Of the Mysterious Disappearance
of Herne the Hunter in the
Unable to procure any mitigation of
Surrey’s sentence, the Duke of Richmond proceeded
to the Round Tower, where he found his friend in a
small chamber, endeavouring to beguile his captivity
by study.
Richmond endeavoured to console him,
and was glad to find him in better spirits than he
expected. Early youth is seldom long dejected,
and misfortunes, at that buoyant season, seem lighter
than they appear later on in life. The cause
for which he suffered, moreover, sustained Surrey,
and confident of the Fair Geraldine’s attachment,
he cared little for the restraint imposed upon him.
On one point he expressed some regret namely,
his inability to prosecute the adventure of Herne the
Hunter with the duke.
“I grieve that I cannot accompany
you, Richmond,” he said; “but since that
is impossible, let me recommend you to take the stout
archer who goes by the name of the Duke of Shoreditch
with you. He is the very man you require.”
After some consideration the duke
assented, and, promising to return on the following
day and report what had occurred he took his leave,
and went in search of the archer in question.
Finding he had taken up his quarters at the Garter,
he sent for him and proposed the matter.
Shoreditch heard the duke’s
relation with astonishment, but expressed the greatest
willingness to accompany him, pledging himself, as
Richmond demanded, to profound secrecy on the subject.
At the appointed hour namely,
midnight the duke quitted the castle, and
found Shoreditch waiting for him near the upper gate.
The latter was armed with a stout staff, and a bow
and arrows.
“If we gain sight of the mysterious
horseman to-night,” he said, “a cloth-yard
shaft shall try whether he is of mortal mould or not.
If he be not a demon, I will warrant he rides no more.”
Quitting the Home Park, they shaped
their course at once towards the forest. It was
a stormy night, and the moon was obscured by thick
clouds. Before they reached the hill, at the end
of the long avenue, a heavy thunderstorm came on,
and the lightning, playing among the trees, seemed
to reveal a thousand fantastic forms to their half-blinded
gaze. Presently the rain began to descend in
torrents, and compelled them to take refuge beneath
a large beech-tree.
It was evident, notwithstanding his
boasting, that the courage of Shoreditch was waning
fast, and he at last proposed to his leader that they
should return as soon as the rain abated. But
the duke indignantly rejected the proposal.
While they were thus sheltering themselves,
the low winding of a horn was heard. The sound
was succeeded by the trampling of horses’ hoofs,
and the next moment a vivid flash of lightning showed
a hart darting past, followed by a troop of some twenty
ghostly horsemen, headed by the demon hunter.
The Duke of Richmond bade his companion
send a shaft after them; but the latter was so overcome
by terror that he could scarcely fix an arrow on the
string, and when he bent the bow, the shaft glanced
from the branches of an adjoining tree.
The storm continued with unabated
fury for nearly an hour, at the expiration of which
time it partially cleared off, and though it was still
profoundly dark, the duke insisted upon going on.
So they pressed forward beneath the dripping trees
and through the wet grass. Ever and anon the
moon broke through the rifted clouds, and shed a wild
glimmer upon the scene.
As they were tracking a glade on the
farther side of the hill, the spectral huntsmen again
swept past them, and so closely that they could almost
touch their horses. To the duke’s horror,
he perceived among them the body of the butcher, Mark
Fytton, sitting erect upon a powerful black steed.
By this time, Shoreditch, having somewhat
regained his courage, discharged another shaft at
the troop. The arrow struck the body of the butcher,
and completely transfixed it, but did not check his
career; while wild and derisive laughter broke from
the rest of the cavalcade.
The Duke of Richmond hurried after
the band, trying to keep them in sight; and Shoreditch,
flinging down his bow, which he found useless, and
grasping his staff, endeavoured to keep up with him.
But though they ran swiftly down the glade, and tried
to peer through the darkness, they could see nothing
more of the ghostly company.
After a while they arrived at a hillside,
at the foot of which lay the lake, whose darkling
waters were just distinguishable through an opening
in the trees. As the duke was debating with himself
whether to go on or retrace his course, the trampling
of a horse was heard behind them, and looking in the
direction of the sound, they beheld Herne the Hunter,
mounted on his swarthy steed and accompanied only by
his two black hounds, galloping furiously down the
declivity. Before him flew the owl, whooping
as it sailed along the air.
The demon hunter was so close to them
that they could perfectly discern his horrible
linéaments, the chain depending from his neck,
and his antlered helm. Richmond shouted to him,
but the rider continued his headlong course towards
the lake, heedless of the call.
The two beholders rushed forward,
but by this time the huntsman had gained the edge
of the lake. One of his sable hounds plunged into
it, and the owl skimmed over its surface. Even
in the hasty view which the duke caught of the flying
figure, he fancied he perceived that it was attended
by a fantastic shadow, whether cast by itself or arising
from some supernatural cause he could not determine.
But what followed was equally marvellous
and incomprehensible. As the wild huntsman reached
the brink of the lake, he placed a horn to his mouth,
and blew from it a bright blue flame, which illumined
his own dusky and hideous features, and shed a wild
and unearthly glimmer over the surrounding objects.
While enveloped in this flame, the
demon plunged into the lake, and apparently descended
to its abysses, for as soon as the duke could muster
courage to approach its brink, nothing could be seen
of him, his steed, or his hounds.