When one says that he numbers among
his acquaintances some who are as old at sixty as
some others are at eighty, he but gives expression
to a fact that has become the common possession of
many. I have known those who at fifty-five and
sixty were to all intents and purposes really older,
more decrepit, and rapidly growing still more decrepit
both in mind and body, than many another at seventy
and seventy-five and even at eighty.
History, then, is replete with instances,
memorable instances, of people, both men and women,
who have accomplished things at an age who
have even begun and carried through to successful completion
things at an age that would seem to thousands of others,
in the captivity of age, with their backs to the future,
ridiculous even to think of accomplishing, much less
of beginning. On account of a certain law that
has always seemed to me to exist and that I am now
firmly convinced is very exact in its workings,
I have been interested in talking with various ones
and in getting together various facts relative to this
great discrepancy in the ages of these two classes
of “old” people.
Within the year I called upon a friend
whom, on account of living in a different portion
of the country, I hadn’t seen for nearly ten
years. Conversation revealed to me the fact that
he was then in his eighty-eighth year. I could
notice scarcely a change in his appearance, walk,
voice, and spirit. We talked at length upon the
various, so-called, periods of life. He told
me that about the only difference that he noticed
in himself as compared with his middle life was that
now when he goes out to work in his garden, and among
his trees, bushes, and vines and he has
had many for many years he finds that he
is quite ready to quit and to come in at the end of
about two hours, and sometimes a little sooner, when
formerly he could work regularly without fatigue for
the entire half day. In other words, he has not
the same degree of endurance that he once had.
Among others, there comes to mind
in this connection another who is a little under seventy.
It chances to be a woman. She is bent and decrepit
and growing more so by very fixed stages each twelvemonth.
I have known her for over a dozen years. At the
time when I first knew her she was scarcely fifty-eight,
she was already bent and walked with an uncertain,
almost faltering tread. The dominant note of her
personality was then as now, but more so now, fear
for the present, fear for the future, a dwelling continually
on her ills, her misfortunes, her symptoms, her approaching
and increasing helplessness.
Such cases I have observed again and
again; so have all who are at all interested in life
and in its forces and its problems. What is the
cause of this almost world-wide difference in these
two lives? In this case it is as clear as day the
mental characteristics and the mental habits of each.
In the first case, here was one who
early got a little philosophy into his life and then
more as the years passed. He early realised that
in himself his good or his ill fortune lay; that the
mental attitude we take toward anything determines
to a great extent our power in connection with it,
as well as its effects upon us. He grew to love
his work and he did it daily, but never under high
pressure. He was therefore benefited by it.
His face was always to the future, even as it is today.
This he made one of the fundamental rules of his life.
He was helped in this, he told me in substance, by
an early faith which with the passing of the years
has ripened with him into a demonstrable conviction that
there is a Spirit of Infinite Life back of all, working
in love in and through the lives of all, and that in
the degree that we realise it as the one Supreme Source
of our lives, and when through desire and will, which
is through the channel of our thoughts, we open our
lives so that this Higher Power can work definitely
in and through us, and then go about and do our daily
work without fears or forebodings, the passing of
the years sees only the highest good entering into
our lives.
In the case of the other one whom
we have mentioned, a repetition seems scarcely necessary.
Suffice it to say that the common expression on the
part of those who know her I have heard
it numbers of times is: “What
a blessing it will be to herself and to others when
she has gone!”
A very general rule with but few exceptions
can be laid down as follows: The body ordinarily
looks as old as the mind thinks and feels.
Shakespeare anticipated by many years
the best psychology of the times when he said:
“It is the mind that makes the body rich.”
It seems to me that our great problem,
or rather our chief concern, should not be so much
how to stay young in the sense of possessing all the
attributes of youth, for the passing of the years
does bring changes, but how to pass gracefully,
and even magnificently, and with undiminished vigour
from youth to middle age, and then how to carry that
middle age into approaching old age, with a great deal
more of the vigour and the outlook of middle life
than we ordinarily do.
