1 KINGS xviii. 38.
It was fire that came direct from
heaven. It was not the first time it had fallen;
we read of it in Leviticus i as coming from before
the Lord, and consuming the sacrifice. It was
God’s way of showing His power and his favour,
and it was something that could neither be imitated
nor produced by anyone else besides Jéhovah.
TIME OF APOSTACY. The nation, headed by King
Ahab, had gone very far away from God. They needed
some signal display of God’s power to win them
back again. It is interesting to notice that
God has been in the habit of manifesting Himself in
a remarkable way just at the time when his foes seem
to be triumphing. The religion of Jéhovah was
almost forgotten, the rites of unclean idols were popular
both in court and cottage, and it was then that the
word of the Lord came to Elijah. When Satan
can produce Ahab, God can assert Himself by raising
up the seer who shall put him to shame. Has it
not been so many times since? When the rulers
had put Jesus to death, He proved His resurrection
by sending tongues of fire on those who kept His word
by remaining at Jerusalem. When Popery had placed
its iron heel upon the head of Gospel truth, Martin
Luther was converted; and later on, when a cold rigour
was upon Christendom, Wesley and Whitefield felt the
fire of God in their very bones, and were sent out
to tell of the Jesus that delivers the vilest of men.
May we not expect in these days of
blasphemy and rebuke that the fire shall fall upon
the Church, and that some shall be so filled with the
Holy Ghost that the enemies of God shall be delivered
to derision and contempt? Let us not be dismayed
by the power and number of those who are arrayed against
us. Elijah was in a minority of one.
He had the king and queen against him; hundreds of
well-fed priests opposed him; the whole nation had
turned its back on God, and were opposed to this single-handed
prophet. If the fire did not fall, he would become
their victim; but they could not prevent the fire
coming from heaven. It is the unseen forces
that are to be dreaded by the enemies of God.
There was no sign of this fire; but there was a needs-be
that Jéhovah should prove his supremacy, and He did
it unmistakably, for the fire of God fell!
Creator has a pre-emption on His universe. He
has not given the key of His treasury to any man or
angel. Those heathen priests may have been some
of them doubtless were sincere. They
had cried unto Baal for help; they had implored his
assistance; but neither the deaf idol nor the listening
devil who had invented idolatry could reach the source
of the flame which was to come, but not in reply to
their desire.
It is well for us who are sometimes
in perplexity because of the power of evil to look
at the helplessness of sin when in extremity.
These shrieking priests of Baal are a picture of
many a one since, who has cried for help and had no
reply. Let the cholera come a little nearer
our shores. As I write these words I hear it
is in Spain; it may be in London before this is printed.
There may be in the printing-office some infidel
compositor, but though he sneers at religion and those
who believe the Bible, he cannot keep away from the
pestilence as silently it steals along the street
where he sleeps! The cholera would drive infidelity
away from many a scoffer were it but to slay a few
hundreds of Englishmen. How powerless are God’s
foes at such a time!
Should there come a universal drought
that meant famine if there were not showers to come
copious and lasting, how many would look up to God
who now never think of Him! What could science
and skill do for us when rain is needed? A famine
would make Bradlaugh very unpopular. “If
the God of the Christians does not help us by sending
rain, what can we do but starve,” would be the
cry. These prophets cutting themselves and howling
their own shame supply a picture of the powerlessness
of sin when confronted with necessity.
TO PRAYER. What a scene is depicted in verses
29 and 30! There were neither voice nor any to
answer, nor any that regarded, and Elijah said, “Yes,
if we are on the side of God and righteousness we
can afford to wait.” There will be a time
when even those who have opposed us shall long to
see us act. The prophet waited for his turn,
and it came. How the priests would watch him
as he repaired the broken and neglected altar of God?
Digging a trench round the stones he had piled, and
then laying the bullock on the wood, he sent down
to the shore for water, which he continued to pour
on the sacrifice till it had filled the trench.
Ah! if the fire can consume that, it is no trick.
Those who live as near to God as Elijah did, can get
fire enough to conquer all His opponents, and need
not fear the issue.
And now he is about to pray.
How all would listen as each word smote upon their
ears. He puts God to the proof, and asks Him
to show who is master, Baal or Jéhovah. Do we
not need more of this kind of prayer? Would there
not be more of it if there was only greater faith?
Who is the God we serve? Have we Elijah’s
Lord to cry unto? Then how is it we allow the
servants of Baal to triumph over us? Prayer is
as great a power to-day as it ever was, if only we
have faith in Him who tells us, “Knock, and
the door shall be opened.” Dare we put
Him to the test, and ask for that which is sure to
bring glory to Him, feeling that if our prayers are
not answered it is God’s name that will be dishonoured
more than ours? Whenever Christians come up
to this standard they will prevail in prayer, and
be able to call down celestial fire. Pentecost
will repeat itself whenever the whole Church will wait
on the Lord, as the early Christians did, with one
accord. To believe otherwise is to reckon that
God has no care either for His glory or for a perishing
ALL OPPOSITION. The physical difficulties were
as nothing, it consumed and licked up all. Flesh,
stone, wood, and water alike were wrapped in flame,
and appeared no more. Difficulties are fuel
to the heaven-sent fire! Opposition is opportunity
to omnipotence. Does not the history of the
Church teach this over and over again? The Israelites
crossed the Red Sea “By crystal walls protected.”
The three Hebrew children “walked unburned
in fire.” Do not let us be afraid of physical
or spiritual difficulties if there is a promise or
The prophet wished to have his countrymen
converted, and prayed that their hearts might be turned
back, and this miracle convinced them that Jéhovah
“was alone among the gods, that all their idols
were as nothing before Him. And what is wanted
to bring about moral victories is the fire from above,
the same fire that fell at Pentecost, tongues of fire,
whether we shall see them or not; the people must feel
our words to burn them if we have the heaven-sent
fire. Nothing will save England and the world
but this, and do we not read, “Elias was a man
subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed
earnestly? Why should not future writers say
Jones or Robinson, or whatever your name is, was a
man, and he prayed, and there was a mighty revival?
All opposition will fall before the
fire. Neither Sacerdotalism nor Atheism can
hold its ground before the celestial burnings.
What the enemies of Jesus have to fear is for the
Church to fall upon its knees. Those who bow
before the Lord can stand upright in the presence of
His enemies. The man who, later on in this chapter,
we are told cast himself down upon the earth, and
put his face between his knees when he prayed, was
wont to say, “As the Lord God liveth before whom
I stand.” Let us only be mighty in prayer,
and we shall be mighty enough to make wicked men tremble.