Uneasy in his mind, seeking some way
to tell the thing and acquit himself of the painful
task before him, Garnache took a turn in the apartment.
Mademoiselle leaned against the table,
which was still burdened by the empty coffin, and
observed him. His ponderings were vain; he could
find no way to tell, his story. She had said
that she did not exactly love this Florimond, that
her loyalty to him was no more than her loyalty to
her father’s wishes. Nevertheless, he thought,
what manner of hurt must not her pride receive when
she learned that Florimond had brought him home a
wife? Garnache was full of pity for her and for
the loneliness that must be hers hereafter, mistress
of a vast estate in Dauphiny, alone and friendless.
And he was a little sorry for himself and the loneliness
which, he felt, would be his hereafter; but that was
by the way.
At last it was she herself who broke the silence.
“Monsieur,” she asked
him, and her voice was strained and husky, “were
you in time to save Florimond?”
“Yes, mademoiselle,” he
answered readily, glad that by that question she should
have introduced the subject. “I was in time.”
“And Marius?” she inquired.
“From what I heard you say, I take it that he
has suffered no harm.”
“He has suffered none.
I have spared him that he might participate in the
joy of his mother at her union with Monsieur de Tressan.”
“I am glad it was so, monsieur.
Tell me of it.” Her voice sounded formal
and constrained.
But either he did not hear or did not heed the question.
“Mademoiselle,” he said slowly. “Florimond
is coming ”
“Florimond?” she broke
in, and her voice went shrill, as if with a sudden
fear, her cheeks turned white as chalk. The thing
that for months she had hoped and prayed for was come
at last, and it struck her almost dead with terror.
He remarked the change, and set it
down to a natural excitement. He paused a moment.
“He is still at La Rochette.
But he does no more than wait until he shall have
learned that his stepmother has departed from Condillac.”
“But why why ?
Was he then in no haste to come to me?” she inquired,
her voice faltering.
“He is ” He
stopped and tugged at his mustachios, his eyes regarding
her sombrely. He was close beside her now, where
he had halted, and he set his hand gently upon her
shoulder, looked down into that winsome little oval
face she raised to his.
“Mademoiselle,” he inquired,
“would it afflict you very sorely if you were
not destined, after all, to wed the Lord of Condillac?”
“Afflict me?” she echoed.
The very question set her gasping with hope.
“No no, monsieur; it would not afflict
“That is true? That is
really, really true?” he cried, and his tone
seemed less despondent.
“Don’t you know how true
it is?” she said, in such accents and with such
a shy upward look that something seemed suddenly to
take Garnache by the throat. The blood flew to
his cheeks. He fancied an odd meaning in those
words of hers a meaning that set his pulses
throbbing faster than joy or peril had ever set them
yet. Then he checked himself, and deep down in
his soul he seemed to hear a peal of mocking laughter just
such a burst of sardonic mirth as had broken from
his lips two nights ago when on his way to Voiron.
Then he went back to the business he had in hand.
“I am glad it is so with you,”
he said quietly. “Because Florimond has
brought him home a wife.”
The words were out, and he stood back
as stands a man who, having cast an insult, prepares
to ward the blow he expects in answer. He had
looked for a storm, a wild, frantic outburst; the
lightning of flashing, angry eyes; the thunder of
outraged pride. Instead, here was a gentle calm,
a wan smile overspreading her sweet, pale face, and
then she hid that face in her hands, buried face and
hands upon his shoulder and fell to weeping very quietly.
This, he thought, was almost worse
than the tempest he had looked for. How was he
to know that these tears were the overflow of a heart
that was on the point of bursting from sheer joy?
He patted her shoulder; he soothed her.
“Little child,” he whispered
in her ear. “What does it matter? You
did not really love him. He was all unworthy
of you. Do not grieve, child. So, so, that
is better.”
She was looking up at him, smiling
through the tears that suffused er eyes.