The mental as well as the physical
helps that are now in the possession of this our generation,
are capable of working a revolution in the lives of
many who are or who may become sufficiently awake to
them, so that with them there will not be that shall
we say immature passing from middle life
into a broken, purposeless, decrepit, and sunless,
and one might almost say, soulless old age.
It seems too bad that so many among
us just at the time that they have become of most
use to themselves, their families, and to the world,
should suddenly halt and then continue in broken health,
and in so many cases lie down and die. Increasing
numbers of thinking people the world over are now,
as never before, finding that this is not necessary,
that something is at fault, that that fault is in
ourselves. If so, then reversely, the remedy
lies in ourselves, in our own hands, so to speak.
In order to actualise and to live
this better type of life we have got to live better
from both sides, both the mental and the physical,
this with all due respect to Shakespeare and to all
modern mental scientists.
The body itself, what we term the
physical body, whatever may be the facts regarding
a finer spiritual body within it all the time giving
form to and animating and directing all its movements,
is of material origin, and derives its sustenance
from the food we take, from the air we breathe, the
water we drink. In this sense it is from the earth,
and when we are through with it, it will go back to
the earth.
The body, however, is not the Life;
it is merely the material agency that enables the
Life to manifest in a material universe for a certain,
though not necessarily a given, period of time.
It is the Life, or the Soul, or the Personality that
uses, and that in using shapes and moulds, the body
and that also determines its strength or its weakness.
When this is separated from the body, the body at
once becomes a cold, inert mass, commencing immediately
to decompose into the constituent material elements
that composed it literally going back to
the earth and the elements whence it came.
It is through the instrumentality
or the agency of thought that the Life, the Self,
uses, and manifests through, the body. Again,
while it is true that the food that is taken and assimilated
nourishes, sustains and builds the body, it is also
true that the condition and the operation of the mind
through the avenue of thought determines into what
shape or form the body is so builded. So in this
sense it is true that mind builds body; it is the
agency, the force that determines the shaping of the
material elements.
Here is a wall being built. Bricks
are the material used in its construction. We
do not say that the bricks are building the wall; we
say that the mason is building it, as is the case.
He is using the material that is supplied him, in
this case bricks, giving form and structure in a definite,
methodical manner. Again, back of the mason is
his mind, acting through the channel of his thought,
that is directing his hands and all his movements.
Without this guiding, directing force no wall
could take shape, even if millions of bricks were delivered
upon the scene.
So it is with the body. We take
the food, the water, we breathe the air; but this
is all and always acted upon by a higher force.
Thus it is that mind builds body, the same as in every
department of our being it is the great builder.
Our thoughts shape and determine our features, our
walk, the posture of our bodies, our voices; they
determine the effectiveness of our mental and our
physical activities, as well as all our relations
with and influence or effects upon others.
You say: “I admit the operation
of and even in certain cases the power of thought,
also that at times it has an influence upon our general
feelings, but I do not admit that it can have any direct
influence upon the body.” Here is one who
has allowed herself to be long given to grief, abnormally
so notice her lowered physical condition,
her lack of vitality. The New York papers within
the past twelve months recorded the case of a young
lady in New Jersey who, from constant grieving
over the death of her mother, died, fell dead, within
a week.
A man is handed a telegram. He
is eating and enjoying his dinner. He reads the
contents of the message. Almost immediately afterward,
his body is a-tremble, his face either reddens or
grows “ashy white,” his appetite is gone;
such is the effect of the mind upon the stomach that
it literally refuses the food; if forced upon it, it
may reject it entirely.
A message is delivered to a lady.
She is in a genial, happy mood. Her face whitens;
she trembles and her body falls to the ground in a
faint, temporarily helpless, apparently lifeless.
Such are the intimate relations between the mind and
the body. Raise a cry of fire in a crowded theatre.
It may be a false alarm. There are among the audience
those who become seemingly palsied, powerless to move.
It is the state of the mind, and within several seconds,
that has determined the state of these bodies.
Such are examples of the wonderfully quick influence
of the mind on the body.
