Let us suppose that all kindreds and
people of the earth are assembled, and that the inhabitants
of Africa, Asia, the Isles of the Pacific and the
wilds of America, are called upon to speak, and to
give in their testimony how far the Saviour’s
last command has been obeyed.
The inquiry is first put to Africa:
“Africa, to what extent and
for what purpose have people from Christian lands
visited thee, and thine adjacent islands? What
have they carried to thy shores? And what is
the treatment thou hast received from them? Tell
the whole truth: let it be known to what extent
the Saviour’s last command has been obeyed in
respect to thee.”
To this inquiry Africa replies:
“The truth I can tell, but the
whole truth cannot be told. I have indeed
been visited by people from Christian lands. Thousands
and hundreds of thousands from those lands have visited
my shores. Some have come to measure the pyramids,
and to gather relics of ancient literature and decayed
magnificence; some to search out the sources of the
Nile and the course of the Niger; some to possess the
best of the soil; and a vast multitude have come,
with a cruelty that knows no mercy, to tear the husband
from his wife and the wife from her husband, parents
from their children and children from their parents,
brother from sister and sister from brother to
crowd them together without distinction of age or
sex in the suffocating holds of their ships, where
a large proportion of them die, and to convey the remainder
far away to spend their lives in degrading servitude.
They have brought beads and trinkets; they have brought
instruments of death, such as muskets, powder,
knives and swords; and they have brought, too, full
cargoes of liquid poison. The navies of
Christian, lands have fought in my harbors, and their
armies upon my shores. Their money by millions
has been lavished, and their blood has run in torrents.
“A few individuals, however,
of a different character, have found their way hither.
They have come in the spirit of benevolence and of
peace, and have brought in their hands the precious
treasure of the Gospel of Christ. But their number
is so small as to be almost lost among the multitude.
For one who has taught righteousness, purity, truth
and mercy, thousands have taught, by their example,
rapacity, drunkenness, lewdness and cruelty.
For one who has led us in the path of life, thousands
have led us in the paths of destruction. For one
who has brought the Bible, thousands have brought
rum. For one whose example has been salutary,
the intercourse of thousands has left a loathsome
disease, which with sure and rapid progress is depopulating
the land. Such is the sum of my testimony.
Days and nights would be required to give the detail.”
This testimony of Africa being finished,
the same inquiry is put to Asia:
“Asia, to what extent have the
nations of Christendom visited thee, and thy numerous
islands? What have they carried to thy shores?
and what has been their deportment towards thee?”
To which Asia replies:
“The vast number, either of
men or of ships from Christian lands, that have visited
my shores, cannot be told. I know full well the
enterprise, the energy, and the perseverance of Christian
lands; yes, verily, and traits too of less honorable
name. Large portions of my territory acknowledge
the control of their armies. Their thundering
navies lie in my harbors and sail along my coasts.
Ships without number mighty ships whose
masts pierce the clouds, have come for my teas, my
crapes, my silks, my spices and other precious merchandise.
Their consuls, superintendents, officers of various
kinds, and merchants in great numbers, dwell in almost
every port, and have erected in those ports stores,
shops, offices and sumptuous dwellings. Many things
pleasant and useful have been brought hither, but many
things also that are ruinous: full cargoes of
ardent spirits; and immense quantities of opium too,
a means of destruction no less sure.
“Among the multitudes who have
come to my shores, some few, indeed, have brought
the Gospel of Christ, made known its truths and exemplified
its spirit; but the thousands and tens of thousands
have inculcated by their example, worldliness, drunkenness,
lewdness, war, violence and treachery. If needful,
a volume of details might be given; but this is the
Next, the inquiry is put to the Isles of the Ocean:
“Great Pacific, to what extent
has the last command of Christ been obeyed by Christian
lands, in respect to thy numerous islands?”
The reply is as follows:
“Thousands of ships from Christian
lands continually cruise upon my wide waters, and
visit my numerous groups of islands. They have
exchanged with my ignorant and destitute inhabitants,
beads, trinkets, and a few inches of rusty iron hoop,
for the best produce of the islands. They have
sold to them guns, powder and rum. Many of their
ships have been floating grog-shops floating
exhibitions too of Sodom and Gomorrah. From some,
on slight provocation, broadsides of cannon have been
fired on my heedless inhabitants, strewing the deep
with the dead and the dying. Rum and disease
have been introduced. The one has slain its thousands,
and the other has slain, and is still slaying its tens
of thousands. Many useful things indeed have
been introduced, but in connection with a host of
evils! A few individuals too, bearing the Gospel
of Jesus Christ, have visited some of my numerous islands;
but what are they among the multitude?”
