“The Iron did swim.” 2Nd
kings, vi, 6.
Did it? Then sunken things may rise.
The axe had fallen into the river,
to the great sorrow of the man who had used it.
He was an honest man, for he mourned over the fact
that it was borrowed. “It has sunk to
rise no more;” and yet it swam! Why lose
hope of the fallen and degraded? They are no
lower down than the axe head was when at the bottom
of the Jordan. “The iron did swim.”
How? for
Sunken things do not raise
If the axe had been let alone, it
might have been at the bottom of the river now.
The man who felt its loss called on a higher power
than his own. He told his sorrow to one who
had sympathy for him. Do we cry unto God about
those who have sunk out of our reach? The lapsed
masses, as we call them, were not all born so.
Many of them have been Sunday scholars, and some
of them church members. How do we feel about
them? Does the thought of their degradation
ever bring an “alas!” from our hearts?
Elisha’s God is nearer to us than the prophet
was to the man who lost the axe. “Call
on Him while He is near.”
“The iron did swim.” How was it
Somebody showed it the way.
An example was put before it.
A stick was thrown in, and the iron imitated it.
O, the power of a godly example! Let us who
work among the ungodly show them the way to live.
Let the churches move over the places where the degraded
lie. We shall never lift them while we remain
in our beautiful churches and chapels. Only
this week we saw the iron made to swim, by the personal
contact of ministers and well-dressed people taking
hold of the street folk, and cheerily inviting them
into God’s house. A man may be only “a
stick” when in the pulpit; but in hearty personal
dealing with the degraded, he may be one who can make
the iron to swim.
“Live it.”
A good man, the other day, was advising
Ministers to preach more on the doctrine of “Entire
Sanctification.” One of them replied,
“Let us live it, that
is the best way to preach
Perhaps both were right; one thing
is certain, that the way to make the doctrine more
popular is, to have more of those who believe it to
“live it.” We might greatly increase
the number of preachers, for every Christian might
preach. Women as well as men, we might preach
every day, for every duty would be a pulpit, and every
trial an oration. No one would complain the
sermons were too long; for all people are willing that
you should never cease to do them good. What
say you reader! Will you enter the ranks of
this Ministry?