Andy M’Gee was a fireman, and
was detailed every evening to theatre duty at the
Grand Opera House, where the Ada Howard Burlesque and
Comic Opera Company was playing “Pocahontas.”
He had nothing to do but to stand in the first entrance
and watch the border lights and see that the stand
lights in the wings did not set fire to the canvas.
He was a quiet, shy young man, very strong-looking
and with a handsome boyish face. Miss Agnes Carroll
was the third girl from the right in the first semi-circle
of amazons, and very beautiful. By rights she
should have been on the end, but she was so proud and
haughty that she would smile but seldom, and never
at the men in front. Brady, the stage manager,
who was also the second comedian, said that a girl
on the end should at least look as though she were
enjoying herself, and though he did not expect her
to talk across the footlights, she might at least
look over them once in a while, just to show there
was no ill feeling. Miss Carroll did not agree
with him in this, and so she was relegated to the
third place, and another girl who was more interested
in the audience and less in the play took her position.
When Miss Carroll was not on the stage she used to
sit on the carpeted steps of the throne, which were
not in use after the opening scene, and read novels
by the Duchess, or knit on a pair of blue woollen
wristlets, which she kept wrapped up in a towel and
gave to the wardrobe woman to hold when she went on.
One night there was a quicker call than usual, owing
to Ada Howard’s failing to get her usual encore
for her waltz song, and Brady hurried them. The
wardrobe woman was not in sight, so Agnes handed her
novel and her knitting to M’Gee and said:
“Will you hold these for me until I come off?”
She looked at him for the first time as she handed
him the things, and he felt, as he had felt several
times before, that her beauty was of a distinctly
disturbing quality. There was something so shy
about her face when she was not on the stage, and
something so kindly, that he stood holding the pieces
of blue wool, still warm from her hands, without moving
from the position he had held when she gave them to
him. When she came off he gave them back to her
and touched the visor of his cap as she thanked him.
One of the other beautiful amazons laughed and whispered,
“Agnes has a mash on the fire laddie,”
which made the retiring Mr. M’Gee turn very
red. He did not dare to look and see what effect
it had on Miss Carroll. But the next evening
he took off his hat to her, and she said “Good-evening,”
quite boldly. After that he watched her a great
deal. He thought he did it in such a way that
she did not see him, but that was only because he
was a man; for the other women noticed it at once,
and made humorous comments on it when they were in
the dressing-rooms.
Old man Sanders, who had been in the
chorus of different comic-opera companies since he
was twenty years old, and who was something of a pessimist,
used to take great pleasure in abusing the other members
of the company to Andy M’Gee, and in telling
anecdotes concerning them which were extremely detrimental
to their characters. He could not find anything
good to say of any of them, and M’Gee began to
believe that the stage was a very terrible place indeed.
He was more sorry for this, and he could not at first
understand why, until he discovered that he was very
much interested in Miss Agnes Carroll, and her character
was to him a thing of great and poignant importance.
He often wished to ask old Sanders about her, but
he was afraid to do so, partly because he thought
he ought to take it for granted that she was a good
girl, and partly because he was afraid Sanders would
tell him she was not. But one night as she passed
them, as proud and haughty looking as ever, old Sanders
grunted scornfully, and M’Gee felt that he was
growing very red.
“Now, there is a girl,”
said the old man, “who ought to be out of this
business. She’s too good for it, and she’ll
never get on in it. Not that she couldn’t
keep straight and get on, but because she is too little
interested in it, and shows no heart in the little
she has to do. She can sing a little bit, but
she can’t do the steps.”
“Then why does she stay in it?” said Andy
“Well, they tell me she’s
got a brother to support. He’s too young
or too lazy to work, or a cripple or something.
She tried giving singing lessons, but she couldn’t
get any pupils, and now she supports herself and her
brother with this.”
Andy M’Gee felt a great load
lifted off his mind. He became more and more
interested in Miss Agnes Carroll, and he began to think
up little speeches to make to her, which were intended
to show how great his respect for her was, and what
an agreeable young person he might be if you only
grew to know him. But she never grew to know him.
