2 COR. XIII. 11.
Why not? What possible objection
can there be to perfect Christianity? You like
perfection in other things. You like your watch
to keep “perfect time.” If you are
measured for a coat, you like “a perfect fit.”
You like other people to be perfect in their actions,
so far as you are concerned. You wish your children
to obey you; your wife to love you without ever wavering;
those who owe you money to pay up twenty shillings
to the pound; your servants to do their work according
to order; in a word, if you served God as you wish
everybody to serve you, you would be a perfect man.
Is that so? Then why object to “Christian
Perfection?” You say,
“I don’t believe in sinless
Well, we wish to be practical and
to do you good, and so we will take lower ground.
Do you believe that it is possible for God to make
you a very much better man than you are? O yes!
Then why not allow Him to have His own way?
Is this not the reason why some men are not striving
after “Perfection?” They like to be as
they are. Going forward means suffering, self-denial,
a struggle, “There are giants in the
Some other time we will try to encourage
those who are really anxious to possess the good land,
by shewing that Joshua and Caleb were right in saying
of the sons of Anak, “They are bread for us.”
“The bigger they are the more there is for
us to eat;” but just now, we are anxious to
shew these non-believers in perfection, that, till
they are all God is prepared to make them, they must
not say a word against our doctrine.
May you not be speaking against God’s
power to heal, to make whole? Is it not a reflection
on the Divine Workman, to say that he cannot restore
man to be so that He can say once more, “It is
very good?” It behoves us to speak with bated
breath here, but we may venture to say that the grace
which made an Enoch, can make a nineteenth century
saint, so lovely in his character, that all men shall
say, “This is God’s own work, and is like
all things which come from His hand.”
“But many of
these who profess to have
obtained this blessing are so
manifestly mistaken.”
Yes, we agree with you there.
Before long we shall have something to say to those
who believe in “Christian Perfection,”
but we are dealing now with those who do not.
We think that those who are “perfect,”
will often be the last to profess it. Any way,
they will have very little to say about themselves,
though their mouths will be filled with the praise
of God, who has done great things for them.
We almost always suspect those who have too much to
say, and wish we could make them to see how their
loud talk and small deeds tell against the doctrine.
One proof that a man is not perfect, is his censoriousness
concerning those who do not see things as he does,
or call them by the same name. But of these we
will speak at another time. What we are now
concerned about is that we should strive to be all
that God has promised to make us, and thus become living
expositions of the ability of the Lord to answer Paul’s
“I pray god, your
whole spirit and soul and
body be preserved blameless.”