Great stress, or anxiety, or fear,
may in two weeks’ or even in two days’
time so work its ravages that the person looks ten
years or even twenty years older. A person has
been long given to worry, or perhaps to worry in extreme
form though not so long a well-defined case
of indigestion and general stomach trouble, with a
generally lowered and sluggish vitality, has become
pronounced and fixed.
Any type of thought that prevails
in our mental lives will in time produce its correspondences
in our physical lives. As we understand better
these laws of correspondences, we will be more careful
as to the types of thoughts and emotions we consciously,
or unwittingly, entertain and live with. The
great bulk of all diseases, we will find, as we are
continually finding more and more, are in the mind
before being in the body, or are generated in the
body through certain states and conditions of mind.
The present state and condition of
the body have been produced primarily by the thoughts
that have been taken by the conscious mind into the
subconscious, that is so intimately related to and
that directs all the subconscious and involuntary
functions of the body. Says one: It may be
true that the mind has had certain effects upon the
body; but to be able consciously to affect
the body through the mind is impossible and even unthinkable,
for the body is a solid, fixed, material form.
We must get over the idea, as we quickly
will, if we study into the matter, that the body,
in fact anything that we call material and solid,
is really solid. Even in the case of a piece of
material as “solid” as a bar of steel,
the atoms forming the molecules are in continual action
each in conjunction with its neighbour. In the
last analysis the body is composed of cells cells
of bone, vital organ, flesh, sinew. In the body
the cells are continually changing, forming and reforming.
Death would quickly take place were this not true.
Nature is giving us a new body practically every year.
There are very few elements, cells,
in the body of today that were there a year ago.
The rapidity with which a cut or wound on the body
is replaced by healthy tissue, the rapidity with which
it heals, is an illustration of this. One “touches”
himself in shaving. In a week, sometimes in less
than a week, if the blood and the cell structure be
particularly healthy, there is no trace of the cut,
the formation of new cell tissue has completely repaired
it. Through the formation of new cell structure
the life-force within, acting through the blood, is
able to rebuild and repair, if not too much interfered
with, very rapidly. The reason, we may say almost
the sole reason, that surgery has made such great
advances during the past few years, so much greater
correspondingly than medicine, is on account of a knowledge
of the importance of and the use of antiseptics keeping
the wound clean and entirely free from all extraneous
So then, the greater portion of the
body is really new, therefore young, in that it is
almost entirely this year’s growth. Newness
of form is continually being produced in the body
by virtue of this process of perpetual renewal that
is continually going on, and the new cells and tissues
are just as new as is the new leaf that comes forth
in the springtime to take the place of and to perform
the same functions as the one that was thrown off
by the tree last autumn.
The skin renews itself through the
casting off of used cells (those that have already
performed their functions) most rapidly, taking but
a few weeks. The muscles, the vital organs, the
entire arterial system, the brain and the nervous
system all take longer, but all are practically renewed
within a year, some in much less time. Then comes
the bony structure, taking the longest, varying, we
are told, from seven and eight months to a year, in
unusual cases fourteen months and longer.
It is, then, through this process
of cell formation that the physical body has been
built up, and through the same process that it is
continually renewing itself. It is not therefore
at any time or at any age a solid fixed mass or material,
but a structure in a continually changing fluid form.
It is therefore easy to see how we have it in our
power, when we are once awake to the relations between
the conscious mind and the subconscious and
it in turn in its relations to the various involuntary
and vital functions of the body to determine
to a great extent how the body shall be built or how
it shall be rebuilt.
Mentally to live in any state or attitude
of mind is to take that state or condition into the
subconscious. The subconscious mind does and always
will produce in the body after its own kind. It
is through this law that we externalise and become
in body what we live in our minds. If we have
predominating visions of and harbour thoughts of old
age and weakness, this state, with all its attendant
circumstances, will become externalised in our bodies
far more quickly than if we entertain thoughts and
visions of a different type. Said Archdeacon Wilberforce
in a notable address in Westminster Abbey some time
ago: “The recent researches of scientific
men, endorsed by experiments in the Salpetrière in
Paris, have drawn attention to the intensely creative
power of suggestions made by the conscious mind to
the subconscious mind.”