to add, than that a good rod
and sound tackle are essential requisites.