The school settlement The new tariff
The long night of opposition was over.
The critics were to be given the opportunity to do
constructive work. Under the leader who had
served so fitting an apprenticeship they were to guide
the political destinies of Canada for over fifteen
years. These were to be years of change and
progress, years which would bridge the gulf between
the stagnant colony of yesterday and the progressive
nation of to-day.
Mr Laurier gathered round him the
ablest group of administrators ever united in a single
Canadian Ministry. To augment his already powerful
parliamentary following he called from the provincial
administrations four of the strongest men and took
them into his Cabinet. The prime minister himself,
warned by the experiences of Mackenzie and Macdonald,
did not burden himself with a department, but wisely
decided to save his strength and time for the
general oversight and guidance of the Government.
The first task of the new Ministry
was to seek a peaceful settlement of the Manitoba
school question. A compromise was doubtless
facilitated by the fact that the same party now ruled
both in Ottawa and in Winnipeg. The province
would not restore the system of state-aided separate
schools, but amendments to the provincial law were
effected which removed the more serious grievances
of the minority. Provision was made for religious
teaching in the last half-hour of the school day,
when authorized by the trustees or requested by the
parents of a specified minimum of pupils. Any
religious denomination might provide such teaching,
upon days to be arranged. Where the attendance
of Roman Catholic children reached twenty-five in rural
and forty in urban schools, a Catholic teacher should
be engaged upon petition, and equally a non-Catholic
teacher should be engaged for a Protestant minority
similarly situated. Where ten pupils spoke French
or any other language than English as their native
tongue, bi-lingual teaching should be provided.
In the ordinary work of the school the children were
not to be divided on denominational lines, and the
schools were to remain public schools in every sense.
The settlement was accepted generally
in the country as a reasonable ending of the strife as
the best that could be done in the circumstances.
Edward Blake, counsel for the Catholic minority,
declared it more advantageous than any legislation
which could have been secured by coercion. Speaking
in the House of Commons (March 1897) in defence of
the settlement, Mr Laurier again declared his doctrine,
’that the smallest measure of conciliation was
far preferable to any measure of coercion.’
The settlement, he continued, was not as advantageous
to the minority as he would have desired; ’still,
after six long years of agitation, when the passions
of men had been roused to the highest pitch, it was
not possible to obtain more, nor for the Government
of Manitoba to concede more, under present circumstances.’
By the Catholic authorities, however,
the compromise was not accepted. They denounced
it as sanctioning a system of mixed and neutral schools
which the Church had condemned, and as sacrificing
to fanaticism the sacred rights of the minority.
Archbishop Langevin vigorously attacked the settlement
and all the parties to it, and some of his brother
ecclesiastics in Quebec agreed with him. Voters
in by-elections were told that they had to choose
between Christ and Satan, between bishop and erring
politician. The leading Liberal newspaper
of Quebec City, L’Electeur, was formally
interdicted every son of the Church was
forbidden to subscribe to it, sell it, or read it,
’under penalty of grievous sin and denial of
the sacraments.’ So the war went on, until
finally a number of Catholic Liberals, in their private
capacity, appealed to Rome, and a papal envoy, Mgr
Merry del Val, came to Canada to look
into the matter. This step brought to an end
a campaign as dangerous to the permanent welfare of
the Church itself as it was to political freedom and
to national unity.
The other issue which had figured
in the general elections was the tariff. At
the approach of power the fiscal policy of the Liberals
had moderated, and it was to moderate still further
under the mellowing and conservative influences of
power itself. The Liberal platform of 1893 had
declared war to the knife upon protection. In
1896, however, it was made plain that changes would
not be effected hastily or without regard to established
interests. In correspondence with Mr G. H. Bertram
of Toronto, published before the election, Mr Laurier
stated that absolute free trade was out of the question,
and that the policy of his party was a revenue tariff,
which would bring stability and permanence,
and would be more satisfactory in the end to all manufacturers
except monopolists. He added prophetically that
’the advent of the Liberals to power would place
political parties in Canada in the same position as
political parties in England, who have no tariff issue
distracting the country every general election.’
The new Government lost no time in
grappling with the problem. A tariff commission
was appointed which sat at different centres and heard
the views of representative citizens. Then in
April 1897 Mr Fielding brought down the new tariff.
It was at once recognized as a well-considered measure,
an honest and a long first step in redeeming platform
promises. In the revision of the old tariff beneficent
changes were effected, such as abolition of the duties
on binder twine, barbed wire, and Indian corn, substantial
reductions on flour and sugar, the substitution of
ad valorem for specific duties, and a provision
for reducing the duty on goods controlled by trusts
or combines. The duties on iron and steel were
reduced, but increased bounties were given on their
production in Canada. More important, however,
than such specific changes was the adoption of the
principle of a minimum and maximum tariff.
A flat reduction of twelve and a half per cent, to
be increased later to twenty-five per cent, on all
goods except wines and liquors, was granted to countries
which on the whole admitted Canadian products on terms
as favourable as Canada offered. This, although
not so nominated in the bond, amounted in intention
to the British preference which the Liberal party had
urged as early as 1892, for, except New South Wales
and possibly one or two low-tariff states like Holland,
Great Britain was believed to be the only country
entitled to the minimum rate. But the Belgian
and German treaties, already mentioned, by which
Great Britain had bound her colonies, stood in the
way. While those treaties remained in force,
so the law-officers of the Crown advised, Germany
and Belgium would be entitled to the lower rates,
and automatically France, Spain, and other favoured
nations. It Canada was to be free to carry out
her policy of tariff reform and imperial consolidation,
it became essential to end the treaties in question.
Sir Charles Tupper, now leading the Opposition, declared
that this could not be done.