She always answered him very quietly and very kindly,
but never with any show of friendliness or with any
approach to it, and he felt that he would never know
her any better than he did on the first night she spoke
to him. But three or four times he found her
watching him, and he took heart at this and from something
he believed he saw in her manner and in the very reticence
she showed. He counted up how much of his pay
he had saved, and concluded that with it and with
what he received monthly he could very well afford
to marry. When he decided on this he became more
devoted to her, and even the girls stopped laughing
about it now. They saw it was growing very serious
One afternoon there was a great fire,
and he and three others fell from the roof and were
burned a bit, and the boy ambulance surgeon lost his
head and said they were seriously injured, which fact
got into the afternoon papers, and when Andy turned
up as usual at the Opera House there was great surprise
and much rejoicing. And the next day one of the
wounded firemen who had had to remain in the hospital
overnight told Andy that a most beautiful lady had
come there and asked to see him and had then said:
“This is not the man; the papers said Mr. M’Gee
was hurt.” She had refused to tell her name,
but had gone away greatly relieved.
Andy dared to think that this had
been Agnes Carroll, and that night he tried to see
her to speak to her, but she avoided him and went at
once to her dressing-room whenever she was off the
stage. But Andy was determined to speak to her,
and waited for her at the stage door, instead of going
back at once to the engine house to make out his report,
which was entirely wrong, and which cost him a day’s
pay. It was Tuesday night, and salaries had just
been given all around, and the men and girls left
the stage door with the envelopes in their hands and
discussing the different restaurants at which they
would fitly celebrate the weekly walk of the ghost.
Agnes came out among the last, veiled, and moving
quickly through the crowd of half-grown boys, and
men about town, and poor relations who lay in wait
and hovered around the lamp over the stage door like
moths about a candle. Andy stepped forward quickly
to follow her, but before he could reach her side
a man stepped up to her, and she stopped and spoke
to him in a low tone and retreated as she spoke.
Andy heard him, with a sharp, jealous doubt in his
heart, and stood still. Then the man reached for
the envelope in the girl’s hand and said, “Give
it to me, do you hear?” and she drew back and
started to run, but he seized her arm. Then Andy
jumped at him and knocked him down, and picked him
up again by the collar and beat him over the head.
“Stop!” the girl cried. “Stop!”
“Stop like ,” said Andy.
“Stop! do you hear?” cried
the woman again “He has a right to the money.
He is my husband.”
Andy asked to be taken off theatre
duty, and the captain did what he asked. After
that he grew very morose and unhappy, and was as cross
and disagreeable as he could be; so that the other
men said they would like to thrash him just once.
But when there was a fire he acted like another man,
and was so reckless that the captain, mistaking foolhardiness
for bravery, handed in his name for promotion, and
as his political backing was very strong, he was given
the white helmet and became foreman of another engine-house.
But he did not seem to enjoy life any the more, and
he was most unpopular. The winter passed away
and the summer came, and one day on Fifth Avenue Andy
met old man Sanders, whom he tried to avoid, because
the recollections he brought up were bitter ones;
but Sanders buttonholed him and told him he had been
reading about his getting the Bennett medal, and insisted
on his taking a drink with him.
“And, by the way,” said
Sanders, just as Andy thought he had finally succeeded
in shaking him off, “do you remember Agnes Carroll?
It seems she was married to a drunken, good-for-nothing
lout, who beat her. Well, he took a glass too
much one night, and walked off a ferry-boat into the
East River. Drink is a terrible thing, isn’t
it? They say the paddle-wheels knocked the ”
“And his wife?” gasped Andy.
“She’s with us yet,”
said Sanders. “We’re at the Bijou
this week. Come in and see the piece.”
Brady, the stage manager, waved a
letter at the acting manager.
“Letter from Carroll,”
he said. “Sends in her notice. Going
to leave the stage, she says; going to get married
again. She was a good girl,” he added with
a sigh, “and she sang well enough, but she couldn’t
do the dance steps a little bit.”