And his brethren.
Mr. Chamberlain having obtained such
distinction in public life, it was perhaps only natural
that some of his brothers should be tempted or induced
to follow his shining star. Possibly they had
no strong inclination to distinguish themselves in
public, and were rather pressed to come forward on
account of the influential name they bore. Anyway,
some of them did appear in various offices and capacities,
but without meaning any disrespect to them or any
reflection upon their abilities, it may perhaps be
said that they found their fires so pale and ineffectual
compared with the brilliant light of their eldest brother or
it may be that they found public work comparatively
uncongenial to them that, most of them
soon preferred to efface themselves and leave one of
their family and his son to take all the honours and
have all the court cards.
Mr. Richard Chamberlain took the most
prominent position, and made the highest mark of all
Mr. Chamberlain’s brothers. He was Mayor
of Birmingham in the years 1879 and 1880. During
his years of office he was public-spirited and popular,
and in the way of civic hospitality he made things
lively and gay. He kept the Council House warm
with his entertainments, and lavished so much money
in hospitalities of one kind or another that he made
it difficult for his immediate successors to follow
in his wake, and none of them tried to do so.
So far as I could judge of his character, Mr. Richard
Chamberlain did not spend his money so freely for
the sake of purchasing popularity, and certainly not
for the sake of making ostentatious displays of his
wealth. He was naturally generous and genial,
and as Mayor of a large and important town he found
many ways of humouring his bent, and he did not mind
paying the piper pretty handsomely for his pleasure.
As is well known, he was afterwards M.P. for one of
the Islington divisions for some years. Ill-health
however overtook him, and he died much regretted on
the 2nd of April, 1899.
Another brother, Mr. Arthur Chamberlain,
was a town councillor of Birmingham for a limited
period, and owing to his business capacity he became
a useful member of the Corporation. He did not
apparently go into the Council to make a long stay,
or if he did he changed his mind, and soon retired
from municipal work. He has since spent his time
in minding his own business; in strengthening, mending,
and making certain public companies; in giving fatherly
advice to company shareholders; and in dispensing
justice, sometimes with pertinent observations, on
the local magisterial bench.
Two other brothers, Mr. Herbert and
Mr. Walter Chamberlain, have at times been induced
to take a little hand in public work, but their efforts
have been of a mild, modest, innocent character.
Now, however, they have retired into that privacy
from which they so timidly emerged. For many
reasons Mr. Chamberlain’s brothers were, perhaps,
wise not to bid high for public place and position
in Birmingham. People are apt to be needlessly
suspicious of too much family influence in public
concerns. There is always a tendency and a readiness
to inveigh against cliques, especially family cliques.
And at one time there was certainly a disposition
in some quarters to keep a jealous eye upon Joseph
and his brethren, lest they should acquire an undue
amount of influence and power. One blunt, outspoken
Scotchman, I remember, expressed this feeling in his
own characteristic way by saying, “If we don’t
mind we shall be having too much dom’d Chamberlain.”
The Chamberlain family, however, being
more or less smart, spry men, were doubtless sharp
enough to detect some inkling of this sort of feeling,
and consequently they thought it better to silence
any such cavillings by eschewing as far as they could
public life, and contenting themselves with being
brothers of a big man and sharing a little reflected
Whilst mentioning Mr. Chamberlain’s
family I must say a word of his brother-in-law, Mr.
William Kenrick, for some years M.P. for the Northern
Division of Birmingham. Mr. Kenrick was Mayor
of Birmingham in 1877, and a worthy and modest chief
magistrate he made. A generous, intelligent,
public-spirited man, he has always been liberal with
his purse and his time, and has done much to further
educational and philanthropic schemes. Mr. Kenrick
belongs to a class some cynical people consider very
“cliquey.” It is, however, to be wished
there were more such “cliquey” people
in our midst, for they are always conspicuously at
the fore in supporting by their influence and their
money every good cause which has for its object the
alleviation of suffering and the improvement of the
It is true that there was one important
project inaugurated some few years ago that did not
enlist their sympathy. This was the Birmingham
Bishopric Scheme. But, seeing that most of the
“clique” are Unitarians, they could hardly
be expected to support a proposal for the benefit of
the Established Church. It was a misfortune for
that Church that the Chamberlain party and their friends
were aliens in religious matters. Had it been
otherwise the results of the proposed scheme might
have been very different. The “clique,”
when they do support a cause, do it with no niggardly
hand, and if it had so chanced that they had been Churchmen
instead of Unitarians, the probabilities are that by
this time Birmingham would have been in possession
of a full-sized Bishop all its own, and possibly a
fine, bran-new, costly cathedral to boot.
Owing to the lack of monetary support
the Birmingham Bishopric Scheme is dead, or in such
a very sound trance that it is hardly likely to revive.
At its birth it was not very strong, and its early
existence was jeopardised by conflicting ideas among
its sponsors, chiefly caused by the difficulties in
the way of raising all the money required. Birmingham,
therefore, had to settle itself down and be content
with a Suffragan Bishop, at least for a time, and
this, it is thought, may prove to be a good long time.
In connection with the Birmingham
Unitarians I may here, perhaps, appropriately allude
to a matter connected with the growth of our modern
city. The New Meeting House of the Unitarians
in which Dr. Priestley ministered was situated on
the east side of the town, and as the congregation
was migrating westward they desired to have their place I
won’t say of worship, but their place of meeting,
nearer to their homes. Moreover, moved by the
advancing spirit of the age, they wished for a more
important and ornamental looking edifice than the extremely
plain, I might say ugly, structure which their fathers
had attended. Unitarians may appear to be rather
rigid and frigid, but they have an intelligent appreciation
of art and beauty.
Accordingly some forty years ago they
selected a site on the west side of the town, and
erected what was then considered a handsome place of
meeting, which they called the Church of the Messiah,
and which was opened in 1862. The architect of
this Church did not seem to be unduly weighed down
with Unitarian ideas. By accident or design he
marked the edifice with emblems of the Trinity, for
at the very entrance there is a large opening encircling
three arches, which are suggestively emblematical
of the Three in One.
The building of this somewhat florid
structure, and the move of the Unitarian church from
east to west, provoked a considerable amount of caustic
comment and humorous criticism at the time. These
advanced Unitarians were scoffed and sneered at for
deserting the simple tabernacle of their ancestors,
and one which was associated with the revered name
of Dr. Priestley. They were also mocked for their
greater iniquity in selling their tabernacle to the
Papists. Yes, the New Meeting House of the Unitarians
became a chapel of the Roman Catholics. They
rendered to the priests the things that were Priestley’s,
as they were reminded by a facetious paper published
at the time. But, however much the Unitarians
may have been chaffed and sneered at for abandoning
their old conventicle, they have lived it all down,
and, if I mistake not, Joseph and his brethren, the
Kenricks, the Oslers, the Beales, and others, now
congregate in peace in their un-Unitarian-looking Church
of the Messiah.