What little is known of the life of
Samuel Cobb (1675-1713) may be found in the brief
article in the Dictionary of National Biography
by W.P. Courtney. He was born in London,
and educated at Christ’s Hospital and at Trinity
College, Cambridge, where he obtained the degrees of
B.A., 1698, and M.A., 1702. He was appointed
“under grammar master” at Christ’s
Hospital in 1702 and continued his connection with
this school until his early death. He had a reputation
for wit and learning, and also for imbibing somewhat
too freely. In his poetry he especially cultivated
the style of the free Pindaric ode, a predilection
which won him a mention without honor in Johnson’s
life of Pope (Lives of the Poets, ed.
Birkbeck Hill, III, 227). Even the heroic couplets
of his poem on “Poetry” aim rather at
pseudo-Pindaric diffuseness than at epigrammatic concentration
of statement. As a critic Cobb deserves attention
in spite of his mediocrity, or even because of it.
He helps to fill out the picture of the literary London
of his time, and his opinions and tastes provide valuable
side-lights on such greater men as Dennis, Addison,
and Pope. “Of Poetry” belongs to the
prolific literary type of “progress poems,”
in which the modern student finds illuminating statements
as to how the eighteenth century surveyed and evaluated
past literary traditions. The list of Cobb’s
publications in the Cambridge Bibliography
suggests that he enjoyed some degree of popularity.
His volume, Poems on Several Occasions, was
published in 1707, and reprinted in enlarged form
in 1709 and 1710. The reproduction herewith of
the Preface “On Criticism” and the versified
discourse “Of Poetry” is from a copy of
the 1707 edition in the Newberry Library, in Chicago.
Louis I. Bredvold
University of Michigan