Read BREAKFAST DISHES of The Cookery Blue Book , free online book, by Society for Christian Work of the First Unitarian Church‚ San Francisco‚ California, on

Baked Omelet No 1

5 eggs, 1/2 cup of milk, 1/2 teaspoon corn starch, pepper and salt. Beat the whites and yolks of the eggs separately and very stiff; stir lightly together and add other ingredients. Bake in a buttered pudding-dish and serve immediately.

Baked Omelet No 2

1/2 cup of milk boiled. Stir in the well-beaten yolks of 6 eggs till thick. Add a dessertspoon of butter and salt to taste. After removing from the fire, add whites of 6 eggs, well-beaten. Bake ten minutes in an oven heated as for cake.

Bread Omelet

Bread crumbs and parsley rubbed fine; a little chopped onion; 3 eggs beaten lightly. Add a cup of milk, pepper, salt and a little nutmeg, with a tablespoonful of butter. Bake in a moderate oven.

Baked Eggs

Separate the whites from the yolks keeping each yolk separate. Salt the whites, while beating to a stiff froth, then spread on a platter. Place the yolks at regular distances apart in cavities made in the beaten whites, and bake in a moderate oven till brown.

Eggs (au miron) with Asparagus

Cut off the green part of the asparagus the size of peas, and scald in hot water a few minutes, then put in the saucepan with a little butter, small bunch of parsley and young onions tied together (so that it can be removed before breaking the eggs on the asparagus). Add a little flour, water, salt, pepper and a little sugar, stewing together till the water is evaporated. Then put in a baking-dish and break some eggs over the top. Put a little salt, pepper and nutmeg over the eggs and cook in the oven, but not long enough to let the eggs get hard. Serve immediately.

Corn Omelet

Take the well-filled ears of corn, cut the kernels down the center, being careful not to loosen them from the cob; then takeout the pulp by pressing downward with a knife. To 3 tablespoons of corn pulp add the well-beaten yolks of 3 eggs and a little salt. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, mix with the corn, and put in a hot pan with a little butter. Cover, and place where it will not burn. When done, fold over and serve on a hot dish.

Bananas (as a breakfast dish)

Slice bananas lengthwise; put them in a buttered pan and brown in oven; or they can be dipped in butter and fried; or sliced and served cold with cream.

Baked Peppers

Cut off tops; take the seeds out and fill with sausage meat. Bake forty minutes.

Baked Beans

Soak 1 quart of pea beans over night in cold water. In morning drain and place in earthen bean-pot with 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 of pepper, 2 of sugar, 1 pound fat pork, scored; fill the pot with warm water and bake in a moderate oven all day, as water evaporates adding sufficient to keep them moist. They cannot be baked too long.


1 cup of raw salt fish; 1 pint of potatoes; 1 teaspoonful butter; 1 egg well beaten; a little pepper. Wash and pick the fish in small pieces free from bones. Pare the potatoes and cut in small pieces. Put both together in a stew-pan and cover with boiling water, and boil until the potatoes are soft. Drain off the water, mash and beat till very light. When a little cool, add the egg and fry in very hot lard.

Potatoes with Cheese

The potatoes are boiled and cut in small pieces, covered with milk or cream. Put bread crumbs and cheese over the top. Add butter and bake till brown.

Vermicelli (as a breakfast dish)

To 3 pints of bubbling, salted water, add 1 pint of the best vermicelli; boil briskly ten minutes, drain off all the water and serve hot with butter and cream.