After this testimony of the Isles
of the Ocean, the inquiry is last addressed to America:
“America, what is thy testimony?
From Bhering’s Straits to Cape Horn, what treatment
have thy native inhabitants received from Christian
America replies:
“Alas! scarcely enough remain
of my miserable inhabitants to return an answer.
They have been swept away by the same causes which
are now sweeping away the inhabitants of the Pacific.
The rapacity of those called Christians, which has
not scrupled at any means of conquest and extirpation,
and the rum and diseases introduced, have laid my numerous
population in the grave. Have I been visited by
those who bear the Christian name? Yes, verily,
they now possess the best portions of my territory,
and have grown into vast nations on my soil. Even
my veriest wilds have been repeatedly traversed by
them in search of furs; and the tracks they have made
been too often marked with drunkenness, lewdness,
and treachery. Few, very few indeed of all that
have come to this vast continent, have come to instruct
my ignorant inhabitants in the precious Gospel of
Jesus Christ, and lead them in the paths of righteousness
and peace. Few who explore my wilds, explore
them for this purpose. Alas! a far different
object prompts their enterprise, their energy, and
their perseverance. This is the sum of my testimony.”
Now, reader, let us look well at this
testimony of Africa, of Asia, of the Isles of the
Ocean, and of America. Is it not overwhelming?
Take, the Encyclopedia of Geography, or McCulloch’s
Dictionary of Commerce, or Howitt’s Colonization
and Christianity, and carefully examine the facts.
Are they not enough to strike us dumb? To what
a vast extent heathen nations have been visited by
those who bear the Christian name. What obscure
island, or what obscure nook or corner of the earth
has not been visited? What immense multitudes
have gone forth. AND, ALAS! FOR WHAT PURPOSES.
How few, how very few have gone forth to make known
the Gospel! What a powerful motive among men
is the love of earthly gain, and how weak a motive
is love to Christ and regard to his last command.
The command reads, “GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD
Christian nations, ye have not failed in great multitudes
to “GO INTO ALL THE WORLD;” scarcely have
ye failed to visit “EVERY CREATURE;” but
for what purpose have ye gone forth? Has it been
mainly to make known the precious name of Jesus?
Be entreated to look at the case as it is, for a day
of impartial retribution is at hand.
Many of you indeed, who go forth to
heathen shores, do not profess to be the disciples
of Jesus; but imagine not, that on that account your
guilt is diminished. Ye who reject the Saviour,
and disobey his commands who throw away
your own souls as worthless, and are reckless of the
souls of your fellow men, what can you say in the
day of Christ’s appearing? If ye had only
destroyed your own souls, then your case would be more
tolerable; but since you withhold from the millions
of ignorant heathen the knowledge of salvation, which
has been imparted to you not only refusing
to enter the kingdom of heaven yourselves, but denying
the key to those who might be disposed to enter; and
not only do this, but in your intercourse with the
heathen, which has been very abundant, confirm them
in their evil practices by a pernicious example, and
hurry them by thousands to the grave by means of deadly
poison and deadly disease Oh!
how will you endure the keen remorse and fearful looking
for of judgment, which may ere long overtake you?
When the impartial Judge shall appear, and your eyes
shall meet his eye, what agonies must rend your souls!
But some of you have the vows of God
upon you. To such I would say, Be entreated to
look at the case as it is. As ye have gone forth
on voyages of just and honorable traffic, and on voyages
of discovery, have you manifested in all the heathen
ports where you touched, that to make known the Saviour
was the great and absorbing desire of your hearts?
Alas! are there not some among you who, either as owners,
masters or agents, are connected with ships that sail
from port on the Sabbath, or do other unnecessary
work on that day, and who thereby teach the heathen,
wherever those ships go, to disobey God when their
gain or convenience require it? Are there not
also some among you, who, in one way or another, are
connected with ships whose outfits are wholly or in
part, beads, trinkets, guns, powder, rum and opium?
and who thereby teach the heathen injustice, cheating,
drunkenness, lewdness, and recklessness of life?