“I am weeping for joy, monsieur,” said
“For joy?” quoth he.
“Vertudieu! There is no end to the things
a woman weeps for!”
Unconsciously, instinctively almost,
she nestled closer to him, and again his pulses throbbed,
again that flush came to overspread his lean countenance.
Very softly he whispered in her ear:
“Will you go to Paris with me, mademoiselle?”
He meant by that question no more
than to ask whether, now that here in Dauphiny she
would be friendless and alone, it were not better for
her to place herself under the care of the Queen-Regent.
But what blame to her if she misunderstood the question,
if she read in it the very words her heart was longing
to hear from him? The very gentleness of his tone
implied his meaning to be the one she desired.
She raised her hazel eyes again to his, she nestled
closer to him, and then, with a shy fluttering of
her lids, a delicious red suffusing her virgin cheek,
she answered very softly:
“I will go anywhere with you, monsieur anywhere.”
With a cry he broke from her.
There was no fancying now; no possibility of misunderstanding.
He saw how she had misread his question, how she had
delivered herself up to him in answer. His almost
roughness startled her, and she stared at him as he
stamped down the apartment and back to where she stood,
seeking in vain to master the turbulence of his feelings.
He stood still again. He took her by the shoulders
and held her at arms’ length, before him, thus
surveying her, and there was trouble in his keen eyes.
“Mademoiselle, mademoiselle!”
he cried. “Valerie, my child, what are you
saying to me?”
“What would you have me say?”
she asked, her eyes upon the floor. “Was
I too forward? It seemed to me there could not
be question of such a thing between us now. I
belong to you. What man has ever served a woman
as you have served me? What better friend, what
nobler lover did ever woman have? Why then need
I take shame at confessing my devotion?”
He swallowed hard, and there was a
mist before his eyes eyes that had looked
unmoved on many a scene of carnage.
“You know not what you do,”
he cried out, and his voice was as the voice of one
in pain. “I am old.”
“Old?” she echoed in deep
surprise, and she looked up at him, as if she sought
evidence of what he stated.
“Aye, old,” he assured
her bitterly. “Look at the grey in my hair,
the wrinkles in my face. I am no likely lover
for you, child. You’ll need a lusty, comely
young gallant.”
She looked at him, and a faint smile
flickered at the corners of her lips. She observed
his straight, handsome figure; his fine air of dignity
and of strength. Every inch a man was he; never
lived there one who was more a man; and what more
than such a man could any maid desire?
“You are all that I would have
you,” she answered him, and in his mind he almost
cursed her stubbornness, her want of reason.
“I am peevish and cross-grained,”
he informed her, “and I have grown old in ignorance
of woman’s ways. Love has never come to
me until now. What manner of lover, think you,
can I make?”
Her eyes were on the windows at his
back. The sunshine striking through them seemed
to give her the reply she sought.
“To-morrow will be Saint Martin’s
Day,” she told him; “yet see with a warmth
the sun is shining.”
“A poor, make-believe Saint
Martin’s Summer,” said he. “I
am fitly answered by your allegory.”
“Oh, not make-believe, not make-believe,”
she exclaimed. “There is no make-believe
in the sun’s brightness and its warmth.
We see it and we feel it, and we are none the less
glad of it because the time of year should be November;
rather do we take the greater joy in it. And it
is not yet November in your life, not yet by many
“What you say is apt, perhaps,”
said he, “and may seem more apt than it is since
my name is Martin, though I am no saint.”
Then he shook off this mood that he accounted selfish;
this mood that would take her as the wolf
takes the lamb with no thought but for his
own hunger.
“No, no!” he cried out. “It
were unworthy in me!”
“When I love you, Martin?” she asked him
A moment he stared at her, as if through
those clear eyes he would penetrate to the very depths
of her maiden soul. Then he sank on to his knees
before her as any stripling lover might have done,
and kissed her hands in token of the fact that he
was conquered.