Why is it that ye bear the name of the peaceful disciples
of the benevolent Jesus, whilst ye are concerned in
scattering among the heathen “fire-brands, arrows
and death” in teaching them every
species of iniquity, and in rearing a wall of prejudice
strong and high to the progress of the Gospel?
But most of my readers stand pure
from all this crime; and of such I simply inquire,
with deep concern and affectionate earnestness, Why,
dear brethren, have ye not obeyed the Saviour’s
last command? Why have ye not made known the
Gospel of Christ to every creature? Each one of
you has doubtless some excuse at hand, or he could
not escape the goadings of conscience. Let us
then, in the spirit of candor and honesty, look at
Perhaps some one may be inclined to
say, “The work enjoined by the Saviour’s
last command is a very great work, and there has not
been time enough to perform it.”
True, I reply, the work is great;
but how does it appear that there has not been sufficient
time to accomplish it? Not sufficient time!
What has been accomplished in the pursuit of wealth
and honor during the same period of time? What
has been done at home in railroads, canals, steamboats,
manufactures, and in other departments of enterprise
and industry? What has been done abroad?
Look at the testimony of Africa, Asia, the Isles of
the Pacific, and the wilds of America. There has
been time to carry rum to every shore. There
has been time to introduce diseases among every barbarous
people, which are hurrying them to the grave by thousands.
There has been time to kidnap thousands and hundreds
of thousands of the degraded Africans. There has
been time to extirpate most of the native population
of North and South America. There has been time
to wage war, till the blood of human beings has flowed
in torrents. And then, in regard to just and
honorable traffic, compute, if human arithmetic be
competent to the task, the amount of merchandise brought
from India, and from other distant lands. There
has been time for all this. Now I ask with great
plainness, for it is a solemn and practical subject,
Had you exhibited the same enterprise, energy and perseverance,
in making known the Gospel to all nations, as has been
exhibited in worldly pursuits, would not every human
being, long ere this, have heard the word of life?
Will you not, Christian reader, look at this question,
weigh it well, and deal honestly with your own soul?
Here, I am suspicious that some may
be inclined to excuse themselves with a vague thought
secretly entertained, which, if expressed, would be
somewhat as follows:
“True, we have not exhibited
as much zeal in teaching all nations as has been exhibited
by the worldly, and by many of ourselves even, in the
pursuit of wealth. But we claim not the praise
of a holy, self-denying and apostolic life. We
are content with an humble walk in the Christian
course, and a low seat in heaven. Entire
consecration, in the sense urged, is what we never
Your standard, then, it appears is
very low too low, it may be, to admit you
even to that humble seat in the courts above which
you anticipate. You claim not the praise of an
apostolic life, and I seriously fear that you will
not obtain even the testimony of being a true Christian.
But how does it appear, that you never professed an
entire consecration to Christ of all your powers of
body and soul? It is true, the conduct of some
would seem to say, that they put on a form of religion
to silence their fears, to cheat themselves with a
delusive hope, and to enjoy a comfortable state of
mind on earth. But what, really, are the vows
that rest upon you? What else than to seek by
prayer and effort, as your supreme aim, chief desire,
and all-engrossing object, the promotion of Christ’s
kingdom the salvation of souls for whom
he died?
Besides, what is the great purpose
for which the church was instituted? Certainly,
not to promote in its members a delusive comfort and
quietude of mind; neither mainly nor chiefly to secure
their own ultimate salvation; but to take advantage
of union of strength to convert the world. The
church the whole church, without the exception
of any of its members, is by profession, not merely
a missionary society, but a missionary band:
the minute-men of the Lord Jesus, ready to do his
will, at home or abroad, with singleness of aim, and
with a spirit of entire devotion.
“But,” you say, “were
we thus to live, the world would verily believe we
were deranged.”
Deranged! it would be the right
kind of derangement. Were not the apostles thought
to be deranged? And the Reformers Luther,
Melancthon, Calvin, Knox and others were
not they thought to be enthusiasts and zealots?
Why? Because they were somewhat in earnest in
the cause of Christ. Worldly men toil and strive
night and day, in collecting together a little of
the pelf and dust of the earth, and think themselves
wise in doing so; but if the disciples of Christ show
zeal or earnestness, in pursuits as much higher than
theirs as heaven is higher than the earth, and as
much more important as the immortal soul is more valuable
than corruption and vanity, they call them enthusiasts
and fanatics! But, alas! how few of us who profess
to be the disciples of Christ, have manifested such
zeal in his service as to be called by such epithets.
Such persons alone God calls wise; and those worldly
men, who are mad in the pursuit of wealth, God calls
“fools.” The wisdom of God and the
wisdom of the world are utterly at variance. O
that all who profess to love Christ, manifested such
zeal in obeying him as to be strange and singular
men! How soon would every human being hear his
Gospel! But since such zeal is not manifested,
the heathen are left to perish; and where, I ask affectionately
and solemnly, where rests the guilt?
But, here it may perhaps be replied,
“Our sin is a sin of ignorance. We have
not been acquainted with the full import of the Saviour’s
last command, nor with the extent of our obligations
to Christ. Neither have we been acquainted with
the wretched and guilty condition of the heathen world,
nor with the exertions necessary to turn it from darkness
to light, from the power of Satan unto God. God
will wink at our sin, if we be indeed guilty, for
we have not been enlightened on this subject.”
I answer. Does ignorance of the
laws of any nation excuse those who transgress those
laws; or is it not considered to be the duty of all
subjects to inform themselves in respect to the laws
of their country? And should it not be so in
the kingdom of Christ? The requirements of Christ
in their full extent are contained in the New Testament,
and are expressed in language that need not be misunderstood.
If any one has mistaken their import, is it not on
account of a self-seeking, money-getting, or slothful
disposition? Let such a one search his own heart,
and inquire with concern, “Did I desire to know
my duty? Was not my blindness a matter of choice;
no infirmity, no misfortune, but my guilt? If
there had been a desire, nay, even a willingness to
be instructed, could I have mistaken such plain and
unequivocal precepts of the Gospel?”
The condition too of the heathen,
their guilty and wretched condition, is fully made
known in the New Testament, especially in the first
chapter of Paul’s epistle to the Romans.
Besides, accounts of their guilt and wretchedness
have been presented before the Christian community
in Heralds, Chronicles, reports and newspapers, till
they have become too familiar to make an impression.
Can ignorance at this day be any other than a criminal
ignorance an ignorance of fearful responsibility?
And, I ask again, Can it be an excuse
to many Christians that they are laymen and not preachers
of the Gospel? Can they make it appear that many
of their number were not called to the office of preaching
the Gospel? Did they take the proper means to
ascertain that point? How, I anxiously inquire,
did such persons determine so readily, when a world
was sinking to perdition for want of preachers of the
Gospel, that they were called to be lawyers, physicians,
statesmen, merchants, farmers and manufacturers?
Can it be fairly shown that hundreds of laymen have
not rejected an office to which they were called SOLEMNLY
CALLED, by the woes and dying groans of six hundred
millions of their fellow men? Is there not reason
to fear, that it was from a carnal choice and selfish
inclination, rather than a sense of duty, that so great
a majority slid so easily into their present occupations?
Besides, how does it appear that only
preachers of the Gospel are required to labor directly
for the destitute at home, and to go forth to the
heathen abroad? It was far otherwise in the days
of the apostles. Then the whole church driven
out, indeed, by persecution went everywhere
making known the Saviour. And at the present hour,
not only are ministers needed in propagating the Gospel
in destitute places at home, and in raising up heathen
nations from their deep degradation, but there are
needed also, in their appropriate spheres, teachers,
physicians, mechanics, farmers in short,
men of every useful profession and employment.
Besides, much is to be done at home
in sustaining those who go abroad. Has there
been no lack in this part of the work? Alas! there
are facts to meet such an inquiry, facts too well
known to be named: disbanded schools, detained
missionaries, and deserted monthly concerts: facts
that stand registered on a book that shall hereafter
be opened. Dear brethren, I speak earnestly and
boldly of your obligations, not forgetting my own;
and I would entreat you, by all that is affecting in
the death of souls, and by all that is constraining
in the love of Christ, to admit freely to your hearts,
without subterfuge or excuse, the full import of the
Saviour’s last command, and to commence at once
a life of sincere obedience. O! let us deal honestly
with ourselves, in a matter of such immense moment.